
Death note, A second chance(Rewritten)

Light was almost killed by getting shot and died on the stairs due to a heart attack but when he went to Mu his soul was to curropted to enter, so he had to suffer each death of his victims over and over again, until each victim was satisfied . Once his last victim's soul passed he was somehow reincarnated into his 17 year old self , but he wasn't in the world he knew. Things somehow changed and Kira struck again. With a new future and a change in fate can he catch Kira before it's to late ??

Amy555 · Cómic
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16 Chs

Chapter 1.3 A second chance

He was in his old room , on his bed , but it didn't feel like it.

He got up and went in the mirror and touched his face .

It wasn't the same , all he could see was another him .

" Aren't we the best ?"

" What ?"

" Now that we're back we can cause chaos again , and become the gods of the Ne-"

" No. "

" ....What ? "

" I said no . "

" Aren't you ready to help the innocent ? They-"

" Don't need me , I'll only cause the pain to be hidden from the public ."

" You'll save them !! Don't you care for -"

" No . Neither should you , I got a second chance to live the life I abandoned , YOU are dead and to be forgotten. This is my choice."

" No you can't !! We'll save millions and we can ...Light, Light LIGHT !!!"

Light broke the mirror into pieces , breaking his past with it .

" Goodbye Kira. "

Suddenly a door opens and Sayu came running.

" Big bro I heard a scream are you-"

He hugged her tightly .

" It's over. "

" What do you mean ? Your hand is bleeding!!"

" Sayu don't , I'm fine ."

" Clearly you're not !! I'll get the Medical Aid "

Sayu left the room and came back with his mom with Medical Aid.

" Light !! What happened ?! "

" Mom I told Sayu I'm fine "

" Well clearly you're not ! Come here "

As Light got his hand bandaged Sayu noticed the relief on his face .

* Bro , what were you hiding ??*

After Light got bandaged the 3 went downstairs.

Dad was at the door of his room worried .

" Is Light okay ? I came as fast as i could."

" Yes dad I'm fine. "

His voice was near tears , he couldn't bare to look at him anymore , not with out remembering the hospital room he died in .

" He's not ! We came in and his hand was bleeding !"

" Light... Don't tell me you've been... "

" ... "

The room was silent.

" Light answer me "

" Dad I said I'm fine , you don't need to worry for me , I'll never self harm. "

Everyone in the room was silent.

* ' I'll '... Not ' I'd ' ... That means he has done it before *

Light went downstairs.

" Come on , let's eat breakfast before the food gets cold . "

They ate and put the issue aside .

" Light we'll talk about this later , now don't be late . "

Light nodded and went to school .

At school it was still boring , but he paid attention no least .

But everyone has been looking at his hand .

" What happened ?"

* Why are all of you crowding me ? I don't remember being friends with you *

" An accident, nothing else."

They didn't leave him alone after that answer, till Light had enough and as soon the bell rung Light stormed out of the room.

* Yes I was a popular boy but never this popular !*

When he went outside he saw the Death note again and the first thing be did was throwing it away .

" Not today Satan "

He then walked home ..

On his way home he saw the news of a hostage situation.

He knew something was wrong when the children ran out like last time .

He was right .

The reports of the dead criminal went viral .

" No.... I should've burned that book. "

He went home quickly after that , on his way he saw a woman getting harrased by a mobile gang , and as he remembered a truck came from nowhere and attacked the Leader , but unlike his memory the truck killed the woman with the Leader.

" The hell ? Call the police !!"

Soon the police came and he was questioned.

Soon the news came and questioned him as well.

He answered honestly and he was aloud to go home.

When he came home his family was worried.

" We saw you on the news giving a report to the journalists , we were so worried !"

Sayu hugged him and Light nodded.

" That looked to convenient to be an accident , an empty truck right when the 2 were crossing the road ? I believe that this was a murder "

Said Soichiro and I agreed.

" Yeah. It would be to convenient for that to happen . "

And days after a wide criminal killing spree began all over the globe .

I couldn't believe it.

Kira has returned .

It was 10 pm when light hacked into his dad's computer and searched up the Kira case .

But this time it isn't me, someone else is going to suffer what I had...

" All I have to do is to convince them that the Death note exists and Kira's abilities comes from it , how hard can it possibly be ? "

Light then read each of the victims history .

" Strange...Most of them are actually framed...Is Kira a politician of some sort ? No i threw the death note in the trash ... Someone rich maybe ... No...A intelligent and rich teacher or student ... "

Unknown to Light the door was open and Soichiro heard him thinking .

* What... A death note ? What do you know son ?*