
Death isn't just a burial! Losing someone you love is like dying!

Renad_Novel · Adolescente
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3 Chs


18 years ago:

His screaming was loud and clear evidence of the madness that he intended to suppress "Leave me.. It is impossible for me to let her see the sunlight after what she did!!!"

Mansour raised his gun in Asmaa's face, who was not noticing anything. How would she notice when she is unable to hear or speak? She moved her eyes to those around her… Everyone was silent. No one was willing to explain what had happened… 

The only one who did not like what was happening walked away and forcefully pulled the gun from Mansour "Have you lost your mind, Mansour?"

Mansour hit Muhammad's chest and tried to get the gun back from him, but he couldn't, especially since Muhammad was much larger and taller than him "You are the one who lost your mind, Muhammad... after I saw her with my own eyes while she was with him in the room!!! And the door is locked too!!!!!!"

Muhammad moved his eyes to his father, waiting for him to respond "Dad, say something... Calm down your son before I go rash and break his head or one of his ribs…"

Sultan moved his eyes from Muhammad and Mansour to his son Osama, who was standing coldly, as if the issue did not concern him, and Ahmed, who was sympathetic but afraid to interfere between them. Then to his nephew Jassem, who was giving the matter a look of disgust... and finally to Asmaa, his wife (by name), whose eyes were full of tears in his direction, and then he said "Muhammad!!! .. Mansour is right... What makes a strange man enter a woman's bedroom!!! And the door is closed on them!!"

Muhammad: "I told you a worker fixed her broken air conditioning.. She told me!!! And the door must have been locked by someone..!!!"

Osama looked angry "Somebody!!! Like who!! All the workers were in the garden preparing for the party, and your aunt was the only one in the house with the worker, whom she did not know how to ask for until today. We did not know about him until my brother Mansour came and saw her door locked. Of course, locking the door is forbidden for her, whether she is alone or with any of us. So how can the door be locked with her and a stranger?"

Muhammad: "Shut up, Osama!!!!!!! I will hit you if you say this again.... My aunt is innocent!!!!!!!"

"No, she is innocent!!!!!" Everyone's eyes moved to the 14-year-old boy as he confidently entered.

Muhammad exhaled forcefully and said: "Repeat your words if you are a man, Nawaf!!!!"

Nawaf smiled while blinking his blue eyes "This is not the first time this worker has entered the house and you can check on the maids... nor is it the first time I have seen him with her, who thinks she is bribing me with a few pennies that she gives me."

Muhammad madly pulled Nawaf's hand, where he was yelling at Asmaa, and hit him hard to the ground. Jassim ran to him and forcefully pulled his son from the hands of the crazy Muhammad. "Your problems, do not involve my son in them, Muhammad... He said what he saw... And do not forget that children do not lie.."

Nawaf was pretending to cry on his father's chest while smiling. A child, this is how they looked at him, even though his mind was much older than his age..

Mansour shouted "What more proof do you want than this? This aunt of yours must die... She will die and her shame will die with her!!!"

Muhammad walked to his aunt, who was afraid of him, and put his hand on her shoulders "You said it with your tongue!! My aunt!! Because she is my aunt, I will decide her fate!!!!!!!! Since my father divorced her and all of you are not her nephews!!!!!"

Sultan: "What do you mean, Muhammad?"

Muhammad: "I can no longer stay in this house, my father!!!! If my aunt Asmaa is not staying!!!"

Osama: Hahaha, so you think with your behavior you are forcing us to accept what she did!!!

Muhammad: You remain silent and do not speak!! I am talking to my father... my father... for the last time, if my aunt Asmaa remains... I will stay, and this is my last word…

Sultan, with his weak personality, is accustomed to taking Osama and Mansour's side. "Muhammad, if you continue this thing, I have no choice but to tell you to go out with her, otherwise we will slaughter her."

Ahmed, out of oppression, finally spoke: "Father!!!!!!!!"

Muhammad extended his hand in front of Ahmed and quietly spoke to his father: "If this is your decision!! Well... I will now go take Jassar and Fawaz and the things I own from my own money and go out... I promise you that neither I, nor my aunt, nor even my children will show you our faces after today!! We will not ask you for anything…"

Ahmed walked to his father and started begging him: "Father, please!!! Please stop Muhammad!!"

Sultan pushed his youngest child away from him and gave Muhammad an angry look "Get out of here. You are not my son and I do not know you!!!!!"

Muhammad took Asmaa with him and quickly went to his room... He took his children and his belongings as he said and left the house without speaking…

Ahmed collapsed in pain for his brother whom he loved. Osama and Mansour exchanged glances for a while, and then everyone went their own way. Sultan's face, despite all the pretense, showed pain and some fear. Jassim pulled his son Nawaf into his pavilion....

Sarah: Jassim, my love, what happened????

Jassim shook his head sadly and was about to speak, but he paid attention to Nawaf, even though he knew that Nawaf understood the matter. He pulled his wife to his private room and told her what had happened. There was no need to know anything he did not know and delved into a topic older than his age. But if they knew that Nawaf's mind and thinking were greater than everyone else. After the bedroom door was closed. Nwaf smiled triumphantly and took out the key to Asmaa's room from his pocket. "This is Asmaa, the love of your heart, and dear Muhammad, they are out of your life, Sultan.... And what is coming to you is definitely bigger... As long as my head smells the air... You will regret and regret until you wish for death to come and take you..!!!"

* *Riyadh* *

"I thank you for your understanding of the situation, Mr. Abdel Nasser... and I hope you will not hesitate to ask for any help in the future, whether at work or otherwise, for we will remain friends despite everything that has happened…"

In his huge office, the head of the Nawaf Al-Badr Group of Companies announced... his takeover of Abdel Nasser Al-Khaled's companies... which was completely legitimate and legal. Abdel Nasser bet on his company and entered into a deal in which Nawaf easily won, especially when it was in his private field. .. The field in which everyone who tried to enter was easily destroyed, no matter where he was. ...and this is something that has become known among merchants... Nawaf is a red line that no one should approach... and whoever takes risks and deals with him must take all precautions… Of course, Abdel Nasser was one of these adventurers, and as usual, he lost and appeared broken while Nawaf smiled at the members of his board of directors "We can now celebrate this great victory. A company with important branches in Turkey and Egypt with a capital of 70 million dollars... in addition to how many important stores here in the Kingdom."

Nawaf waited a few minutes and then raised his eyebrows at the council members, some of whom were employees of the company and the other part were just owners. "Can I understand the reason for this calmness??"

Nawaf's father was the most daring person to speak after taking a long breath "My son, Nawaf... There was no need at all for you to behave like this... Abdel Nasser is Nassar's son, an old partner of my father and my uncle... a great and respected man... There was no need for you to…"

Nawaf coldly smiled and interrupted him "My dear father... work is one thing and emotions and feelings are another… Since the day I took over this job, it has been thriving and expanding, and the most important reason in my view is that all my feelings and emotions are left at the office door.... I had forgotten them all as soon as I entered… If I prioritize this person because he is my father's friend, because he is my relative, and because he is our neighbor's son, I will never advance and I will remain confined to the small community that you deal with. This is the thing that prevented you from progressing in Western societies... and expanding our trade and deals further…"

Ahmed (Deputy Director): "Dear Nawaf, what your father means is not what you imagined... I am sure that he meant the way to withdraw the property from Abdel Nasser... I mean, if you left them a chance... at least…"

Nawaf: "If I give this person a chance... then I must leave others chances as well, and you must know, my dear uncle, that for every second we give them, we can earn millions…"

Fares (Director of the Planning Department): Nawaf is absolutely right... We can start planning for our new project from this moment, and thus the expected profit for this month will double twice…

Ahmed: Fares.. You talk about money as if it is everything, knowing that we have had enough and more for many years.... There is no need at all to insult and upset people we cherish because of it.. I, as the deputy director, have the right to object.

Nawaf gave Ahmed a strong look "You have the right to object, it is true since you are a member of the Board of Directors... but I am the owner of 51% of the shares and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. When I say something, it is implemented even without the approval of all of you... including my dear father... who I hope will not be upset by my words. …"

As usual, Jassim (Nawaf's father) was upset by his son's words, but he pretended otherwise, even though everyone knew his true feelings towards his eldest son.

Nawaf spent the board of directors on the buffet that he had allocated on the occasion of the success, and he remained alone... in the sea of his deep thoughts, the surface of which no one has been able to reach their depth until this moment…

"Idiots... everyone around me is stupid... They love those who don't love them and defend those who are willing to sell them at the cheapest price... Love yourself but that is the only way to live... The strong live happily and the weak must bear the consequences of their weakness... ..Death after long-suffering."

* *Kuwait* *

Several hours ago, in one of the girls' secondary schools... the eleventh grade... the students, as they do every minute, enter one of them and hear the repeated comments from some of the girls…

One of the students: "Even you joined the list of cowards, hahahahahaha"

Iman, who is one of the boldest girls in the class, was embarrassed when she entered the class and heard the comment "I couldn't wear it... My father was angry... and he was afraid that the administration would punish me…"

Despite the justification, everyone laughed, especially the one who couldn't stand her the most, Hind "Hahaha, in fact, the matter is impossible.. There is no need for you to pretend to be strong and challenge others…"

Iman stuck out her tongue to her "The class is not complete... Nouf has not come yet..

Hind burst out laughing "Hahahahahahahaha You are hoping for good…"

Hind had not finished speaking. The girl they were talking about entered the class, quietly carrying her bag on her back. "Hello.."

Hind laughed as she looked at the face of Iman, who got nervous and exploded "Nouf, we agreed yesterday to wear the black scarf in protest against their impossible curricula and exams!!!!!!!"

Nouf innocently moved her eyes to the girls in the class and answered calmly "I didn't agree to the topic at all. Secondly, I'm not the only one who didn't wear it, so why are you talking to me like this, Amoun?"

Hind arrogantly laughed "The eye of reason, my dear brother's fiancée… Did you hear that, Iman the frog...!!!"

Nouf smiled shyly. Iman was defeated by her words and hit Hind with her pen box. As usual, they had to keep the girls away from each other…

The lesson began and the boring mathematics lesson was the first... After the unsolicited greeting of those who hated their teacher, the journey of humiliation began. "I tried as hard as I could to fix all the exams yesterday so that you can see them and enjoy your bad grades during the weekend... and know how your level is going and adjust your way of studying…"

Amira, one of the excellent students in the class, raised her hand in shame "Teacher, excuse me, did the whole class get bad grades?"

The teacher said in an angry tone "No!!!! Your score is 15 out of 20, Amira, and for your level, it should be more than that.."

Iman whispered to her friend Razan "If Amira got 15, how much did we get?"

Razan: "God protect us, we seem to have failed...."

Nouf was next to them on the other side "There's no need to be afraid, I hope you did well…"

The teacher hit the table with her hand so they stopped whispering "I will read the grades publicly…"

The girls objected, but the teacher, as usual, ignored them and continued: "Amira 15, Souad 8, Al-Hanouf 6, Athbiyah 5, ...... ....... . ......, Hind 9, Iman 4....."

Iman stood in the middle of the class and started clapping "Hey, thank God I'm not zero...."

Teacher: "Iman, go back to your seat or go to the Principal office...."

Iman sat and started whispering the exact same words that the teacher was saying, especially since the last name was Nouf. "Of course, she was the only one whose rank was honored by her reputation..an example of literature, high morals, and adherence to the rules...Nouf 20 of 20…"

Iman in a voice heard by everyone "Rather... the exam was impossible, and on top of that, she got a full mark... "

Teacher: "Iman, behave yourself!!!! otherwise, I will mark you off…"

Iman: "My grade is zero from the beginning, hahaha"

Nouf smiled as she took her paper: "Sorry, teacher, forgive her... She is dear and precious, no matter what she says or does...."

Iman smiled and winked at Nouf, and the teacher pointedly pointed at her "Learn manners and morals from Nouf, even if only a little... May God help your family…"

Iman laughed and the class laughed with her, which was the thing that oppressed their teacher and made her stop them so she could start the lesson....

This routine was common in their school and in the classroom itself. Iman was one of the most mischievous students who would often get into fights with other girls. Hind was a hypocrite and a spy for the administration. She would inform them of anything the girls were doing behind their backs. Nouf is a distinguished, exemplary student... the first in the class and an example of adherence to all rules…

After several hours:

The school day has ended. All the girls were rushing to the school door and heading home. Nouf was quietly arranging her things in her bag. The thing that overwhelms Iman is that she throws them away chaotically, and she leaves half of them at school. She doesn't care if they get lost or not.. but in the end, she has to wait for her so they can walk to the door together.

Hind approached her, with a tone in which she tried to hide her excitement "Nouf"

Nouf calmly "Yes??"

Hind smiled, "Fawaz, the frog's brother, did not return from his trip to London?"

Nouf innocently: "No, my dear.. He has not returned, but do not be afraid, God willing, as soon as he returns, he will bring you the things I entrusted him with.. I already told you that I told Iman they are mine.. so she will surely take care of them"

Hind: "Thank you, sweetheart.."

Iman did not like their whispering, so she pulled Nouf with her "Iman what's wrong?"

Iman: "I don't like her, I don't like her.. She acts as if all the people adore her, even though…"

Nouf innocently: "She has the right, isn't she the sister of my beloved?"

Iman hit her shoulder hard "Your beloved no mine eww gross…"

Nouf laughed "Amer is gross... What about Hrithik Roshan…"

Iman gasped "I love him... his height, his breadth, his handsomeness, his sense of humor, and…"

Nouf laughed "Hahahahaha"

Eman rolled her eyes in shock. Next to Nouf's family's car, her fiancé, Amer, was sitting waiting for Hind. Iman laughed and walked happily to Jassar's car which was waiting for her. Nouf calmly walked to her brother's car, who was talking to Amer, and said: "Hello"

Amer: "Hello"

Nouf lowered her head shyly. Amer was smiling lovingly. "How are you, Nouf? I hope you are well."

Nouf with her eyes on the ground "Good"

Nouf's brother, in a provocative tone: "Nouf.....let's go"

Nouf kept her eyes on the ground, gave Amer one last look, and walked away with her brother. 

Hind walked up to Amer in a cold tone "Strange, are you coming to pick me up today???"

Amer: "The driver is busy with my mother... so I came since I was free.."

Hind: "Are you coming to take me or to see your sweetheart.."

Amer, in a sarcastic tone: "Of course I came to see her... Oh, every day she becomes more beautiful…"

Hind: "Shut up and let us go home... I feel like I'm dying of hunger…"

On the other hand, in the Jassar car..

Iman took off her eyeglasses and put them back in her bag. She took out her phone from the bag and started typing.

Jassar: "Iman, to be honest, I can no longer tolerate your behavior…"

Iman raised her eyebrows: "Why can't you tolerate my behavior anymore, Sherlock Holmes? I can't live without my phone. If the school had not prohibited us from using it, I would have taken it with me to class."

Jassar sighed and said to her coldly: "Why are you so stupid and always misunderstand? Who brought up the phone issue??"

Iman, her eyes on her mobile phone: "Then, what??"

Jassar: "How long will you continue to pretend to be a stupid, neglected, and boyish girl? The school called my father today, but he couldn't come, so I came instead. The teacher almost cried, saying that your exam was a blank sheet of answers, but all drawings, even though she was confident that your intelligence level was higher than all the girls your age..."

Iman laughed madly: "Excellent, Sherlock Holmes... I was able to win over you, and eliminate this coldness in your behavior??"

Jassar forcefully: "Okay, you won. May I know the reason?"

Iman: "There is nothing I can gain from studying..."

Jassar: "May I know why?"

Iman: "Because there is nothing in the world that I dream of doing when I graduate. My current ambition is to live in the moment... with my colleagues and friends... meaning that there is no need to waste my time studying…"

Jassar: "I know the reason, but I would like to know what your motives are?"

Iman tried to change the topic that was the most frequent conversation between her and Jassar for a while "Fawaz didn't call?"

Jassar: "He called, but unfortunately his return was postponed because he was going to Riyadh instead of one of the pilots. He will be with us on Monday or Tuesday."

Iman: "Oops... then what should I tell Nouf…"

Jassar: "Tell her, your beloved is late, forgive us, Princess Hind.."

Iman was overwhelmed: "How many times do I have to tell you that Nouf is the one who ordered not Hind the elephant!!!"

Jassar: "This is the end of "living for the moment"... You don't know who is deceiving you"

Iman got angry and hit his shoulder: "Don't do it again!!! I really regret that I told you!!!"

Jassar: "It is not out of your kindness.. You told me to convince Fawaz to propose to her, which is something impossible!!! The qualities of the princess of his dreams on one side and Ms. Hind on the other…"

Iman frowned: "Thank God he was not convinced... She actually revealed her true face after Fawaz rejected her.."

Jassaar: "While you were able to escape your haste and mistakes in judging people this time, I fear that the next time will be worse."

Nouf: "Can you be quiet and drive? I will come home and sit with my father... I miss him…"

Jassar: "Okay…"


Heathrow Airport, London

Several minutes before the plane was scheduled to take off, two men entered, dressed in formal suits, tall, and with Arab features. They sat in the first-class cabin on the plane. One of them was calm and the other had all his eyes nervous and his temper was grumpy…

Saud angrily: "He is a rude person... I am Saud Al-Badr, riding a regular plane!!!!!!!!!!"

Mishari let out a long breath and moved his eyes to the window next to him, contemplating the airport: "Saud... All our lives we have been riding ordinary planes... What has changed this time?"

Saud, his eyes full of anger: "What has changed is that I am his brother-in-law now!! I am not traveling for entertainment.. I am going to work!!!"

Mishari: "Saud... This is your job... Your position as sales manager requires you to travel constantly... Have you forgotten?? And if you don't like this... switch with Fares?"

Saud: "My objection is not about traveling. All family members have access to the private planes and when I ask for them, they refuse. This is a big insult to me as his brother-in-law. Suppose we didn't get a ticket on the first flight to Riyadh? I would have missed my friend's wedding and he would have been upset with me. He wouldn't believe that I couldn't book a flight when we own not just one plane but several."

Mishari: "Most of the planes and properties belong to Nawaf. It was very kind of him to allow us to use them...other than that, no."

Saud: "My grandfather Sultan is his partner in everything, and his share in these properties gives us the right to use them…"

Mishari returned his eyes to the window: "Do what you want, I don't care... Even if you want, let my uncle Osama or your father talk to him... since they are closer to him than you and me…"

Saud: "Eventually, this will happen…"

Saud turned his back and fastened his belt as the plane was about to fly. The broadcast of instructions began and the captain spoke…

"Dear travelers... Saudi Airlines flight No. 12229 will take off from Heathrow Airport in London to King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh. The weather outside is rainy and relatively cold with low air pressure. I hope everyone has a pleasant trip on board Kuwait Airways. With greetings from the flight crew and Captain Fawaz Al-Badr.."

Saud raised his eyebrows in surprise and moved his eyes to Mishari: "What did he say, his name is Captain…"

Mishari: "Fawaz Al-Badr. Do you think he might be our cousin?"

Saud exhaled and leaned back on the chair: "Why not? Want to check it out…"

Mishari remained silent and did not give him an answer. He thought to himself and wanted to confirm whether he was his cousin or not but his mind refused. This is ridiculous. Will they call the man and ask him: Are you Fawaz, our cousin, whom we have not seen for years?


Iman entered the house before Jassar and ran quickly to Mohammed, who was sitting in the hall drinking his coffee. "Daddy"

Iman ran and threw herself into Muhammad's arms, who opened his arms to her embraced her, and began to kiss her like a little child. "Daddy's girl"

Jassar frowned and shook his head "Aren't you ashamed? In a few more years, you will be as tall as me, but you're still sitting on your father's lap like a child?"

Iman hugged Muhammad with more force, and Muhammad hugged her back and said with laughter "Jassar... Don't you intend to stop this jealousy of my little girl???:

Iman was sticking her tongue out to Jassar with pleasure. Jassar exhaled and sat down submissively after he kissed his father's head. "Fawaz... he won't come back today, my father."

Muhammad raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is there anything in it???"

Iman interrupted Jassar before he could finish "You know Fawaz is a good man, and he is quickly deceived.... One of his friends asked him to take his place, and he, with all his kindness, did this for him…"

Jassar: "It would be great if you didn't interrupt me...hypocrite??"

Iman: "I don't want to, Sherlock Holmes…"

Jassar started following her while she was running around their father, who started laughing at them more and more, and after a while, he interrupted them "Where will your brother go now?"

Iman: "Riyadh, daddy"

Muhammad's happy and frivolous features changed. Jassar moved his eyes towards his father and understood exactly the reason for this look on his face. Since he didn't want to reveal it, he chased Iman to keep her unaware.

Muhammad thinks to himself "Oh, oh, oh, I miss you, my country."

Iman ran madly up the stairs "Excuse me, Dad, I have things to do"

Jassar: "Go, hypocrite"

Iman from above: "Shut up"

Jassar smiled and laughed until he heard the sound of her room door cracking loudly. Then he turned his features to seriousness and sat next to his father. "Father... you are upset with Fawaz…"

I told him a million times that there was no need for trips to Riyadh. But he is stubborn and continues his trips…

Jassar put his hand on his father's shoulder "Please do not get upset with Fawaz. He never says no to anyone, you know"

Muhammad sighed heavily: "I know him... but my fear increases day by day... he is a good person in a society full of monsters…"

Jassar: "As long as you are with us, we have nothing to fear."

Muhammad: "My fear for you and Fawaz is nothing compared to my fear for Iman... I am afraid that all of this will end in disaster... and that this poor girl will suffer…"

Jassar: "I will never allow this"

Muhammad smiled "Iman doesn't need you or Fawaz... She is strong, but this is what scares me about her"


In Amer's house..

Hind entered her mother's room and threw herself next to her "Hello mama"

Amer walked to his mother and kissed her head "How are you?"

Amer's mother smiled "I'm fine, as long as you're fine, my soul…"

Hind raised her eyebrows as if she remembered something "Mama, where were you today?"

Amer's mother did not understand what her daughter meant "I didn't leave the house, why do you ask?"

Hind gave her brother an evil look "I mean, the driver wasn't busy, so my dear brother had to pick me up"

Amer's mother did not understand at first, but when Amer left the room, she understood "Hind, don't mess with your brother. He is very shy."

Hind: "I know... and I know how much he loves Nouf…"

Amer's mother lowered her eyes, and Hind felt that there was something wrong with her "Mama, what's wrong with you?"

Amer's mother: "Your aunt, Ahlam's mother, called…"

Hind's eyes widened "My aunt, Ahlam's mother??? What did he remind us of after all this time?

Amer's mother: "She wants to invite us to her daughter Ahlam's wedding…"

 Hind moved her eyes far away: "Ahlam got married?"

Amer's mother: "It appears she is calling because the reason for our old quarrel has ended…"

 Hind: "Don't blame her, Mama... after they were engaged to each other for years... Amer comes and breaks off the engagement simply so that he can marry a stranger…"

Amer's mother: "Don't say it's strange, Hind... neighbors are considered family... but the loss of my only sister was not something I wanted to face…"

 Hind: "Are you going to the wedding, mom?"

Amer's mother: "I will definitely go, my daughter... but I don't know how to meet her... especially since Amer has to go with us... How can he meet my brother-in-law after the insult they were subjected to because of us…"

Hind did not know how to comfort her mother, so she hugged her and tried to comfort her in this way… 

Amer was standing outside listening to all the conversation... because he knew that his mother was hiding something from him. He was defeated by the conversation and kept blaming himself. "Oh God...what can I do...this is my mother and I love her and I don't want to upset her...but I couldn't help myself...especially since day by day I love Nouf more and more…"


After taking a long and comfortable shower, Iman took her place in front of the screen of her laptop in her room. She opened her personal page and got the greeting she had designed.

!& Lovers' Club &!

((Welcome to all loved ones and friends...))

She went to the name side and registered her name, password, and login and received a second greeting.

((Welcome... to the master of love and adoration.. Miss Magi))

Iman smiled proudly at her wonderful achievements in the forum, and that every time she entered, she received a full email.

Many people need advice from her... of course, with the help of some of the members…

Iman's enjoyment of reading was interrupted by a warning message from a member of hers…

Magi: Fifi, how many times have I told you, "Don't send me serious warning messages that scare me."

Fifi: You deserve it... and secondly, if I don't do this, you won't answer me...

Maggie smiled and sent Fifi "Nouf ": What I hate most about you is that you understand me...

Fifi: years of friendship

Maggie frowned: Fifi.. Can you please summarize, I have a lot of work... The email is full…

Fifi: Refer them to the members... and let us continue our conversation…

Magi: I can't.. There are multiple people whose problems I have a particular interest in…

Fifi: True, I forgot... (Broken Heart) and (Mirage of the Night) were waiting for you for a long time... but since you were late... kookie replied to them... I told her not to respond, but she told me that you are the same…

Maggie got nervous and exhaled: She and I indeed are the same, and our level is equal, and I depend on her, but more than once I asked her not to interfere in these two in particular... I feel like their problem can't bear any mistakes..

Fifi: I told her, but she didn't answer me... and you were too late...

Magi: I know... but I was late when I got home, then I had lunch and had a shower... and then I have a report... I don't want to be late for it…

Fifi: I can't believe it... Maggie... is wasting her precious time on a report

Magi: Envy me.....

Fifi: But don't you think it would be better if we told Kookie that you and I are students? At least she is present at the time we are... not present... since she is the best of those around.

Magi: Fifi... I do not deny that Kookie is excellent... and reliable... but she is not always there... you know her circumstances... and the circumstances of her family... she comes in when she can... and I cannot force her to do anything..... Secondly, it is impossible to say it about our age.. Because it means that we opened this site when we were 14 years old.. I mean, we do not have any experience and seriously we will lose.. The people who ask us..

Fifi: I think what you are saying is reasonable.

Someone intercepted her conversation with Nouf and requested a voice conversation. Iman complained and wrote to Nouf

Magi: Excuse me, Fifi.. I have another conversation.. a few seconds and I will come back to you..

Iman put on her headphones and brought the microphone close to her mouth "Hey…"

A voice that fakes harshness "What is your favorite horror movie???"

Iman sighed and responded without wanting to "kookie in the land of children…"

Kookie laughed out loud and then tried to slow it down, but she couldn't. "Is this how angry you are?"

Magi: Because, sweetie, I told you a million times that I don't like voice conversations... but you insist on....

Kookie interrupted her quietly: "I'm sorry, but this time I had a difficult situation... I was responding to the members while my son was next to me, and I accidentally spilled milk on the keyboard…"

Magi: "Okay, why are you talking to me??"

Kookie: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you that I miss your voice.??"

Magi: "Hahaha of course not…"

Kookie: "My family and I are traveling to Kuwait next week...and finally, after all these years, I got a chance to see you…"

Iman gasped in fear: "What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


After several hours on the plane heading to Riyadh..

Saud fell asleep, especially since he was tired and wanted to forget the issue between him and his brother-in-law. Mishari tried, but he couldn't because he was busy with the plane captain, whose name was not strange to him..

He got up from his place and without thinking went to the cockpit... when the flight attendant stopped him.

flight attendant: "Excuse me, sir... Do not enter!!"

Mishari smiled at her and said nervously "Can I meet Captain Fawaaz...please…"

flight attendant: "Captain Fawaz is busy. And he can't leave his place because of something ordinary... Who are you and I will see if he allows you to see him or not…"

Mishari was nervous...whether Fawaz was his cousin or not...it was not easy for him to say, "I am Mishari Al-Badr, you know me"...he sighed and decided to go back to his place…

The flight attendant who suspected the matter entered the command room: "Captain.."

Fawaz with his usual smile: "Hello... Did something happen?"

flight attendant: "There was one of the first-class passengers who asked to meet you... but I prevented him and he returned to his place.."

Fawaz: "I wish you had let him in"

The co-pilot who was next to Fawaz "Are you serious? No one other than the crew is allowed to enter…"

Fawaz smiled spontaneously "Oops, I forgot, thank God you're here to remind me…"

The co-pilot smiled at him and continued his work…

Fawaz got up and unplugged his headphones and belt "Take my place... I will go and see this man…"

co-pilot: "Okay…"

Fawaz got up from his place and allowed the flight attendant to take him to Mishari and Saud's place. He approached Mishari and spoke. "Hello... How is the trip?"

Mishari's eyes widened when he read the name written on the suit (Fawaz Muhammad Al-Badr). Without thinking, he said: "Fawaz"