
Death note, A second chance(Rewritten)

Light was almost killed by getting shot and died on the stairs due to a heart attack but when he went to Mu his soul was to curropted to enter, so he had to suffer each death of his victims over and over again, until each victim was satisfied . Once his last victim's soul passed he was somehow reincarnated into his 17 year old self , but he wasn't in the world he knew. Things somehow changed and Kira struck again. With a new future and a change in fate can he catch Kira before it's to late ??

Amy555 · Cómic
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16 Chs

Chapter 2.3

The hell ??

Mikami killed Kira ?!

L was not believing it , the most righteous persecutor commited murder in cold blood and admitted it to live television for Christ sakes .

L was almost impressed by his stupidity, but when he noticed that this killer has the Shinigami eyes he was shocked.

A memory flashes in his memory .


" When a death note owner makes an Shinigami eye deal they will gain the ability to know people's names by looking at their face.

But in return they will lose half of their live span and Oh My Misa-"

Light started to cry and held on to L for comfort .

" S...she did that out of love ... I'm so sorry..."

It took a few minutes to calm Light down so he can keep talking.


Mikami Teru has a death note.

He is the new Kira .

As Ukita went to go outside to stop the broadcast L stopped him.

" It's bait .

He's waiting for us to try and arrest him so we can get killed . "

" How ?

Unless.... "

L nods and the task force turns cold .

" He has the power of Kira now.

We must be extra careful "

L looks at the task force with an ugly scowl.

" The worst thing is that he's using Light for bait .

Kira crazed fans will try and get to him if they find out who this ' Moon god ' is. "

L said and got his phone .

" I'm going to call some people, they can help protect your families."

And L walks out the room with the most ugliest scowl on his face .


Near and Mello were shocked seeing how L called them.

It suprised them more when L was showing emotions , anger .

" And after finally finding out who Kira is that fucker got killed by a pedophilic persecutor and got his death note taken by him ! "

L complained through the phone in rage as Mello and Near nearly laughed out loud .

" Seems like you need help in this case."

" Yes , it seems so .

But before you all move to Japan with me I suggest you not to refer to Light as Kira ."

" Of course we won't , dude got punished enough . "

Mello said and Near was confused .

" What do you mean ??"

" Near , in the last lifetime before getting reincarnated Light had to suffer for his crimes .

And that's all I can say. "

L said calmly .

Near was suprised and Mello nodded .

" Since he already got what he deserved and is fixing his mistakes I think we can give him a second chance. "

" I agree , but L what do you need help with ?

And why both of us ??"

"Near I need your help on a strategy on how to arrest Kira with the least amount of deaths possible.

Mello I need your quick thinking to help us detain or kill Kira if Near's plan fails or gets sabotaged by Kira and for you to help protect the police's families from crazed Kira fans .

Both roles are important to this case. "

" Get us our room ready L , I've been waiting to kill Kira for 4 years ."

Mello and Near said with a smile and L closes the call with a wicked smile .


Light was looking around in horror .

In all people Ryuk , why Mikami ?!

In his previous life Kira used his devotion ,obsession and lust to try and kill the task force but now...

Light shivered in fear.

There's nothing stopping him ...

Soichiro tries to calm Light down and Light held his hand .

" Don't worry son, we'll catch this new Kira as fast as possible."

Light could only hope .


I was in pure joy and rage , seeing my angel's death note in his hands.

As expected of my angel wrote 0 names on it , but that Kira wrote his name hundreds of times , a thousand if all those torn paper in his room counted .

Good thing for me that i burned it all down.

Feeling better of myself i went to go spy on the task force , wearing a disguise of course .

i use tons of disguises to go from place to place , even managing to get a job at the task force as a janitor.

Seeing my Light so closely yet from afar made my heart soar.

Yet no matter how close i get i never saw the rest task force's faces in person .

Not because they don't trust me , i was a janitor for them for 7 months .

It's just that Watari is the only cleaner aloud near the task force room , where the task force work on cases and where they take their masks off.

And most of all , where Light goes to work with L .

It was heart soaring when i heard that Light fainted when i heard the good news from Matsuda .

That idiot warmed up to me the most.

Of course i feigned concern and pity for Light and when he heard what L called me when calling someone in frustration i pretended to laugh , yet i was furious.

When he went back to one of his secret houses , announcing to the world that i was Kira's killer i know i can't live in my old house .

Ryuk was after me laughing at my misery .

"Seems that L won't allow you to get near him "

" Quiet Shinigami.

L only needs a bit of counciling , and if he doesn't accept my pure love for my Angel ...

Than I'll take him from my way "

Me , A pedophile ??

I only want my Angel to be safe and mine , of course you might be suspicious since the first Kira had an obsession with my Angel but I can promise that I would never harm my angel in any way .

I thought as a smile krept on my face .

I grab my notebook and started to write down criminals names and of the like .

I really should choose better people ...

But this is getting to interesting !!


I was sick, how much is my big brother going to suffer ??

I look at mom as her face turns into grave worry when that spycho said Light's kanji name .

I hug mom tightly and after a few minutes of crying a man showed up , he had blond hair and a goth fit.

" You must be his relatives , hello .

My name is M and I'm here to appoint for you two bodyguards."

Honestly me and mom saw it coming, yet it still shocked us .

" Don't worry, we'll catch this killer and make him pay for what he did . "

We nodd and the man walked away .

As I see him disappear into a car I saw 2 men working in the garden.

They must be our bodyguards...

Light , what did you ever do to deserve this ??


I was impressed by this task force , they were all alive unlike last time.

" Well Light saved us and the FBI agents .

Still it wasn't worth it if that fucker somehow got Kira's power . "

Near was suprised , Light really did change...

But what kind of turture did he have to endure if the worst killer in history to save those who sent him there ?

Near than sat next to L and the 2 started to strategize .

" Sniping ...No ...alive. ... sorrounding....how ??"

Till Matsuda walked in .

" Wow we have 2 L's now !

Light sure is going to be suprised."

Near cringed .

He'll be suprised alright.

Then he saw Light and oh dear .

Instead of once the pride filled killer with a god complex there was a scared teenager .

Light was still tidy but instead of suits he wears a baby blue sweater and some jeans .

Was his previous clothing a way to feel secure about himself ?

And unlike the Light in the past life this one was more toned down.

Light stood still when he saw Near and almost fainted again .

" L , what happened to him ??"

" Light-kun is trying to heal , but every time I make progress a fucker shows up and-"

L grits his teeth .

" Let's catch this new Kira , criminals have been dying left and right ."

Near nodded and he turned to see Light holding Soichiro's hand for support.

His hands were trembling and he was muttering.

But with his training in lip reading he knew perfectly what Light was muttering.

"I don't...I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ... I'm sorry sorry N... I shouldn't have hurt you.... Nor M ....I'm sorry "

Did Near was that right ??

His eyes widened as Light was guided into another room.

L looked at Near with rage .

It wasn't directed at him though.

" Every time he panics he starts to apologize, not because he actually did something wrong ...

It's because it's all he could do when he was being punished . "

L said as he continues to work .

" He already got justice , he doesn't deserve this… not anymore. "

this one Is early cus I have a test week and I need to study

Thank you so much for reading and supporting me owo

Amy555creators' thoughts