
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · Ciudad
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43 Chs

Finally, something Interesting


I lock the door of my apartment and head out for school.

I was discharged not long ago after the old man left. A brain surgeon came, not too long after, begging me to be his lab rat and offering daily payment for operating on my brain. I, of course, reject.

I've already prepared for school and I'm heading out.


Oh, and today, I'm using the train. It wasn't longbefore I got to school.

Today is the day for our martial arts practical aspects. Everyone is going to test their strengths in different ways. We'll also have a one-on-one spar with our chosen opponents.

As I walk, I feel a hand wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey, look at our star, Mr. 'FEARLESS.' How have you been doing without me?" The person says.

Oh, I haven't introduced him yet.

You remember how I mentioned earlier that my self-acclaimed "best friend" wasn't in school?

Well, that's him now. His name is... uh... Damn, I forgot.

"Hey, we meet again, uh..." I say, trying to remember his name.

"Henry. I'm Henry Stephen, your best friend. How can you forget something so important?" He says while pouting.

"Yeah, right, Henry Stephen, my 'best friend,'" I say in a flat tone.

"I didn't come for a day, and you already got yourself into so much mess. You almost died if Mr. Darwin hadn't saved you," he says.

"Yeah, that was close," I say honestly.

"How many times have I told you to be careful while walking, especially when I'm not there? Because, you know, if I'm there, I would have totally saved you," he brags.

"You never said something like that to me, though," I say.

"Well, I'm saying it to you now, and you better have it stuck in your head."

"Yes, grandma," I say while rolling my eyes.

"So, I heard he took you as his disciple and to think you guys have already started training. Was it his intense training that made you end up with a bandage around your forehead?" He asks, pointing out my bandaged head.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that.

While I was about to get discharged, I looked at the mirror and saw two lumps on my head, like I had hit my head on some iron.

I guess I fell with my face, and that's what led to this. Showing the nurse my lump, she wrapped a bandage around only my forehead.

I wouldn't lie, I looked really good, if I do say so myself.

"Yeah, that old man's a brute," I lie through my teeth.

I couldn't have told him about my weird yesterday's experience, could I?

"Old man? You guys already got so informal. I'm jealous," he says in a teasing tone.

"Quit whining. We are about to meet our noble classmates," I say as we get closer to the class door.

Henry isn't from a popular family; in fact, he's in the school through sponsorship. His family background is unknown, but the fact is that he's from a poor family.

"Hey! Get up from my seat!"

"Do you know who I am?! You're supposed to be grateful I'm on your seat!"



~chatter, chatter,~

Opening the class door, the loud chatter of our classmates welcomes us.

"Urgh, so noisy," Henry complains.

We go ahead and take our seats; we are sitting at the last row.

The classroom seating is like that of a football field, with each chair placed a step above the former.

Bringing out my martial arts book, I start reading while Henry rests his head on the desk and starts sleeping.

Not surprised because he always sleeps through the first period.

A few minutes later, our class teacher enters. The class becomes silent. Raising my gaze from my book, I decide to look at what made the class so quiet.

As I look to the front, I see two beautiful girls standing beside the teacher.

One with peach–red hair, neck-long hair, and violet eyes, while the other with long blonde hair and yellow eyes.

They are both extremely beautiful, and their physical maturity does nothing but make them more beautiful.

They're more beautiful than the girls in the whole school, at least the ones I've seen. Comparing the beauty of the two would be a hard test.

As for me? I don't have an eye for any of them.

Yes, they are indeed "beauty goddesses," but I just feel like having any feeling for any of them would even make me more of a cliché side character than I already am.

And honestly speaking, I don't like people that stand out too much; maybe it is just instincts, but I just don't like them.

"Good day, class. You have two new students; please welcome them," the female short-brown haired teacher says.

Bored by the whole situation, I decide to get back to reading my martial arts.

Martial arts, I think I understand what martial arts is all about.

I've read a lot of martial art techniques since coming to this school, and it's so easy to discern.

Not because I'm a genius or anything, but because I know my own body inside and out, except of course whatever it was that happened to me yesterday.

Once you're able to understand your body, its concept, and how it works, martial arts should be easy to both learn and practice.

The movement of your muscles when you perform some techniques, the way you breathe to reduce fatigue.

The flow of your blood and some other biological information. Knowing this will greatly reduce the difficulty of learning martial arts.

**********Omniscient POV**********

"Class, welcome your new classmates."

~Round of applause.~

Contrary to what was to be expected, only a few of the boys in the class seem to show any interest or like towards the new girls.

Some who recognize them instantly give up because they are out of their league.

The rest coat their feelings to look cool because, you know, it seems like the more you make a move towards a girl, the farther it is to get her.

So the best way is to not show any signs of interest towards her and turn up whenever she needs someone.

[Hehe, your author's such a love genius with my single a$$ ಥ‿ಥ]

"I'm Priscilla Godwin, from the Godwin's Guardian family. As you all know, my family is the one who created the Martial arts. '12 rib crushing fist'.

I hope we get along." The peach-red haired girl says.

~Clap, clap, cheers~

"I love your family's martial arts styles, Priscilla!" A boy shouts from among the students.

In Nigeria, there are 12 disciples, and those who directly work under the disciples are called "Guardian Family."

"And I'm Emma Lucian, from the Lucian's Guardian family. My family is responsible for inventing the 'Twilight steps.' It's nice to meet you all."

~Clap, clap, clap~

"Wow, cool, two guardians in our class?"

"This year's the best."

"They are pretty too."

"Just forget it; they're out of your class."


The class claps as they happily welcome them.

Meanwhile, at the back, Henry is sleeping, and I'm engrossed in the book I'm holding. Neither of us is paying attention to what's going on.

"Go take your seats," the teacher instructs the girls.

As they both head to take their seats, the only available space is a seat right in front of where Henry and I are sitting.

On reaching there, Emma spots my seat and heads towards it.

As she approaches, she bangs her hand on my desk.

"You thief, you were the one I caught yesterday stealing our family crest, right?!" she rages.

Confused, I look at her and raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Steal? Me? Yesterday? What the hell is she talking about?" I think, utterly baffled.

"Not you, I'm talking to the thief beside you!" Emma clarifies.

I try to confirm what she said, pointing at the sleeping Henry with my thumb and gesturing to Emma, "Him?"

"Yes, him, that filthy thief even sleeps in class," Emma says, understanding my gesture.

Feeling awkward, I tap Henry to wake him up.

"Hey bro, wake up, you have a visitor," I inform him.

Henry wakes up, rubs his eyes, and yawns from tiredness. He is indeed handsome, with light blue long hair and red Scarlett eyes, charming to behold.

"A visitor?" he says, looking at me.


"Hey, I didn't notice you were this handsome," Henry teases.

"Sorry bro, but you're not my type," I say, irritated.

"Hehe, I just woke up to see your beautiful face, shouldn't I have complimented you, plus the bandage makes you look extra attractive today," Henry teases.

"You thief, you're disgusting, irritating, and dumb!" Emma yells.

"Woah, relax princess, what's up?" Henry says.

"What's up?! You stole my family's crest, and you're asking me what's up?" Emma yells.

"Huh? Sorry, do I know you? I don't even remember being a thief and stealing from such an esteemed family," Henry says.

"Woah, I thought you were sleeping, how do you know that she's from a renowned family?" I ask.

"Hehe, just a fluke, someone as beautiful as her couldn't possibly be from a poor family background now, could she?" Henry says.

"Drop your flattery, you know what you did!" Emma rages out.

"Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about, princess," Henry denies.

"You...!" Emma is about to let out more of her rage at Henry, but the teacher interrupts.

"I think you've disrupted the class enough, Miss Emma. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get the class started, and I'm sure you know the rules," the teacher says calmly.


She clicks her tongue before sitting beside Priscilla.

*Rules of The Pillar*

In this school, nobody is guilty of anything. The law does not extend to the school.

As far as a student is in class, he cannot be charged with anything, even if he's a murderer. While in school, he's just a normal innocent student.

That's the rule of this school, you can do anything you want to the student once he's out of school.

The rules were set by the "Pillars."


After the class ends, it's time for the martial arts practical.

Before everyone heads to the practical hall, Emma glares at Henry, and he just smiles back at her.

Confused, I look at both of them.

*What's up with these two? Anyway, it looks like things are finally going to get interesting.*

I say while heading for the door, trailing behind Henry. But surprisingly, Emma obstructs my path, leaving Henry, who she has beef with.


Second chapter of the day.

Enjoy, and please vote for me

Please read the auxiliary volume guys.

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