
chapter 3

Audrey's eyes opened slowly. She looked around her and figured that she was lying on a bench. She slowly got up and sat up on the bench.

She took her hands into her wet hair and wondered how she had left the middle of the alley to sleeping on the bench. She knew someone must have helped her but she was not so grateful for that person's help.

Now that she was alive and awake, what was she supposed to do next?

She looked to her side and found her phone and her bag. It was a complete surprise that it had not been stolen by some of the boys living around the alley yet.

She picked up her phone and turned it on. She raked her hair backwards, realizing that her phone was having some issues from having stayed in the rain for so long.

She groaned and after a couple attempts. She was able to unlock the phone and she had a message, it was from Desmond.

Her heart skipped a beat as she hurriedly opened the message. Her phone malfunctioned for about a minute before she was finally able to successfully view the message.

"I guess you should understand already that this is the end of it for us. That is if there had ever been an 'us'. I have left the country already. You saving up so much money for your grandma is a waste of money for an old woman who will die sooner or later anyways. You should be happy I am putting money to good use. Bye Audrey. Thank you for the cash"

More tears gathered in the eyes of Audrey as she read the message from the one that she had loved with all of her heart. She felt her heart stinging badly as much as her eyes stung with more tears every second.

"I hate you Desmond!" She cried out as tears rushed out in a free flow.

"I wish I could kill you! I hate you so much!" She screamed out her hearts in pain.

After crying her hearts out enough on the bench, Audrey got up from the bench and that was when she noticed that her bag had also been placed on the floor beside the bench and there was an umbrella too there which was not hers.

She picked up both and wondered who the kind person could be.

"At least, there is one person who is kind to me" she mumbled and wiped her tears off with the back of her palms.

It was still drizzling so she put out the umbrella and noticed that it had small letters engraved around the handle.

'L. A'

"L.A?" She wondered what it could mean for a second before shrugging it off.

That was definitely the least of her concerns. She walked back home, dragging her feet and cold body, and hoping that something good would happen very soon but there was nothing good, at least not at her home.

Audrey stood a few meters away from the door of her apartment and her face turned into that of horror. The umbrella and bag in her hands dropped as she stared at the broken lock of her door.

Her home had been broken into!

"No!" She shook her head, not wanting to believe that she could have so much bad luck in one day.

"This.... This can't be happening" she shook her head again before racing into the house.

She screamed out her lungs as she looked at her empty living room. The old sofa had been taken away, the television had been taken away too and the living room was just empty.

Audrey crumbled to her knees as tears gushed out of her eyes, making her wonder for a second how much tears a human could shed in one day but she concluded that there was no limits because if there was, then she would have reached the limits already.

Audrey was sure at that point that she had nothing but bad luck all around her and no matter what she did or tried to do, her bad luck would always be around her.

She let her body slip onto the floor of the living room as more tears rolled down her eyes. To Audrey, nothing could be worse than this, not even death was worse than this.

She heard her phone ringing and when the ringing seemed not to stop, Audrey got up from the floor and walked out to pick her bag.

She picked the phone and seeing the caller ID only brought more tears to her eyes. It was the hospital where her grandma had been admitted to.

They were definitely wanting her to make the payment as soon as possible since she had promised to pay the money that very day but now, everything was gone, not just the money, but also the one she called a lover and the house furnitures, everything was gone!

"Aaargh!!" She screamed and threw the phone against the old wall, making the phone shatter into pieces.

She went down on her knees and got into another row of crying. All of this was the fault of the bastard, Desmond.

He was the cause of it all.

Two hours later

Audrey walked almost lifelessly towards the bridge closest to where she lived. The water flowing beneary the bridge was usually not very much but given the rain that had fallen heavily, Audrey was sure that the water would be enough to drown her and take her life away.

She had no use for her life anymore. There was no way she was going to gather money for her grandma even in five months with her job as a waitress, it was impossible.

She moved closer to the bridge and stood at the edge of it. It was late in the middle of the night and there was no one around the place to stop her which she was very glad for.

She climbed onto the edge of the bridge and gave the world a wide bright smile which would be the last of her. Shutting her eyes tight, she let go of herself and free fall.

Finally, Death, my comfort.