
Chapter 4

After picking up his eggshell and gather the bits on the floor and putting them inside the egg.

Dc then Walk aimlessly while sniffing his way out for hours or so. ( Pun intended)

He is now running on 3 legs while his left arm is clutching the Food. ( Egg shells)

Dc : ugh... ( This sucks... at this rate... ill die from hunger or dehydration.... hmmm?)

His non existence ears picks a skirting and scratching sound like dozens of little feet in front of him and its echoing around the place.

Dc Becamed alert and drop the egg carefully and checked his shiny onyx claws from the glowing crystals.

And use the rough and roucky texture of the walls.

While he dont have a sticky hands like the lizards do , He can still use his claws and dig through the hard surfaces without a sound if he did it slowly and gentle.

using his long baby arms at advantage began climbing until he reach the ceiling.

his Charcoal black body seemed too Camouflaged well at the dark rocky room so his confident that he can ambush or hide from the other predators.

He then saw where the sound came from and he was terrified on what he saw.

A Big BIG centipede that rich over 175 cm and 40 cm wide with dozens of spiky legs and also have antennae that is half a meter long along with a 6 inches long mandibles that looks and hard enough too cut through human flesh easily.

It also have a black Shells covered its body and looks thick and he can roughly gessed its might be 2 or 3 inches thick but he's not sure.

Compared too his 130 cm height that can only reach an adult human in the stomach he look like a joke.

and that was him standing already!!!

He saw the centipede is going closer too his Sweet sweet Egg shells and its Tasty aroma That lingers if it reach enough.

He then panic because this was his only ration that keeps him alive and he's afraid of facing the giant bug.

Call him a coward if you musy but he's no coward , he's just smart and his food is in danger.

Compare too his lose either he'll die in starvation or win the death battle and have a new meal.

he then close his eyes and opened again , showing a fiery gold eyes that looks like a lion watching his prey.

Dc : ( okay.... you can do this.... one.... two... )

He then jumped and aim his claws too the head.

Dc : Roaaaar!!!

The centipede detected a vibrate on the floor and it began too raise its guard.

It then flinch at the sudden roar and the Claws that present his Death ( No pun intended) almost collect him.


The sharp onyx Claws only grazed the mandibles creating a spark of life ( not really ) and the demonic Reptilian monster's eyes Widen and got knock back when the tail of the centipede swung right on his stomach and he flew a good 5 meters before he skid in the ground creating light scratches and Sparks on the ground.



Dc lift his head and look at the smug face of centipede and had a pride emotion on its eyes.

Dc then coughs air and gasping.

Dc : Cough.... Cough.... ( That vermin really knock the wind out of me.... and from its speed.... its clear it had superior Strength, Speed , Agility, Reaction speed and Experience.... )

The Gasping Lizard widen its eyes and prefer for the worse....

the enemy before him wriggled frantically as it found a prey.

and thats when Dc knew.... he fucked up....

But.... he have what the others dont.....

Human intelligence....

He then inhaled a lot of air before releasing them and created a smoking effects due too the cold temperature of the underground.

Dc : Sssssfffffff.....Koooooo~..... ( ....So.... A battle between the Brawns vs Wits huh.... )

He narrowed his eyes and prepared a sprinting position like those in the running match....

The centipede seamed too be alarmed and look at the prey before him as it cannot underestimated the monster before him....

The Reptile chuckled that alarmed the centipede.

Dc : Kukukukuku ( kukukuku.... being bullied in the city and School for entire life... and this skill of mine is always successful when getting into troubles.... ehehehehe.... I can finally use it again.... and in this new body of mine is a perfect way too executed this one time move... hehehe.... So what if your stronger...? so what if your more durable...? , if only your a beast you'll stay a forever beast.... )

The centipede seemed too read its mind and took the challenge....



insert the wild west song....



They both stared at each other.

Whoever strikes first wins....

whoever made a mistakes dies.....

The Dull black eyes met a Yellowish gold Reptilian Eyes .....

Both glared....

The reptilian legs are ready too dash....

while keep ready his claws which glimmers...


the Centipede is ready too sprung its body.....

And clench and unclence its dripping green corrosive saliva on its mandibles/mouth....

until Dc moves his feet a little and....



The Centipede prepared for a right time and...


The Mandibles Bite the neck while the claws striked the eye sockets which is free from the hard shells and both screaming in pain....


thats what supposed too happened....


Bam !!!!

The reptile dodge the the bite too the right and hit the nearby boulder instead causing it too cut in half by its hard teeth.

the Reptile grinned and grabbed the egg in one arm and run in 3 legs while cackling.

with only one thought Screaming. . .















Dc : Gaahahaahahahah ( Good luck catching me with those short legs of yours Short Stacks Gahahahahahhaahha.....ha...ha..... )

He then stop laughing when he saw in front of him is beyond his expectations....

and only had one thought.....

Dc : ... ( ...Ohhhh..... Fuck my life..... )

In front of him is a path but.... its covered in spider silks/threads.

Dc : ....( ....You gotta be Kidding me now what? , dozens of mini carnivorous spiders or a big one....? or maybe a nice gal.... hehehe... wait.... shit the centipede is carching up!!! )



seems.... familiar...

you dont get it do you...?


I feel bad for you mates /`\{ \( > w <)/ }/`\