
Death is the Ending for a Trash Prince.

ADAM BOYD PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER DIES TRAGICALLY IN A HEAD ON COLLISION OFF OF HIGHWAY I-29! Adam Boyd, age 32, dies and wakes up in the light novel Birds of a Feather Flock Together, a dark fantasy romance his friend Isabella used to tell him about back in high school. Now living as the Male Lead Osiris Von Lux, Adam must learn to survive or die by the hands of his own family, the royals of the Lux Kingdom. His information is limited. He isn't even sure if all the information he has is accurate, and what was made up by the fans. This is not a story about a hero, quite the opposite in fact. He was never meant to be a hero. Blink and you'll miss it, you'll be gone, why is everyone in this world so strong?! Villain POV. Villain to Lovers. Isekai. DARK Fantasy. READ TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CHAPTERS OR YOU MAY MISS THINGS.

Pseudoonym · Fantasía
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95 Chs


Chapter Fifty Five


The rumor mill started up again.

"Did that beast really try to rape the First Princess?"

"He still works here, I doubt the King-"

Osiris fiddled with the little caddy Goss sent him late last night. It was filled with all sorts of candies and pops from around her travels. Osiris hummed happily as he tried one of each. Back in high school, he used to buy those bags of chili lollipops and sell them a dollar a piece. It helped him pay for lunches when his mother was feeling rather cruel.

"I saw him staring at the teacher's ass all class, it was kind of gross."

"So he really likes men?"

It's all everybody wants to talk about. Who he likes, what he likes, is he fucking, is he dating, does he like women, is he impotent.

"My dad says they're a faggot, but he's seen the prince flirt with a dancer from Ing so he isn't really sure."

"Do you think if I grow a bit more he'll date me?"

"What if he likes men?"

"I can cut my hair short."

Osiris really liked these watermelon ones. He wonders if Kou can make a sticky spice mix they can coat them with. He missed his snacks from home.

Finally happy with his inventory, Osiris stood, scaring the shit out of the student in the park. The girls to his front were as white as a sheet.

He walked up to them and motioned them to huddle close. Out of fear they listened and he popped open the case and looked around before lifting it for them to see.

"I'm selling candy, want some?"



Sunnie ran with her broken wrist dangling in her less broken hand's hold. She was IT now. She did a hard stop and went for Vep. He was nursing a busted knee. She took this chance and pushed the hell onto him. He dislocated his knee on the way down.

The student doing their daily exercises took extra care not to meet the eyes of the Prince. No one wanted to play that bastardized version of tag. The teacher could only sweat as they watched Osiris break someone's fingers while he was it. By someone she means his men, no student in their right mind will play with them.

"Let's go!"

Fibble managed to trip Osiris into a tree. Fibble ran, laughed, and dodged the boy's hands. Everything he touched cracked. Even the ground was not safe from his giant hands. The teacher shook their head.


The Dwarves were grateful for the Prince.

He treated them like real beings and alway tried to help them. He was… rather peculiar, but he even left their club with his weapons to study!

He was…

The dwarf watched the prince play with some of their gadgets.

He was nice.


"So tell me a bit about yourself."

Osiris stared down at the tea in front of him. There were tiny little mana demons swimming and motioning him to drink.


Osiris took a sip. It was sweet.

While Imhotep waited on the boy he finished laying out some snacks Kou gave him. He was grateful to the beast. After they returned he fed and explained to him what happened. Imhotep tried not to sigh. The fight for the crown this round was going to get bloody.

He finished laying out the treats.

But when isn't it bloody?

Imhotep has seen the last two crownings.

"I fought in a war."

"How was that?"


Osiris started to eat.

Imhotep took the hint and changed the subject.

"How long have you been able to see mana?"

"After I blew up the Black Tower."

Imhotep remembers that. There was a rumor the Prince ran there to hide after getting in trouble.

"Did you notice a difference immediately?"


Osiris stared at the demon perched on his shoulder. It winked at him.

"If you mean all the demons, then yes. They're hard to ignore."

A pen and pad magically appeared in the man's hands. He started to write.

"By demons, what do you mean?"

Osiris watched the spell raise its little head and stretch up into the roof. It kept going until looked like a wet noodle. Osiris looked back at the man.





He scribbled some notes.

The man kept asking him simple questions until he could tell Osiris was clearly ready to go. They talked for five hours. Osiris left with a bag of jerky and less pinched shoulders. The man had a nice mouth.


Osiris could be found slinking around the school grounds doing one of three things. One of which was selling candies. Dove watched the prince take a few coppers like he was dealing drugs. Everyone who buys from him ends up looking around paranoid until he leaves. Dove watched from some bushes with some guy from her study group, Jasper was his name.

"Do you think we can buy some too?"

Jasper leaned against her as he looked over her shoulders. Dove felt her stomach twist. He wasn't as tall as the Prince, but they did have a similar body type.


Jasper held her hips.

When she didn't pull away Jasper pressed his chest against her back and pushed them further against the tree. Her eyes never left the Prince.



"Hurry up!"

"I'm trying!"

The three groaned as the two slid into Sunnie. They escaped their evil boss and left him alone for lunch today. He wanted to sell his candies and they really needed some alone time.


They were in a supply closet somewhere far away from the cafeteria. Sunnie was the first to come. It was not long before they all were coming.

"I think we need our own room again."



They went for round two.

"We will never speak of this."

Aspen left Marcio, the little Duke, alone with his raging hard on as he watched the Prince's men fuck. He only followed them with him to see what the bastards were doing since they take every class for the Prince. His cheeks were flush as he stormed down the hall. Marcio was too entranced to notice Aspen left.


Osiris held the spell Imhotep created gently in his hand. It was a little cube.

"These spells are used for tracking-" Osiris suddenly felt a bit better about Bishop. "-a subject."

"It looks like a little black box with an eye on it."

Osiris watched the eye looking at him. It was giving him puppy dog eyes.

Osiris learned that the eyes he sees are mana, not the individual themselves. It was what stares back at you when you look into the abyss.

"Does it have legs?"

Imhotep was doodling. Osiris looked at the thing.


He nodded and went back to his sketch. It was pretty accurate, but then again, it was just a box with six legs and an eye.. Osiris looked at the circle spell he placed off to the side. It recorded audio. It winked at him.

Mana was a living entity in this world. It lived in everything. From the sand, to the roots of a colossal titan of a tree. There were some creatures, like Fibble, who cannot hold mana in their bodies, but it still existed in the air they breathed.

The eyes and shape of the mana were forms they take to do a task. You give it a job and it does what is told. That is what they give. They take everything else. Your blood, sweat, tears, and life.

Each person still has a very unique eye that forms at creation, like a signature. Sometimes the mana will even take on some of their caster's personality.

Osiris placed the cube beside the other spell.

"This." The man began to craft a new one. "Is used for recording visuals."

A little black triangle appeared.

The man went on to explain what it does in detail as Osiris watched his hands sculpt the spell in what looked like clay. Without the war, Osiris can finally see what is happening when a spell is being cast. The man explained the wording needed for the spell as the last of the clay fell into place.

The little guy bounced and jumped to him across the table. To the ones who cast them, they just see a small, little light flash and bounce before disappearing.

As the little guy danced for him Osiris smiled.

Rogan wanted to puke.

The Prince was smiling.

Rogan popped another cherry drop into his mouth. He ended up buying all of the candies off him. The bastard had an amazing selection. He even saw candies he hadn't tried since he was a child. The drop was loud as it crashed against his teeth.

Mana was, to him, what the gods should have been.

Osiris watched the little guy put on a show for him.

Fibble cringed as his god suddenly became upset.

"What the hell do you want me to do about it?!"

Everyone in class looked at him. He turned red and sat back down. Vep and Sunnie were off fucking and he had to come to class. And now his god was yelling and he couldn't hear what the teacher was saying.

He wanted to cry.


Luella, for some reason, was hosting a tea party and she invited him. Osiris stood at her castle doors sipping on a shake Kou made him.

He was starting to spoil him.

"P-Prince Osiris, you made it."

Princess Luella's personal maid, Sam, felt her knees shake as she stood with her eyes closed before the Prince.

He actually came.

Sam gave him a shaky laugh.

"T-this way please."

There were a lot of girls there.

He could see the entire ocean amongst the bodies moving like a school of sardines as he passed. The little maid led him to his sister.

Luella was having the best time explaining to the girls how she's spent all year planning a little mixer for the Prince so that he could find a future wife. And how she's scared he won't show up and everyone will have to go home disappointed.

Then the little shit showed up.

"You rang."

His shake was almost done.

"B-Brother Osiris, I'm glad you made it."

She wasn't.

He sat at the table across from her and just stared. A bead of sweat fell down her back. The castle was quiet, save for the band trying to play. When they missed a note it screeched across the room.

"You summoned me?"

His shake was done and he started picking at the food. He could not see a single drop of poison in sight. Well, the ones with mana at least.

"Y-yes, I thought you wouldn't make it."

Luella motioned for her servants to continue. Slowly the party picked back up. More and more girls have entered her garden now that the Prince arrived.


"Mother and Father are worried you won't be able to find a wife at this rate, so I planned a party to help."


Luella motioned for a mutt to serve the Prince.

"So you are a dog person." The wolf kept its eyes to the floor. "What are you, C Rank?"

The wolf flashed his eyes at him before nodding.

"So you like the more.. animal ones too?"

Luella didn't like how he asked that.

"They make good guard dogs." Her teeth were white. "I thought you would be into dogs yourself."

"I'm more of a fish kind of guy."

Osiris ate some sandwiches.

They tasted like the ones his nana would make for Christmas. Tuna and something like mayonnaise. It was good. Not too heavy, and not too light.

Luella hated how the girls got flustered over his stupid little comment. Osiris wasn't one for word play. He literally means he likes fish and these broads were running wild with it.

She can see it in their faces.

"By your age most of us were engaged." Her fan came out. "Why not take a look around and see if anyone catches your eye?"

"I only came for the free food."

She scowled behind her fan. The bastard came just to fuck with her.

"You're always full of jokes."

"And you're always full of dick."

She closed her fan and slammed her hand on the table.

"Excuse me?!"

Osiris hummed and nodded sadly at her.

"It's truly tragic." Osiris grabbed the paw of a passing wolf and pulled it to his face, snuggling it. "I can't imagine working here knowing she goes through you guys so quickly. Tell me, what's the survival rate here?"

Luella's face turned red.

"W-well every day at least-"

"You don't have to answer him!"

Luella felt her head spin and she sat back down.

"Why are you here?"

"I thought this was a party for me?"

Luella's fan snapped back open.

"It is." Her eyes sharpened. "But I thought you wouldn't come because you like men."

The band stopped playing.

"What's that have to do with free food?"


Luella hasn't felt this frustrated since Zayd died.

"Serve lunch."

She watched her brother perk up at that. Luella glared. Her mother said she needed to try different tactics every now and then. Maybe by placating him she can salvage this.

"So, see anyone you like?"

Osiris looked around.

"I see a bunch of women and girls."

Luella has forgotten how difficult he was to deal with. Growing up, her men could just throw him out if he managed to break in, but now… Luella looked at her brother. The bastard was beautiful.

He looked nothing like their father, and Luella still believes he isn't related to them by blood, but that royal green eye of his tells her otherwise. Her, her father, and brothers were the only ones that had that specific shade of green. Except for Darwin. He was blue.

"There are men in there too."

Osiris looked. There were. They were workers, but they were there.


He turned to her.

"What type of men do you like?"

She… Luella paused and looked at her brother. He was genuinely curious.


"I-I like the ones with long hair!"

A brave noble piped in.

"How long?"

A floodgate was opened.

"I like it to their shoulders!"

"Me too!"

Osiris nodded like he was listening to their input.

"What about long hair." He motioned to his ankles. "I like when it's hard to manage."

Some of the girls squealed.

"I like when they're tall!"


Osiris sighed as he leaned back and looked up to the sky like he was remembering something fond.

"W-what if they're short?"

Osiris thought about his last lover. He was short, dark, and handsome. He had a jawline that could chisel stone. He was as dark as umber. He was so lovely.


He really loved that man, once upon a time.

"Short is fine too."

Luella chugged a glass of wine as she fought every fiber in her being trying not to ruin his mood. Seeing him enjoy himself was pissing her off.

"W-what about size?"

Osiris's brows pinched.


It could mean a lot of things and he wasn't in the mood to play a guessing game. His fan service was almost up.

"L-like, um…"

"Breast size-"

Her friend covered her mouth.

"N-no! Not that, um, waist…size?"


He wasn't a picky eater. He loved men. Big, fat, skinny, tall, he likes the variety. He's more picky about what type of man he is. He likes the bigger, meaner, and aggressive kind of man. He loves to break-

"Don't care. I saw someone with a round stomach I quite enjoyed watching the other day."

That teacher had a really nice laugh.

Luella was on her third glass as the girls crowded him.


Osiris left with a lot of goodie bags and a free dog.


He shoved a handful of cookies into his mouth. They were home made and a little burnt. The black mutt stood with a dopey, scared smile, and wide yellow scleras. His irises were black. He looked like a free dog you can get in a Walmort parking lot.

"Insipid, my Lord."

Luella thought it would be funny to give him her runt as a parting gift. He thought it would be a assassination attempt, but the dog is as bright as bricks. Not a mana marking in sight. She literally gave him her trash.


He looked like his first dog before he was hit by a car.

"Can you cook?"

Insipid followed behind the Prince as he took off walking in a direction. He's never left the Princess's castle before…the human was fast.

"I-I can't but I can learn!"

The Princess said he was his new owner now.


He was quiet.

Insipid didn't know what to do as he followed along.

Princess Luella bought him as a pup. Him, along with many of the slaves, were trained and raised to run the house while she was away.

Insipid stumbled in his steps.

After they matured everyone spends at least one day with the Princess before they receive an official role. Insipid looked at his tail. It was short and scraggly.

His tail was the reason she kept him as a cleaner for the back, despite being able to please her. He wondered if it will be the same here too.

"Go in."

They were at a shop.

"Help him find clothes."

Insipid was forced to stand as some lady tried to talk to the Prince.

"Ask him, not me."

The lady came over with a very angry face.

"The Prince said you can choose what to wear."

"Okay, um…" He looked at the Prince. He raised a brow. "Anything?"

Osiris grabbed a paper.

"Yup, it's you who is wearing it. If you want to look like a fool, go for it. If you want to look like a model, be my guest."

The Prince ignored them after that.


The ladies were rough but respectful.

He kind of gets it. No one likes to serve a slave.

Insipid felt his smile start to drop. He forced it back up.

Luella said he had to smile or he looked ugly. Because he's ugly, she only had him lick her. Any slave that sleeps with the Princess has to stay celebrate. He was still a virgin. Luella said the Prince might like that? He wasn't too sure. He looked at his tail through the mirror.

Osiris wonders if the original author was this deep in the beastiality trenches, or if they were just an avid cartoon movie animal watcher. He was sure that fucked up a lot of kids back home.


The beasts were everywhere.

In the towns, pubs, shops. He's seen more people fucking cats and dogs than he's seen actual humans and other races fuck. He wonders what is going to happen once the soldiers get comfortable. Their hate for those beasts on the field was the reason humans began leaving behind their own version of pillaging.


Was the story always like this?


He really should have read it.

The Prince introduced him to Kou.

"You want me to take him in?"

Kou looked the mutt up and down. He was a mix between a shepherd and a rotty. He had big eyes, a big nose, and two big, pointed ears.

He looked like a fool.

"Luella gave him to me."

Kou's tail flicked.


Osiris waved as he gave his goodbyes.

"See you later my love."

Kou's next tail flick broke a glass as he turned to the mutt. Osiris was gone.


Insipid had to look slightly up to meet the tiger's eyes.


He was intimidating.



Kou stood tall and crossed his arms.


He led the mutt to the kitchen.





Kou was frustrated.


He couldn't cook, could barely clean, and he was clumsy.

"Y-yes chef."

Kou's tail flicked.

The mutt had that stupid smile on his face. It made Kou angry. The mutt broke another spice bottle.

"S-sorry… again…"

Kou sighed and pinched his snout. When he opened his eyes the mutt was in his face. He flinched.

"Are you okay?"

Insipid brows pinched as he looked for an injury.

The cat was very big, and always angry. He yelled a lot. But he still gave him food.


Kou bared his teeth but the mutt didn't bat an eye. He started to sniff his neck. Kou took a step back and flicked his tail.

Insipid caught another one of the cat's tail flicks. Was he missing something? Maybe he wanted him to clean it? Brush it?

Insipid grabbed the tail.





"So you want me to take him off your hands?"


Insipid's little tail curled between his ass. His ears were pulled flat against his head, yet he still had that stupid smile on his face. Osiris raised a brow. The pup looked like his world was ending. Kou's tail flicked.


Osiris walked out the door as Insipid followed with his eyes to the ground. Kou slammed the door behind them.

"W-what happens to me now."


Did Kou's not tell you it's a vet appointment..

"A check up."

Insipid's eyes watered.

Osiris waited for them to fall but they never did.

"For my body?"


His lip line wobbled.

"It's not that bad." They were already there. It was only a few blocks away. "We can get something sweet after, go in."

Insipid walked to the gallows.

Osiris followed behind the tall mutt and they sat in a waiting room while they waited for someone to show up.

"Is, am I, are you…"

The dog was a mess.

What the fuck did you do to piss off Kou. The beast was hard to anger unless it's about his food.


"S-So sorry for the wait! Come back, the doctor is ready."

It was a vet office.

Insipid laid on the table as the doctor went over his paws and nails. His chest aches.

"Is he clean?"

Insipid's eyes watered. He suddenly sobbed. The doctor and Osiris looked at him.

"I'm sorry." He covered his eyes with a palm in each socket. "I slept with Kou and Luella said you might want me because I'm a virgin but I went an-"

Osiris clamped the mutt's mouth shut.


Osiris waited for the doctor to continue. Insipid didn't fight the hold and just lowered his eyes. His smile was gone.

"Yes, the dog is clean. No ringworm, no parvo, no sicknesses or transmittable diseases. He's healthy. About a D Rank."

"Send the bill to Mikael Von Lux."

Osiris dragged the mutt out of the office and into the road. He didn't let go until he had two cups of cinnamon roasted cashews and pecans. He let the mutt go and stumble into an alley wall.


He handed him the cup and started walking.

Insipid held his cup of nuts and cried into them. Osiris sighed and turned to him.


Insipid followed. Eventually Osiris could hear the sound of sad munching.

Insipid felt his mouth melt.

It was sweet and salty, but crunchy. His tail started to wag.

"These are good!"

His smile was back.

"They are."

"Can I take some to-"

And the smile was gone.

"So you slept with Kou?"

The beast's entire complexion drained.

"I-I, we, I tried to… yes…"


"I, my job before l…"


Osiris was about to get the best blackmail he could ever get on that bitch Luella. And for free.

Insipid looked around.

"Is here okay?"


Osiris wasn't sure what the mutt was going on about. They've been alone for the last three blocks. People are scared of him in this neighborhood.

With a very shaky smile Insipid tried to drop to his knees but Osiris stopped him.

"No." He flicked his nose. "How did you jump to this conclusion."

Insipid started to cry.

"I've never been outside before and Luella said you would take me to your castle, and maybe, she said, you'd be kind enough to take my virginity."


What the fuck.

"Why would she think that."

"Beastmen are very popular. She bought me and all the others as pups. She usually does. We train and clean and when we've matured-" Osiris held his chin. Wasn't that like a year old. "-she takes us to bed before assigning us an official role."

Osiris looked the dog up and down.

He was fugly, his type of dog. The other beasts around Luella's house looked like a bunch of purebreds.


She really must have liked this one. Osiris looked at Insipid who looked heartbroken. But not enough.

"So you thought it would be the same here."

He looked to the side and bared his neck.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed you'd like something like me."


"How old are you."



He had the best blackmail he could ever ask for.

"Come, let's get more nuts for Kou."

That face flipped and he got up and personable in Osiris's buble. His little tail wagged.


Osiris scratched an ear. He flinched.

"What else did you have to do."

He dropped his hand.

"Well I gotta stay because she liked how I licked her." Insipid walked beside him. "She didn't like my face, or body, so that's all I had to do. Those that sleep with the Princess have to remain celebate for her. She always has us do a check ups before each session."


"B-but it kept me a virgin for-"

His ears dropped.

"I'm sorry."


What a weird beast. Luella must have beat the wild out of him. They walked in silence back to Kou's restaurant. Osiris stopped at the door.

"You're Kou's problem now. Help him around the kitchen. I'll see you at school."

Osiris left to see what he could do with this newly found information. He cackled and went to the slave market.








That night the sooks slept in their own room.