
Dear, Omniscient Merch

A girl from the nobility named Minnie Rosemary promises to show the world to her best friend who is just an ordinary villager Yuuna Dylan. But unbeknownst to Minnie, the village where her best friend lives has been massacred by unknown people, the entire village was destroyed and burned down. "Yuuna...I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you" She stood blankly before the body of her best friend who was pierced by many spears. "If God can't protect you, then let me do it-" "High-level blood control ability acquired" Minnie gasped to herself, she heard the voice of someone speaking to her. "Who?!" "You want to save your best friend, don't you?" said the unknown voice. "It's not too late to save her."

uriels · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Because Of You

Morgan rushed back to the mansion while glancing at the area around her "It feels strange around this place" Morgan paused for a moment with her forehead furrowed, she tried to focus on sensing the natural energy around her. "Looks like..."

"Yuuna, hear me?"

"I hear you."

"Analyze this unclear energy"

"Leave it to me"

Yuuna used her analyzing ability quickly, she expanded her magic energy and widened the coverage area of her ability.

"Morgan...all that energy is coming from the basement located in this mansion, do you want to go there? I know the direction."

Morgan paused, she was thinking about the best option in this case, estimating the movements of an enemy she did not recognize at all, acting too hastily was very careless for Morgan.

"I need to see how Miss Elizabeth is doing first" Morgan took off running again, jumping over the guardrail and onto the roof of the mansion.

(On the other hand)

"To be honest, I just made up the story I just told you Eli, the economic problem is really sickening to me" The man who had previously disguised himself as Vakorys sat on the chair where Elizabeth was sitting before while drinking hot tea.

"My main goal is to keep you away from the Kingdom area, take you to a distant and secluded place here and then kill you" said the man casually.

Elizabeth was still lying on the floor while holding her own chest, her face looked crumpled and holding the pain she got.

"What do you really want..." Elizabeth's tone sounded soft, she was no longer able to speak.

"Of course to take over the capital of Dalezya, after killing you I will go to the Queen, your mother, I will tell her that you died because you were killed by robbers on the way. After that I will look for a blind spot to kill your mother too"

Elizabeth was speechless at the dirty words of the man beside her, she wanted to spit in the man's face and strangle his neck.

"It's not as easy as you say...my kingdom has-"

"What? Strong knights? Tight security? You think I don't have subordinates? This is a golden opportunity, knowing that the kingdom is ruled by a weak woman and she only lives with her princess and maids in the palace...and also your useless weak knights!"

The red-haired man kicked Elizabeth in the face until the woman's body fell and kissed the floor hard, Elizabeth winced in pain but she couldn't fight back at all.

The man got up from his chair, drew the sword hanging from his left waist and walked towards Elizabeth slowly. "You know what? I've been planning this for a long time, I've prepared all this carefully" His tone sounded very mocking of Elizabeth's position and bullying the woman.

"Stupid" were the only words that came out of Elizabeth's red lips.

"What did you say?!" The man began to raise his sword and drew the sharp iron towards Elizabeth.

At the sound of the mansion's roof shattering, a blonde girl fell from above while stabbing the man hard in the back, she jumped up and stood in front of Elizabeth's weakened body.

"Sorry I'm late" Morgan placed her palm on Elizabeth's hand, instantly the girl's wounds were completely healed, even the stab wounds she had received had disappeared from her body.

"...I didn't know your magic had reached this level...Morgan" Elizabeth was amazed by her maid's ability, she changed her position and sat behind Morgan's body.

"That's not my ability, that's my friend's miss...you can thank her later" Morgan smiled briefly at Elizabeth then looked back at the man who was enduring the pain in his back.

"Get to the point, I can't let a rotten human like you live...I don't know how many people you've killed" Morgan raised her blood katana, pointing at the man in front of her very coldly.

"I'm not willing to lose to a lowly maid like you bitch" The man seemed to be using his healing ability, the wounds he had gotten earlier were already healing, he stretched his body and picked up his sword that had fallen to the floor.

"It is better to die here, you have tried to kill the princess and in the end you will get the death penalty from the Queen, whatever your choice is right now...you will die in the end" Morgan spoke in a flat tone while doing a defensive stance.

The man was suddenly in front of Morgan's face, he kicked Morgan's body until it bounced out of the Mansion "You seem to be troublesome, so I'd better kill you first" the man moved very fast and caught up with Morgan's body which fell as it hit the trees around the Mansion.

Morgan swiftly took a kneeling position and parried the man's attack, the two of them fought fiercely. even some of the soil around the housing began to crack due to the impact given by the fight between the two.

Morgan jumped up and kicked the man's head until it kissed the ground very hard, the impact of Morgan's kick was so strong that it created a large hole around it.

The woman took a step to land on a tree branch and waited for the next attack to come.

"I can't waste time like this...it's not safe to keep the princess here for long, the worst story is if enemy reinforcements will come...should I just run away?" Morgan was talking to her own mind, the woman looked quite cornered with her current situation.


Morgan was startled by Yuuna's voice as she saw the man on the ground now in front of her eyes, staring at her with great fear.

"..." Morgan was speechless, she was completely frozen at the look the man was giving her, to her it was like he was showing him death.

"You're a very rude woman, I've never met a bitch like you before...ah no, I have..."

Morgan was still frozen and not moving at all

"When I was still on earth, I came to a large mansion to meet my customer, at that time there was also a young girl who beheaded my customer from behind"

"Huh" Morgan only let the sound escape her lips, her eyes bulging and her nerves shrinking.

"This guy...who is he talking about-"

"That woman has silver hair with very beautiful golden eyes, she uses the same abilities as you...or SHE IS YOU!!!"

The man punched Morgan in the face, making the woman bounce and hit the ground hard, Morgan did not move at all and just lay weakly on the mound of earth.

"You...the one who that time-" Morgan spoke in a small tone, her gaze blank and her face like someone who wanted to cry.

"You...the one who killed Yuuna..."