

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Acción
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8 Chs


The sun rises and it was shinning brightly. Everyone woke up again to battle for their life. Poor Kiyoshi was still traumatized by yesterday's happening, that he could not get up from bed. Bowen and Sakura came to check upon him.

" God! Call Hayami! Fast! "  Bowen said to Sakura in a worried manner

" What happened? " 

" He is warm to touch! I think he is having fever. " 

" Okay, I'll go and call Hayami. "

" Yes! Go fast! " 

Sakura went downstairs to call Hayami, meanwhile Bowen was with Kiyoshi. 

" Bo-Bowen, promise m-me that yo-you won't leave me! Promise? " Kiyoshi said while tightly holding Bowen's hand

" No! Why would I leave my little brother? "  Bowen spoke to comfort Kiyoshi

" Can I te-tell y-you something? You won't tell to any-anyone, right? Pi-pinky promise? "  Kiyoshi spoke while showing his pinky

" Pinky promise! "  He hold his pinky finger with his

" I saw a lot of files and- " 

Kiyoshi was giving his statement to Bowen that Sakura bring Hayami with her. He stops at the moment and Hayami came to them.

" Don't worry! Just eat this medicine and your fever would be okay! " 

" Mhm, I g-got it! " 

" Sakura, you stay here with Kiyoshi, and Bowen you come with me. Umm....Kiyoshi make sure to get some rest. " 

Bowen went away with Hayami and Sakura stayed with Kiyoshi. After going downstairs, Sakura took Bowen to another room, where Sana, Haruki, Gou, Ichika and Jae Hyun were present. Bowen was confused to see them. 

" Take a seat! "  Sakura spoke while pointing towards a chair.

Bowen sat down and they all looked at Hayami with questionable eyes. 

" He will be coming soon, so, please guys, wait for a while. " 

" Who will come in while? We are waiting for that fool for one or more than one hour. I am tired now! Call him fast or I'm going! " Jae Hyun slammed on the table as he spoke.

The door opened and Hiroshi came in. He took a chair and sit with others. For a while, they all keep staring into each other's soul.

" Hiroshi, did you summoned all of here ? "  Ichika asked

" Yes! "

" Why!? "  Haruki asked out of excitement 

" I want to talk about something very important. " 

" What about Hatsuko, Arata, Akane and Saburō? " Sana asked 

" They already know about it, even Hayami knows it! "

" Oh, so you guys already conduct some meeting. Huh? "  Jae Hyun spoke in a frustrated manner

" What is the matter? "  said Sana

" The matter is that last night, when we came home, the walkie talkie, which I had kept beside my pillow, caught some signals. I picked it up and someone from the other side spoke ' Hello, is there anyone? ' . I replied with a yes, so the other person asked me to come at Zen Kyoto Apartment Hotel. He also said that there are some more survivors with him, and they are in need on food and water. " 

" Thus, we decided to leave today at 5:00 pm, after taking some food from nearby store. "  Hayami added further

" What are you waiting for? Let's go and find other mates too! " Haruki stands up from his place and proceed towards door as he spoke.

" Wait! Why are you in such a hurry? "  Hayami spoke as she holds his hand in order to stop him.

" Eh? What do you mean? Aren't we gonna help them? " 

" We will! But it's 12 only! We'll start our journey from 14! "

" But it would take time to reach there! So we should do hurry, shouldn't we? " 

" What the need of hurry? You see, I've stole some brand new cars! Seems like really rich people lives some kilometer further! " Akane spoke as she open the door and show them some car keys.

" What do you mean by ' you ' , huh? Did you forget that I helped you too!? " Hatsuko spoke while resting her elbow on Akane's shoulder

" So this is what you meant for ' scouting ' ? You went to theft some cars? "  Hiroshi spoke, folding both of his hand and leaning backwards on a wall

" Oh! It's getting late, I am going to take a shower, and you all get ready too! " Akane spoke.

" Fine, I'll be going to tell this to Kiyoshi. "  Hayami spoke as she steps outside the room, pushing Hatsuko away

After that discussion, they all went back and started packing their stuff. They kept all the necessary items. Then, they all head downstairs, where Hiroshi and Akira was waiting for everyone. Hiroshi counted all the members and found Haruki missing.

" Bowen, where is Haruki? " 

" Haruki? Is he not here? I asked him to do work hastily, but he don't listen to anyone. I'll go and check upon him" 

Bowen went back to the house where Haruki was present. On the other side, Haruki was seen stealing some beautiful vases. Bowen went upstairs and saw him doing this.

" So you are busy in theft of some stupid vases? " Bowen spoke, standing behind Haruki

" God, you make me scared! These aren't ordinary vases they are unique in their design. "

" Whatever! Now stop collecting that rubbish and hurry up, we are getting late! I'm going downstairs. "

" No! Wait! I'm all ready to go! " Haruki shouted as he runs after him.

Both of them came downstairs and they started their journey in the cars that they had stolen. First, they went into a store and took some food items and water bottles. Then, they proceed further. After 3 hours, they reach to the place where they were asked to come. as soon as they stepped down from the cars, the ugly creatures came running towards them. They all dashed into the building, and entered in the lobby where two men and a women was waiting for them. They sealed the door of the lobby and took them to the 4th floor. Then, one of the man opened a door in which a group of people were waiting for them.

A 30 year old man, wearing a black shirt with a black trousers with a coffee-color coat and alligator boots, came toward Hiroshi. At first, he examined each of them carefully, then he went back to his couch.

" Who talked to me on that radio? " the man asked.

" I-it was me! " Hiroshi raised hand hesitatingly

" Oh! Your name, young man? "  the man asked, coming near him

" I am Matsumoto Hiroshi. What about you? " 

" His name is Ichiro Murakami. " Hatsuko spoke as she loaded her gun and point it towards Ichiro

" Woah, woah, young lady. You seems to know me well, huh? " Ichiro spoke, coming towards Hatsuko

" Who won't know the next Yakuza leader, Mr. Murakami. "  Akane pushed him backward until she pinned him to the wall

" What's this attitude, miss? " He asked as he stare into Akane's eyes

" Ain't it the same thing that you like? You seem to have a weak memory, didn't you? "  Akane said while pinning him on the wall

" I like the way you are so interested in me. "   Ichiro spoke coming near to Akane

The gap between them was too narrow that the air was having trouble to pass between them. Their lips intersect at a point for more than a half second. Everyone in the room was astonished and there was silence. 

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