
Death's Devotion

In the sultry depths of Louisiana, Wren, a young mortician, finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and passion that defies the boundaries of reality. Haunted by what she believes to be her own mental illness, Wren's world is forever altered when she encounters a series of enigmatic figures with striking golden eyes—each one seemingly identical yet profoundly different. As Wren's encounters with these mysterious beings intensify, she is drawn deeper into a realm where dreams bleed into reality and the line between sanity and madness blurs. Seduced by the allure of the golden-eyed figure who haunts her every thought, Wren finds herself succumbing to a love that transcends the confines of time and space. But as Wren's feelings for this dark and beguiling presence deepen, she discovers the shocking truth behind the enigmatic figure's identity. Caught between desire and dread, Wren must confront the darkness within herself and the secrets hidden in her mind's shadows. In this spellbinding tale of love, loss, and redemption, Wren must navigate the tangled threads of fate to uncover the truth about the mysterious golden-eyed figure who holds her heart in his hands. Will she find salvation in the arms of her otherworldly lover, or will the revelation of his true nature shatter her fragile illusions forever?

DylanSHill · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 8

"You have a grade 1 concussion," the doctor cut in. I looked back at the middle-aged woman in a doctor's coat. "We will need to run a few tests now that you are awake, but in the meantime, please remain calm and try to rest," she said, flashing a threatening look toward Allie. Giving me a slight nod, she turned toward the door and disappeared into the hall of crowded people. 

My eyes met Allie's once again, this time with a look of disgust splayed over her face. Her auburn hair was thrown in a messy bun, and the lack of makeup told me she hurried to get here.

"You didn't have to come," I grumbled, looking out the window. A storm was approaching, which is not uncommon in early spring. This one would be metaphorical for the encounter I was about to have.

"They tried to reach that Creepshow you call a boss, but he was too busy to bother. I figured if you died, someone should come and claim your body," she replied, repulsed at the sight of me. 

She had this face she made when she spoke of Mr. Babineau; it was a mixture of disgust and terror. He had removed her from the funeral home more than once when she became belligerent towards the end. 

"I hope this wasn't some attempt to get me to come back because I swear to god, Wren. I am so done with you, and you're bullshit!" she shouted.

"I was in a car accident, Alison! It's not like I was trying to off myself!" I roared. The heart rate monitor beeped loudly, but I let myself release it all. "How dare you think you have any right to my body if I died! Are you kidding me?!" I snapped again. 

Her eyes grew wide at my every word, and by the time I finished, the monitor beeped as swiftly as a ticking bomb. Then she said it—what I knew deep down but always feared she'd say.

"Do you realize how insignificant you are to me, to everyone? No one even bothered enough to see if you were alive? I only came out of the smallest hope that I would finally be done with you, and now I am", she sniped, picking up her bag and exiting the room. That would be the last time I would ever see her. 

Good Riddance. 


 Thunder shook the hospital room window as the nurse finished taking my vitals. Mr. Babineau had arrived a few minutes earlier and waited until the nurse left to come in. His eyes widened when he saw the bandage on my forehead, and a small gasp left his mouth. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, Wren. Don't worry; we will ensure you are compensated for your injuries. I already have our lawyer working on this," he assured me. "I should have gone to pick up the bodies…" he stammered. 

He seems a little frazzled…

"It's okay; I'm okay. They are keeping me overnight, and I can be back at work tomorrow," I say softly. 

His eyes seemed to ease slightly, but his voice boomed in the small room. 

"Absolutely not! I want you to take a few days off and rest. Darcy and I can handle the few services we have this week. Plus, that young man from Ferriday is coming in for an interview tomorrow. So, we can see how that goes… but please rest." 

I was too tired to argue, though the thought of a few days alone scared me. What would I do with myself?


I tossed and turned all night as the thunder rumbled the walls and the monitor beeped in my ear. Its eyes haunted my dreams; the golden hue of their irises warmed my body. I felt the comfort in its embrace, and when I finally settled into its gaze, I fell into a deep sleep. I forgot about Allie and the events from the previous day and found myself back in the dark space I was in before, waiting for its cold touch. I waited for hours, but the hooded figure never appeared. I seemed alone in the space; only the tiny warming lights lit up the room. I lay on the floor against a few decorative cushions and waited more. My thoughts raced back to their fingers on my nipples, plucking them like strings on a harp. 

My finger trailed across my nipple, sending jolts of pleasure down my body, pooling at my thighs. I felt my clit throb as if it needed to be touched. I licked the tip of my fingers and began to massage myself. Closing my eyes, I imagined their eyes on me, obsessively watching my fingers move in and out of me. Its desiccated mouth, eager to taste me. I felt myself begin to drip at the thought of their tongue inside me. 

Please, if you're here… Come to me. I need to feel you.

I spread my leg wider for it to see, still rubbing myself and dripping down my legs. I moaned as I reached my climax and fell back onto the cushions. I opened my eyes just enough to see that the golden eyes I searched for were nowhere to be found. 

I was alone.