
Death note, A second chance(Rewritten)

Light was almost killed by getting shot and died on the stairs due to a heart attack but when he went to Mu his soul was to curropted to enter, so he had to suffer each death of his victims over and over again, until each victim was satisfied . Once his last victim's soul passed he was somehow reincarnated into his 17 year old self , but he wasn't in the world he knew. Things somehow changed and Kira struck again. With a new future and a change in fate can he catch Kira before it's to late ??

Amy555 · Cómic
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16 Chs

Chapter 1.4 L

In a room filled with political and police leaders from around the globe a discussion was being made.

" This is pointless! All these people are criminals any way!"

" They are not ! All those so called criminals were framed , evidence lead to that ."

" So how can we know this is murder? All of them were reported to die from heart attacks."

" At least let them die of guns or something, then we have something to go on "

" I can assure you , this is one of the most gruesome murders that ever happened , I will need all of your help to solve this case."

Said a static voice on a portable T.V .

" Who is that ??"

Said Matsuda , a young police to his superior, Soichiro.

" That is L , he is the best detective in the world. The man in disguise holding the T.V is Watari , he's the only one who can contact L."

Soichiro said quietly as Matsuda looked around.

" Trust me that we will catch Kira and put him to justice ."


I was born with a privileged life , a money privilege life .

Yet no matter how much money I brag all the people's eyes are on him.

Raito Yagami.

I never really got why he gets all the women's attention.

Sure he was smart but I saw nothing else of him.

Till I met him myself .

He was perfect.

Tall , beautiful , determined , a little strong and very considerate, he was like a perfect husband.

So I started to search a weakness , what does he like?

What does he hate ?

What type of woman does he like ?

Sure it was hard to buy a good spy but I had the money to skip.

Yet on one day I saw him throw a note book away .

Is there something he doesn't want others to see ?

I grab the note book and went home and my, my.

A death note that can actually kill ?

Light , what are you?

I'm sure you want me to do good with this , but I can't.

All the names I write down have one thing in common .

They are disgusting.

They don't deserve to even breath .

Those people are nothing worse then specks of dirt , do you want to know why??

Cause they take my money from me , begging my dad for money to pay for a lawyer yet never paying up when time comes.

Yet they all get away with it .

Some flee , some play the victim game and some go hide behind the police.

Disgusting .

What made me so mad at this world.

Yet there you were , shining like a star to those who are drowned in darkness , you never noticed how people look at you .

What they think of you when you pass by.

So I will be your protector .

Until I get you to myself .

As I kept writing I suddenly heard a terrifying voice .

" I never saw a human write so many names before ."

It was a monster, eyes as red as the blood I spilled with a wicked grin .

I didn't even notice my butler running to help me .

" Are you alright ?"

" Yes. Now ... Please leave "

As told the butler left my room , not noticing my killing weapon.

" What are you ?"

" I am a god of death and what you have is Light's death note. "

Said that monster in a happy tone.

" Compared to others you are very more calm . You wrote lots of names too "

I shrugged .

" So you are a god of death ?? "

" Yes "

" And this note book is Light's ??"

" 100 percent . "

" So why are you here ?"

" Well when a death note falls on Earth and a human touches it it will be theirs until they relinquish ownership , die or when the book is filled "

" So it's like a wallet "

" Yes , now Light hasn't relinquish ownership of the note book, so it's technically his . "

" So if he dies ??"

" The note book will be yours . "

I think for a second before writing Light's name down .

I'm sorry Light , but if I don't kill you your father will find out who I am .

Yet after 40 seconds my spy reported everything is normal with Light .

He didn't die .

How ??

The death god was also surprised to say the least.

" This ... is so interesting!"


Did kira, try to kill me ??

I felt my heart slowly beating back to normal.

What the hell ??

I quickly went to check up on Sayu if she is okay.

" Sayu ?? Are you okay ?"

" I'm fine, Light ever since kira came you are very overprotective. "

" I know , I just don't want you to get hurt "

Yet Sayu noticed how shriveled up my shirt is .

" Light did something happened ?? "

" No , I just got a little paranoid. "

I went back to my room in fear.

What the hell ??

Nobody ever survived a death note like that...

Is kira going to kill me ...

No ! I am the eldest son and the smartest student in Japan .

I managed to trick the whole world of my innocence.

I can do it again (but I'm already innocent), actually solve the case and bring Kira to justice !