
Dear uncle, thanks to you I found love

I'm Aurora a beautiful girl who has always dreamt of taking over the Salvatore's business empire. I'm the heiress of the empire but my dreams were shattered and my world began to crumble after I lost my dad to the cold hands of death. I lived a miserable life thanks to my uncle who hated me and my family. Uncle decided to take me out of the picture in other to take over the business empire. He married me off to Leonardo Armando a Ruthless Mafia Lord who frustrated my life and made life miserable. He never loved me. I didn't know which was worse; being a Mafia Lord's wife or the fact that I lost everything that matters to me.

Victoria_Gabriel_8814 · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: THE PRANK

Nicole! Nicole! Wake up…wake up, it's morning already'' Beatrice said while opening the window curtains ''Wake up you lazy girl''

''Mum, just a few second'' Nicole said

''Wake up, you'll be late for school''

''Can't I skip school today?

''No. wake up''

''Mum, let me okay? I'll do it my own way. Nicole guess who is here. Yes, your favourite celebrity…you know her. Yes, our lovely….'' I said

''Arianna Grande? Where is she? Nicole said, sitting up immediately.

''In your dreams. Get up, you knuckle head. Job done, mum. I'll go make breakfast'' I said leaving for the kitchen.

''Nicole…your bath is ready'' mum said leaving the room.

''Goodness… how can Aurora say that to me. I'm so stupid. No way will Arianna come here to visit me. I should have my bath now. I don't wanna go to school''

Nicole left for the bathroom. I finished up with the preparations for breakfast and returned to my bed room to get ready. Nicole and I had breakfast and left for the car. The chauffer dropped Nicole off at her school before taking me to college.

I'm getting into the third year of my studies. I was so excited. I heard my name and turned, Catherine and Morris were running behind me to catch up with me. I stopped walking and waited for them to meet with. They were panting. I smiled at them and we continued our walk.

''It's so nice to start of the semester with a nice run'' I said sarcastically

''Nice one. Ha ha ha'' Morris said

''I was kidding. Welcome guys to our third year of study. I missed you guys. How was your holiday? I asked with a smile.

''Same here. I've missed you. I just pray things work out in our favour'' Catherine said

''Of course it will. Don't be faithless. I did a lot of prayers for us, especially for Aurora'' Morris said

''For me? You're such a darling. Thank you Morris. I really appreciate your love'' I said and smiled at him.

''What about me? Didn't you pray for Me? Catherine asked blocking Morris.

''I prayed foe you but just for thirty seconds. You're a tough lady'' Morris said.

''What? Thirty seconds? No problem, I know your weakness and you'll definitely come begging'' Catherine said with a frown.

''C'mon, I was just kidding. I prayed for you. Trust me''

''You guys are cute and your arguments but if we continue we'll be late for lectures"

"You're right. What hall are we using? Morris asked

"That hall" I said pointing at a door.

"Wow! How did you know? Well...race you girls there" Morris said running out.

" That dude is so annoying. He doesn't have respect for us. Well...race you too Aurora" Catherine ran out.

"Catherine...geez. I'm wearing high heels. So inconsiderate you guys can be." I left for the hall.

I walked in and saw Catherine waving at me. She had reserved a seat for me. I thanked her and had my seat. I placed my book on the desk. Not long the lecturer walked in and lectures commenced. It was quite an interesting class. We concluded and left for the next class which ended by 12 noon. We decided to have lunch at the cafeteria. I had packed my own lunch. Another miss to get taunted by Moriis. I just smiled and enjoyed my lunch.

Lectures ended for the dad and my chauffeur picked me up. I also gave a lift to Catherine. I arrived at home and went in. Nicole and dad were laughing out so loud in the living room. The laughter caught my attention.

"What are you guys talking about? I asked

"Nothing much. Just reminiscing overr something funny" dad said

"Tell me. What is it?

"Dad was telling me a cute story about uncle Vito . He pretended to be brave until he got pranked and he was screaming. Help! Help me! Ghosts!" Nicole laughed

"Oh my gosh, really dad? I can't believe Uncle is actually scared of ghosts." I said

"Let's prank him" Nicole said

"No, no, no. We won't do that. It's bad. If mum finds out, she'll punish us"

"That's if she finds out. Let's do it. Please dad... please pretty Aurora" Nicole begged

"I don't know. Aurora is right. Beatrice won't like it. And Greta will definitely cause a scene" dad said.

"No one will find out. Let's just do this last prank on him. Please.." Nicole pleaded

"One last prank? You've been pranking uncle? I asked with so much surprise

"Yes. Kinda... whenever he gets on my nerves, I prank him. "

"Wow! Prank lord" I said

"So... we're pranking him, right? Dad nodded, so it's a yes from dad. Yes pretty baby cutie..."

"Okay. One last prank"


"I'lead the way" dad said

"Aye aye captin" Nicole and I echoed.

We made a plan and waited to strike. Dad asked uncle to get him something from the basement. Uncle went down murmuring. He knocked over a box and heard "ouch...he stepped on my spirit toes " he quickly flashed the light.

"Who's there? Who's that? Who are you? Anyone in here? He asked while his eyes scanned the entire place

"Can't these beings clean the basement. I can't believe I sneeze even being a ghost" Nicole said

"Ghost... ghost...ghost" I repeated what she said make it look like an echo

"Calm down Vito. Your mind is playing tricks on. Focus"

"Atcheeww" Nicole made a sneeze sound

"Bless you ghost"

"Come out you... whatever you are" Vito uncle said

"Hey! You did something bad before coming here. I saw you. I followed you. Why did you do it? Should I tell your wife? She won't hear me but I'll tell her" Nicole said and giggled while covering her mouth with her hands "this is so much fun" she said softly.

"How did you know"

"Because I'm a ghost. I've been living in this basement before you were born. I know all your secrets! I said

"My secrets? What secrets?

"Even now...I saw everything you did. Tell me! Nicole said

I made the lights to flicker. It scared Uncle so much .

"Ghost? It's a real ghost. I hate ghosts. ! Ghosts! Ghosts! He said running out.

Nicole and I Hugh gives and sneaked out to the living room. We watched uncle blab about a basement ghost. Grandma yelled at him and retired to her room. He scratched his head and left with aunt Greta. Da, Nicole and I Hugh gives. Mum made a cough sound. We slowly turned.

"What did you guys do? I know you pranked him" mum said

"Sorry mum" Nicole apologized

"Nicole, how many times will I tell you that pranking is bad but today's was so awesome. I enjoyed it. High five kids" mum said

"For real mum? Nicole asked

"Yes. Let's go to the poolside. I have a lot to tell you girls. Come too darling" mum said

"Right behind you"