
Chapter 11

Lord Adonis remained at the garden. The mansion bell jingled; a signal for the girls to turn to their various bed. Lord Adonis realized though he had spent his entire day at the garden, 

  it seems like a short while. His mind was filled with numerous thoughts. He then decided it was time for him to retire back to his room. It's been a long and eventful day. He walked through the main hall and observe his environment. It was quiet, neat and calm just as he loved it

"The girls ain't totally useless, I guess." Lord Adonis said to himself

  He walked majestically through the corridors to his room. He looked around his room and was very satisfied with what he s

"No doubt, she does a great job taking care of my space, if only she could do the same for herself." Lord Adonis found himself soliloquizing as he moved round his r

The event that has earlier taken place continued to play in his head as he took off his clothes. As Lord Adonis unveiled his body, his body displayed an artistic design of scars. Lord Adonis loved his scars, they were literally his trophies. Trophies from the battles he has fought, won and of course los

All his scars but one gave him a sense of fulfillment and being powerful.

  He moved closer to the mirror and stare at the wound that has been the origin of his misery and pain. The reason he was getting weaker and have to depend on the blood of mortals to fuel his torrent of energy.

The unhealed wound was located just few inches away from his heart. The one wound that dries up his torrent of energy no matter how much he fuels it with human blood. The wound he must hide from every

This unhealed wound has caused him unimaginable pains every now and then. The one wound that made him a wanderer and a blood thirsty monster. For millions of years he had endure this pain until luck smiled at h

Recap (one hundred years ago

Lord Adonis was wandering as usual when he heard about a monastery that housed mysteries. Unanswered questions had their answers there. Prescriptions to sickness and diseases that were very rare were all written there but entry was mission impossible. People who made efforts to enter the monastery were turned down as they could not answer the riddle that would grant them entranc

So far so good, no one has ever made it into the monastery. The rumours about the monastery piqued his interest. Lord Adonis had his mind made up, he was going to visit and see for himself. There was no harm in trying and no riddle would stop him from gaining entranc

it was raining heavily when Lord Adonis made a trip to the mysterious monastery, thunder struck and was accompanied by lightning yet Lord Adonis walked unperturbed through the darkness covered in a black ca

He finally got to the front of the monastery, it was gigantic and was built from rocks, aside that, the monastery looked normal. He wondered if it truly housed the answer he was desperately looking for. Lord Adonis made for the entrance but was stopped by one of the two monks guarding the door

"Stop right there. Who are you?" Ark the oldest of the monks guarding the monastery questioned Lord Adonis having felt his cold and intimidating aura from a dista

"For what reason do you ask?" Lord Adonis replied Ark's question with a question

Ark was infuriated and was also ready for a figh

Ark's lineage has been entrusted with the duty of guarding the monastery and for thousands of years, Ark's lineage has successfully done that without fail. Ark was diligently guarding the monastery with his son until Lord Adonis visited

"Reveal yourself" Ark said in a loud to

"if I reveal myself to you, there will be consequences you can't handle." replied Lord Adon

"you don't seem like a normal person. No normal person emits such cold aura but if you must pass through this gate, you must solve the puzzle." Ark said trying hard to catch a glimpse of Lord Adonis. Ark has met a lot of arrogant people in his years of guarding the monastery so he knows when he meets a tough one and this man standing in front of him was definitely on

"Shoot" Lord Adonis was prepared for the ridd

"I have a beginning, but no end and end all things that begins. Who am I?" Ark threw the riddle at Lord Adoni

Lord Adonis smiled before he gave his answe

"I am the answer to that riddle." Lord Adonis answered confidently

"Wrong, My bad I thought you were a tough one until your answer came. You are just as arrogant as others. Return to where you came from." Ark's voice was filled with sco

"How can I be wrong when I'm Adonis, the king of death." Lord Adonis said enraged by Ark's response, he walked very close to Ark and removed his cape

  Thunder struck and lightening followed revealing his face in the dark. Lord Adonis moved closer to Ark and touched Ark's fac

Ark felt the coldest he had been his whole life. Reality dawn on him, terrified he fell to the ground. The young monk who had been watching all this while tried to move closer to his father but was stopped by his father's scream

"Don't move any closer and turn your back son" Ark screamed with all his migh

"Father" shouted the young monk

"Do as you are told son for I have seen death face to face." Ark struggled to say, his heart was getting cold

Axel, the son of Ark followed his father's instructions and turned his back with tears on his face

"Hmmmmm what a fatherly love. Is my answer to the riddle wrong?" Lord Adonis asked looking straight into Ark's 

"You are death, the end of all things. How can you be wrong? why have you visited the monastery? Ark asked in a frail on

There was absolutely no chance in forever that Lord Adonis would tell Ark his purpos

"You have no business with that. Open the monastery and I'll lessen your pain." Lord Adonis shaking his head

"I am but an old man and I'm not afraid of you but I beg of you, let my son live." Ark pleaded as he knew no matter how strong he was, he definitely can't win against deat

"That depends on you." Lord Adonis replied as he turned his eyes towards the younger monk

"Please let my father live." Axel pleaded with his back turned against them.

Lord Adonis was getting impatient by the display of affection by both father and son. Ark sensed Lord Adonis Impatienc

"I'll do what you want but only the blood of two generation of guardians can reveal the key to open the monastery. Give me a moment with Axel." Ark requested as he took off the necklace around his neck

Lord Adonis took his hand off Ark's face and covered his head with his cape before taking few steps away from Ark

"Axel, come here" Ark called ou

Axel rushed to his father, knelt down beside him and held him close

Ark whispered into the ears of his and gave him the necklace. Axel shook his head repeatedly

"There is no time son. Do it now." Ark ordered Axe

Axel bought out a dagger and made a cut on the thumb of Ark and did the same on himself. Both merged their blood together on the necklace. The necklace shone and soon turned into a key

"Open the door" Ark instructed Axel and Axel did as he was tol

The monastery opened right before their eyes revealing it's glory

"Axel my son, my work is done now. I'm sorry I have to leave you this way. Take an hundred steps away and wait there. Turn your back and wait till dawn. You're the only surviving guardian now." Ark said giving his last instruction to his son

Axel followed his father's instructions dragging his legs. Lord Adonis moved towards Ar

"it's all yours now. Take care of your business. I'll trust you'll keep your promise." Ark said weakly as his heart gave wa

Axel felt it. His father has passed away. he was tempted to turn and so he di

"Father!!!" Axel turned in a attempt to move closer to his father

"If you move an inch further, I don't think I will be able to keep my promise to your father." Lord Adonis threatened so Axel stood transfixed on a spot. Adonis entered the opened monastery and made for his answer

Lord Adonis had discovered there was an ultimate cure and he wouldn't have to depend on mere human blood for a temporary relief once he is able to lay his hands on h

She is the Elkanel. An angel whose blood is illuminated. The blood dripping from her heart will heal his wounds. With her death, Lord Adonis will be reborn and he will be liberated from the pain that has held him bond

But he will have to wait for her to be reborn as she will be reincarnated only after a total eclipse takes place. Lord Adonis quickly did the mathematics. The Elkanel will be born in the next one hundred year

He had waited for her and with each passing year, Lord Adonis anticipated her birth.

Twenty four years ago, The total eclipse happened. His antidote was finally here but as for what she looks like and where to find her were his task. He has been searching for his antidote for the past twenty four years..



  He can't afford to lose her in this lifetime. His existence depended on her. He will stop at nothing to get her this time and get himself healed and powerful again

Any sign of weakness from him will have his foes and subordinates alike covet his position, once that happens, he knows it was just a matter of time before they overpower him.

Nothing matters to Lord Adonis as much as his position. His position equals to his purpose. Seeing how Azrail has stood up to him earlier means one thing. Time was definitely not on his si

The wound was a constant reminder that he had to find "her" as soon as possible regardless of what price he had to pay

Lord Adonis touched his unhealed wound and a great pain sweep across his body but he managed to endure the pain and suppress his scream. He looked at his unhealed wound and gave a dry smile. He craved for strong wine, he stood up and moved to the bar in his room. The bar was filled with expensive and exotic drinks and wine. He drew a stool and made himself comfortable. He took a bottle of alcohol and poured it into a glass but it wasn't enough to curb his thirst. He took the bottle and gulped the entire content d

No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't comprehend why Azrail had threw himself to save her. Azrail even called her by her name. Was there something between the two he doesn't k

Lord Adonis repositioned himself and wondered what was so special about Audrey that he had found himself and Azrail saving her?

He needed no soothsayer to tell him that Audrey was definitely a time bomb waiting to explode

"That girl smells like trouble for Azrail and myself. I must get rid of her before she causes more damages. The earlier, the better." Adonis said reaching a conclusion in his he

  Lord Adonis thoughts drifted to Azrail. He had checked his heart to be s

" its impossible to fall in love without a beat in one's heart. I checked Azrail's heart. I'm positive it lacks even the faintest pulse." Lord Adonis reassuring hims

Azrail had been with him all these time before he went into hibernation. He thought he knew him so well but the event that had taken place earlier got him having a rethink

"Was I away for too long? Can I protect my position with Azrail by my side? Can I keep up with the changes around me?" Lord Adonis had many unanswered questi

  "Azrail is the last arch angel standing in my court, I can't afford to lose him. Losing him now is tantamount to losing my right arm but without any iota of doubt, Azrail has changed. How much he has changed is currently unpredictable. I must contain this situation ." Lord Adonis said as he remembered "th

Anger fueled up from the inside of Lord Adonis. His eyes turned crimson red and the lights in his room went off

"I have to prevent such reoccurrence, it mustn't happen again, not under my watch." Lord Adonis threw the bottle of the wine he had been holding against the wall and gritted his teeth. He cannot afford to be lenient especially to Audrey. Though a strange kind of force keeps him away from hurting her nevertheless he will have to find a way of teaching Azrail and Audrey an unforgettable less

What will the lesson be??

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  t...oom.aw...e keeps him away from hurting her nevertheless he will have to find a way of teaching Azrail and Audrey an unforgettable lesson.

What will the lesson be????