
Death Leveling

A world filled with magic, systems, and monsters—in a closed society of the Immigrant City, lives an 18-year-old boy with the dream of leaving the walls and exploring the unknown outer world. However, upon getting evaluated, he scores so low that not even a system shows up—not wanting to give up, the boy insists and becomes a Player regardless. In a team with three others, Dantes sets out on a difficult journey outside the walls—quickly, follows an incident that turns everything upside down—including his own fate and role in the world. Plans: 2 chapters/day Synopsis: Going to change as I write more of the story Note: Nothing will go as you expect Cover Credits: Some Random Pinterest Image

rulerofeverything · Fantasía
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28 Chs

The Reaper

Dark clouds and melancholic tears from the sky—the heavens are grieving over sins that I'll have to take to the grave, the depths unlike any seen before.

Walking in the rain, soaked rotten I felt two strong presences ahead—the same second I detected them, the two presences were already behind me, along with two more guys that I couldn't detect in front of me.

"Dantes W. Reaper, correct?" Asked the man with white hair and an arm made out of pitch-black scales.

"Correct—and you would be?" I replied.

"I'm one of Im City's 12 Guardians, Deat, ranked 31—my squad and I are here to assist Arial Grimmer upon his request for backup. I see that you're alone, Dantes—would you happen to know what happened to your peers, Xter and Ella?"

His presence is weak—is he concealing his power? Two of them seem to be doing that; are the two strong ones I detected just not strong enough for that then?

"They are… umm… unfortunately in the stomach of some monster—I ran away, but they were in catatonic states so I couldn't save them," I replied in a defeated voice; who wouldn't after their dear comrades got eaten?

"I see," Deat turned his head towards the other three and nodded his head, "in that case, just relay all the information you have regarding Gravestown to us and then continue going towards the Im City."

I answered in confusion, "Gravestown?" He replied in a tone re-affirming himself, "Gravestown is the location of the report Arial sent—is the name troubling you in some way?"

Understood—the original name was Gravestown, but then it got infested by those demons and had the name changed to rypU Town. "It's no longer Gravestown—the new name of the Town appears to be rypU Town."

Deat tilted his head, "changing the name of a town is illegal without notifying neighboring cities and towns—everything is starting to make sense now," he sighed and added, "so, what exactly happened there?"

Holding back a grin, "the civilians started exploding into nothing but blood; a teleportation incident happened and everyone except Arial lost a limb or even limbs; all of the civilians attacked us and we had to fight them to death; Arial decided that genocide is the only option, so he sent us off and took on the mission on his own."

He kept asking me questions, so ultimately, I made a claim, "Arial also said that some of them were giving even him trouble, so I urge you to hurry and assist him—he doesn't even know what happened to Xter and Ella yet, which makes me depressed."

"Very well. Continue your trip to the walls and relay all of this information to the headquarters once you're there, in that case," I nodded and started walking to the opposite direction they were.

"Oh, and by the way," I stopped in my tracks, "you said everyone lost limbs, right? So, how come you have all your limbs, Dantes W. Reaper?"

I looked at my right hand, which was completely mobile and functional, "oh, this?" Then I glanced at him, "Arial gave me some potion and then my lost arm got attached again."

I could see skepticism on Deat's face, but lacking anything to work with, he simply replied, "I see, very well then," and continued going.

I proceeded to stand in the rain for a few minutes, not moving or doing anything—this is such a bizarre sensation, I thought, I guess I really was reborn.

Just stood… getting poured on relentlessly.

Began grinning.

"This really is…"

Went up next to a tree—slowly moved my hand towards it and it punctured the tree straight on without me even using any pressure whatsoever; this sharpness is downright ridiculous.

Gradually, my grin turned even more sinister.

Decided to test it out more…

Went up to a rock…

My hand went straight into it—began moving my hand inside the rock and it was breaking all over.

Then I pulled out my hand and took a deep breath… exhaled and shadow particles came out from everywhere.

Put my palm on my face and started quietly laughing, then it escalated further and further, until eventually I was hysterically laughing while getting completely soaked in this depressing rain.

"To think that was your goal, Xter…"

Couldn't contain myself.

"And Ella…" slightly giggled…

Afterwards, I began running towards the direction the compass pointed—decided to quit playing around and actually hurry; no longer have any deadweight dragging me down, after all.

While having the rain and wind hit me in the face, I held my arm straight to the right side and cut all the trees down while running—it's as if I'm made out of iron; I couldn't believe this physical prowess.

Then from the corner of my eye, I noticed a presence—is it a monster? I paused my run and closed my eyes, "52… no, exactly 53 goblins."

Opened my eyes and, while menacingly standing with a faint smile, turned towards the direction of their little wandering horde, "found you, cuties," I whispered seductively.

Standing behind one of them, I raised it from behind and then stabbed it through its small chest using my bare hand—what I had on my palm was a little red heart!

"So, you guys have these too? Yet you're so infamous for targeting specifically children and women?" I joyfully asked my rhetorical question.

They started shooting arrows at me, "are you sure about that?" Proceeded to use the goblin's body as a shield and gathered all of the arrows that way.

Without looking, I threw the body behind me and then ran up to one of the archers. Fearfully, it glared at me while letting out his little goblin squirms—it's truly a shame these worthless creatures can't speak, isn't it?

Using just a single finger, I cut off its arms and legs. I guess it can feel pain pretty well—it's screaming pretty wildly, after all!

"Hmm…" I glanced at the rest of them—I guess they really are pussies though, aren't they? They're backing off in fear already!—no wonder they only pick fights with either children or women.

I don't know why, but I couldn't really feel any sympathy for these creatures—they're all just a waste of space, so perhaps I should've simply eliminated them, but I couldn't help myself but play around with them as if I'm some child! Ended up ripping off all their limbs and leaving them be…

Didn't take long to get right next to the wall… I just press my palm on it, right?