
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · Ciudad
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43 Chs

A villians Trouble

~Huff, huff, huff~

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! How could I have forgotten? It's all because of that damn Reaper and his sadistic training. I hope I won't be too late. I just can't afford to miss out on this kind of opportunity to get my hands on a lot of cash."

Panting as I run at top speed, I curse inwardly.

~Wee, woo, wee, woo~ A siren sounds as a lot of cruisers speed past me.

"I wonder who they're going to apprehend this time," I say to myself.

"Maybe they're going after the Colonel for abusing an innocent student like me. I hate this; now the abuse is even going to a higher level since he 'forcefully' made me his student. How annoying. I'm not some kind of anime MC to attract all this kind of unwanted attention," I cry inwardly.

"But no need to dwell on the bad things; let's focus on the good things that will happen soon. There are three reasons why I made the stupid bet with stupid Troy: first, I was being greedy; second, he pissed me off so much, and I wanted to punish him, not knowing I was gonna get punished, and third, I'm going to get more than that after tonight's show."


I press the button of the elevator leading to my room. I check my time and...

"Not bad. I managed to reach home in twelve... no, thirteen minutes of running from school at top speed with my tired ass. If I weren't already energy-drained by that Colonel, I would have made it earlier."


The elevator door opens, and I walk through the passage, finally locating my room.

~Tinkle, tinkle~ The keys in my hand jingle as I hurriedly try to open the door.

"Damn it, I could have chosen the face recognition instead of the key, but I guess it's too late."


The damn door finally clicks open, and I scurry inside, locking the door behind me. As soon as I drop my backpack, I hurry to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Okay, I have less than sixteen minutes to dress up, eat, and go to the location. I can do this," I encourage myself as I begin preparing.

******Meanwhile Inside the cruiser******

The handcuffed guy glanced out the car window with an annoyed expression.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite troublemaker. You just can't stay out of trouble, can you?" The Sergeant says

"You've got the wrong guy, Sergeant. I'm just a misunderstood soul." Suspect smirks

"Save the sob story for someone who cares. You've got a knack for slipping through the cracks, but not this time."

"Dammit, at least you should have allowed me to eat my pizza. What are you even doing here? Last time I checked, you were supposed to be a Sergeant, and now you're working as a police?"

"So you're looking me up, huh? Seems you're wary of me. Well, that's to be expected, after all, I was the one who caught you last time. I was posted here on short notice, so I barely had time to adjust. And this wouldn't have happened if you didn't cause such a mess."

"So you came here on a special mission just to apprehend me? Guess I'm a popular villain now." The boy smirked.

"You're still just as annoying," the Sergeant said while glaring at him.

"You said you didn't have enough time to adjust. That means you've barely been here for four days. So how did you manage to pinpoint my location?"

"You're quite a handful, I'll give you that. It was really difficult despite the help of the higher-ups. If we were in my assigned location, I would have caught you way faster. But here, I barely know my way around."

"Well, I'm kinda disappointed. I didn't expect them to take me so seriously, to the extent of calling you."

"You stole more than two billion from a bank, and you don't expect them to take it seriously? I see you're still so ignorant and tactful too. I wonder how a person so dumb can be so smart as well. I noticed that you are able to tell when any personnel is after you within a two-kilometer ratio.

That's why we dressed casually but not without our badges and we had face masks on, so you won't recognize me. That is also why I brought only a few of my men around. Too bad you've lost to your game of hide and seek."

"Heh, just as always, you've got me figured out. But not this time, it's still far from over, and it's gonna get a lot more troublesome for you and fun for me from here on out."

"You've given me quite a headache. I'm going to have you punished since the government has handed you over to me personally. I'm taking you back to my base tonight."

"Too bad I didn't get to enjoy my pizza, but I will enjoy it more with the chaos that's about to take place," he said, smiling.

"What are you planning, Paschal? Anyway, it doesn't matter. You're not bluffing your way out or getting out."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I won't move an inch. Someone will come get me while you're away, Sergeant Davis."

"..." The Sergeant thinks and picks up a walkie-talkie.

"Tighten the security. We can't lose him no matter what. No one gets in, no one gets out. Make sure that everyone has their ID to prove that they are soldiers."

'Yes, sir!' the person replied.

"Hehe, that wouldn't help either."

"Take us straight to base two. From there, we would move on to our next location, where we would transport him," he said with a serious expression.

"Yes, sir," the military man driving the cruiser answers.

"Come on, don't be like that. Smile a little, okay?" Paschal teases.

"..." The Sergeant stays silent while calculating.

He knows Paschal too well, having caught him more than fifteen times, but he somehow managed to escape. So his threat shouldn't be taken lightly.

The rest of the drive was in silence.

I'll update one more in the evening, stay tuned to be introduced to

"Death's Substitute"

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