

Story of Dearie-Love Novel will be quite different and interesting, Stay tuned for every chapter A - z, you can't afford to miss out on any Episode

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62 Chs

Episode No.34b Bitter Truth ( Love Money & Power )

Tell me how did it come? Zaroon turned to Ramesh after signing the file.

"I want to know the truth!" He said with a glance

"You know the truth." Zaroon said calmly

"So what really D, Bahadur Khan?" Ramesh stopped speaking and shook his head

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth," Zarun exhaled

"I have a question?" said Ramish, Zaroon was completely turned towards him

Maybe he knew what he was going to ask

"Ask!" was allowed

"You and Bahadur Khan, what is the story?" Ramesh asked in a spot tone

"Don't you know what he did to my wife?" Zarun raised an eyebrow

"I was naive, I admit, I was misled, it was my fault, but don't think of me as a child." That here Majra is someone else" Zaroon looked at Ramesh's words with those admiring eyes.

"Tum saha nahi pauge Ramish Khan Niazi!" Zaroon smiled and started rolling the pan in his fingers

"My father is the murderer of my mother and my brother, when I bear this, I can bear anything!" Ramesh said in a strong tone.

Your father is not only the murderer of your mother and brother, he is also the murderer of my parents. If you remember, five years ago today, on December 31st, a factory was blown up in an explosion, where the bodies of many people were found who were attributed to a terrorist organization without confirmation and they were not even blessed with a shroud, do you remember? Have you?'' Ramesh thought for a while on Zaroon's question and then nodded his head

"Yes, I had seen the news, but what does it have to do with all of this?" Ramesh was somewhat surprised

Ramesh is very closely related, none of them were related to any terrorist organization, they were all my associates, all those people who were harmed by Bahadur Khan in one way or another, day and night. After hard work, we were able to collect enough evidence against Bahadur Khan to send him behind the bars, but when he turned out to be his own traitor, what did we do with the people?

"Who is the traitor?"

Shams! He was also one of us, he was just like a younger brother to us, but he broke us, we all had different bodies but one heart, he stabbed that heart, shattered it!" Zaroon. There was a sadness in his voice

"What did he do?" Ramesh asked hesitantly

Zarun took out a file from the table drawer and placed it in front of Ramesh

"Open it!" At Zarun's prompting, Ramesh opened a file containing a picture of a young girl, simple in appearance but attractive.

"Who is this?" Ramesh closed the file after seeing the picture

This Saima was just like my sisters, she was the most dear to me among all my workers. kept''

"Did something happen to him that shouldn't have happened?" Zarun got up from his place and stood near the glass window when asked by Ramesh.

"She was gang-raped by your father and his men" Ramesh was hit by the snot, it was difficult for him to breathe.


"We made a mistake in understanding Shams, he loved money and power from the beginning, but how did he get it? That's why he met Bahadur Khan and to prove his loyalty, he sacrificed a girl like his sister to this wolf, not only that, but he told Bahadur Khan all our secrets, but he was killed in one place! '

''from where?''

"Except for Xaviar and Wahaj, no one else in my team knew who was the head of the team?" I always used my dad's name, so Bahadur Khan and Shams thought that the head of this team was Rustam Sheikh, who was actually Zarun Rustam Sheikh, they still don't know that Zarun Rustam Sheikh is theirs. The real waste!

"Aren't you afraid that I will record all this and send it to Bahadur Khan, after all he is my father?" Zaroon smiled at Ramesh's words and then turned towards him.

"If you do not believe in the Hereafter and not even in the fact that on that day your mother and your brother will hold your neck and ask why you did not take it when you had so much power on earth that you could take revenge on them. You can tell everything to Bahadur Khan if you want!" At Zaroon's smile, Ramesh let out a deep breath and started running both hands through his hair.

"Now what to do?" Ramesh looked at Zaroon

"It's up to you, Ramesh, what you can do," replied Zarun.

"I just want to punish this person severely," said Ramesh emphasizing every syllable

Zarun patted his shoulder

He was looking helplessly in Bahadur Khan's office, watching everything carefully, when Bahadur Khan entered the door as soon as he opened it.

"Ramesh, you are here and what has happened to your condition?" He was shocked to see Ramesh

While Ramesh got up from his seat angrily.

"All this has happened because of your darling Zaroon, and he because of your ex-wife Gul Rana," shouted Ramesh angrily.

"Keep your voice down at this time you are in my house" Bahadur Khan was not impressed by his style

You see my condition? In just one night, this person has ruined my entire career, left me speechless, forced me to beg from door to door and you say I should keep my voice down?" asked Ramesh laughing in surprise.

"Then who told you to publicly humiliate his wife like this?" Bahadur Khan lit a cigar

"I didn't come here to take any suggestion from you, I just came to warn you, I will tell my dear Zaroon that Ramish Khan Niazi will ruin him now, he will not leave him alone!" He said angrily. He said with emphasis on the letter

"Well, what else will you do?" Bahadur Khan laughed and turned his words into a joke

A lively smile appeared on Ramesh's lips

''what do you think? Am I stupid or do I not know anything? I know what you and your dear friends are doing under the guise of business, just once the evidence comes, I will do such a fate in my hand that the world will see!" Bahadur Khan warned. He stormed out of the room while small drops began to appear on Bahadur Khan's broad forehead.

Holding Zaroon's hand tightly, she was sitting in the doctor's cabin while preparations for the laser treatment were underway in another room in the cabin.

"Oh, look here, everything will be fine!" Seeing his nervous face, Zarun turned him towards him

"Really?" Rose asked for a promise

Zarun smiled and put his hand on his forehead and straightened the lines that appeared on his forehead.

"Mrs. Zaroon, are you ready?" asked Dr. Sadia in a professional manner as he entered the cabin.

Rose shook her head nervously

"Then we should start the treatment, come with me!" the doctor motioned to follow him.

"Zaroon can come?" Gulab asked nervously

Zaroon looked at her in shock as her grip tightened on his hand

Shaver why not! F he want, he can join (Why not! If they want to come, they can come.)" Gulab looked at Zaroon with pleading eyes as he listened to the doctor.

Who once again smiled and looked at Gulab and nodded his head, this act of his had given Gulab a lot of peace.

Dressed in a patient gown, she turned up on the bed and was ready for the treatment, Dr. Sadia had just put on a mask and cap to protect her and Zaroon from the rays.

With the lights of the operation tool turned on, the focus of the laser beam was placed on the part of Rose's body where the cuts were small.

Giving the red sign, the doctor turned on the laser mission when a small beam shot out and touched Rose's skin.

A sob escaped Rose's lips and she mustered some courage as she swallowed

She felt a painful prick in her whole body, according to the doctor, these parts were not going to suffer much but she was already feeling a lot of pain when suddenly Zaroon sat on her side and held his right hand in both his hands. I took

Laying down with eyes closed, Gulab quickly opened her eyes and saw Zaroon, who blinked his eyelids slightly and comforted her.

As soon as the rays fell again, Gulab pressed Zaroon's hand tightly while Zaroon ran his hand over her hand to comfort her.

After about half an hour the first session was over. According to the doctor, 30% of the scars on the body were healed and the remaining 70% were to be recovered in the next two sessions.

Helping Gulab, Zarun made her sit in the car and went to buy some medicines for her from the dispensary.

"Are you okay?" Zarun asked worriedly

"Yes, just be in a little pain," replied Gulab

"Don't worry, Rose, inshallah these troubles will be removed from our lives very soon" Zaroon answered her and took one of her hands in his hand and started driving the car with the other.

"What is the work?" Shams asked while sitting in front of Ramesh

"Would you like some tea, coffee, etc?" Ramesh asked politely

"Talk about work, why have you called me?" Shams asked with sharp eyes

Ramesh smiled and shook his head

Shams, how long have you been working for my father?

"Why?" question after question

"This is not the answer to my question!" Ramesh shook his head again

"For five years!" replied Shams

"And now what is your post?" Ramesh asked another question

"What do you mean?" Shams replied sharply, this man was licking his brain instead of talking about work

"Let me tell you that you are Bahadur Khan's left hand, you have been with him for the last five years, but he is Waqar." Shams was shocked at Waqar's name.

"Waqar, who came not even a month ago, has become my father's right hand, he is respected more than you, where does Amen go for his every idea, chuch, chuch, I am very sorry for your condition. But" said Ramesh sadly

"How did you know about Waqar?" Shams narrowed his eyes and asked

"I know a lot more, how do you guys trade drugs and girls under the guise of legal business? My father and that Zaroon Rustom Sheikh are both equal partners, aren't they?" He pursed his lips and cleared his throat

"What do you want?" Shams asked in a low voice

"There is a proposal for you!" Ramesh said with a smile

"What kind of proposal?"

"Even after serving Bahadur Khan for so many years, you did not get the position you wanted, but someone else was given your place. Now, instead of Bahadur Khan, work for me. Make a deal, if you agree with me. "Mulkar will first expel Zaroon and then Bahadur Khan from this business, then I will make you the owner of fifty percent with me, so what do you say?" It was done.

"So what do you think?" Ramesh asked with a smile

"That's right, but how will all this happen?" Ramesh laughed at Shams' words and told him his plan, which made Shams' eyes shine even more.

"Deal?" Ramesh extended his hand

"Deal!" Shams smiled and shook hands

Shams said suddenly

"Ask!" allowed Ramesh

"Bahadur Khan is your father, so how can you do this to him?" Shams raised his eyebrows.

"Bahadur Khan is someone's son who will be his son?" Shams laughed openly at Ramesh's words.

"We will have to agree, like father like son!" Shams applauded which Ramesh bowed his head and accepted.

In a short while they both left for their respective cars. Seeing Shams' car leaving, a comfortable smile appeared on Ramesh's lips

"Your end is a little closer Bahadur Khan!" Ramesh laughed and said to himself

"Plan successful!" He sent a message to Zaroon's number and took his car out of the parking lot

Seeing Ramesh's message, Zarun smiled and looked at Sui Gulab with his head on his chest

"Everything will be fine soon!" He said to himself while kissing her forehead.

. . .

"Bahadur Khan, it is important to talk!" Shams entered the study with a shock when he saw Waqar there and his mouth became open.

"Say!" Bahadur Khan allowed

"Alone!" Shams stared at Waqar

"Okay, then I'm allowed." Waqar got up from his seat and walked out of the study

"What is the matter?" Bahadur Khan turned towards him

Shams had sat in the same place where Waqar had sat a while ago

"What is that?" Before speaking, his eyes went to a sheet

"This Waqar is a very hard worker, look how much profit we have earned from this partnership!" Bahadur Khan said with a smile.

Shams clenched his fists in anger as an evil thought crossed his mind and his lips curled into a smile.

"By the way, all this profit can be yours too, Bahadur Khan," Shams said with a smile

"What do you mean?" Bahadur Khan was shocked

"The matter is straightforward, Khan, your goods, your ship, and what did this Zarun give only one man? And yet he is sitting as the owner of half the money without doing anything, believe me, get him out of the way and remove him from the way, all such money will be yours!" Bahadur Khan looked at Shams with questioning eyes. .

But how will this happen? That Zarun is not an ordinary person, how will I do all this?" Bahadur Khan shook his head with worry.

"There is a man who can do this," Shams smiled

"Who?" Bahadur Khan asked in surprise

Ramesh is your son.

"Ramesh?" Bahadur Khan asked Achhanbe

"Yes Ramesh, you know how much he hates Zaroon, join him and when the time comes, finish Zaroon by him, even the snake will die and even the sticks will not break" Shams said with a smile.

"Will he agree?" Bahadur Khan said to himself

Suddenly, the scene of this morning revolved in front of him, how much anger was in Ramesh's eyes, how he was threatening to destroy Zaroon, Bahadur Khan smiled comfortably and looked at Shams and nodded his head, while Shams was happy. It was not swelling.

He got up from his seat and called Ramesh as he left the room

"Speak Shams?" Ramesh's voice came on the phone

"It's done!" Shams said with a smile, which made Ramesh laugh

"Well done Shams, I was hoping for the same news from you!" Ramesh applauded him and hung up.

"They call him three victims with one arrow, Zarun, Ramish and Bahadur Khan!" Shams said to himself

After five years of work, I am only the owner of fifty percent? No, not Ramesh sir, Shams will become the owner of the entire business, not fifty, that's why he didn't work so hard!'' He laughed loudly while standing in front of the mirror.
