
Dear Mommy, Let's Win Your Stern Boss's Heart!

Emma Valentino, a hardworking single mother recovering from a traumatic past, faces the challenges of her job while raising her 3-year-old daughter, Eve.    Her encounter with her stern boss, Oliver, shook her confidence. As she arrives to meet his high expectations, she discovers hidden depths in both herself and Oliver.    Trust and reliance on each other shaped their evolving relationship.   Will Emma's determination to heal and succeed be enough to overcome the obstacles in her path, in addition to her trauma from her past, or will her encounters with Oliver lead her down a different path?

Daphne_Ba · Ciudad
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6 Chs

He's getting along with my daughter?

Emma POV: 


"Yes, I have a daughter."


'Does he find it weird that I have a daughter?' 


"I am sorry I reacted that way; I simply wasn't prepared for it. Regardless, how old is she?" Oliver asked curiously.


"She is 3."


"It must be nice to have her in your life. I hope I will get to meet her someday. So what do you think about the files?" Oliver continued without giving me much time to process what he had said. 


"Regarding the files, I believe it would be better if..."








I glanced at the caller ID, 'Flower Daycare', which drew my attention.


"Please excuse me; I need to pick up this call; it is from my daughter's daycare." 


Oliver nodded in approval. 




"Good day, Miss Emma Valentino. This is Emily from Flower Daycare. I called to let you know that Eve has a fever, and I think it is better if you tend to her." 


"Oh no, my baby. I will be there in a minute." 


I turned to Oliver, looking devastated.


"I need to go to my daughter's daycare; she doesn't feel so well."


"Hey, calm down. I'll give you a ride to the daycare. Now, gather your things and meet me at the front of the building, okay?" 


"Okay. Thank you." 


I rushed to my cubicle to gather my things, explained the whole situation to Lydia while doing that, and hurried out of the building to meet Oliver, who was already waiting for me.


I slid into the car, and he drove off. My mind kept racing through all the possible outcomes.


'I hope she is fine.' I prayed. 


"Don't worry so much; I am sure she is as strong as her mother, so she will be just fine." Oliver said it reassuringly. To my surprise, I felt a sense of relief.


As we arrived at the daycare, I rushed into the building and met the receptionist, who directed me to the infirmary, where I saw Eve lying on a small cot, looking pale and tired. 


"Hey, baby." I said, stroking Eve's hair, "Mummy's here." 


Eve's eyes flickered open, weakly saying, "Mummy..." 


I lifted her gently, feeling the heat from her body against mine. 


"Don't worry, I will take you home now."


As I was about to get Eve out of the cot, Eve said, "What about the ice cream?" 


"I will get them when you feel better." 


"But I want it today, you prokosedy; please, can't I have it now?" Eve burst into tears. 


"Eve, this is not the right time to be stubborn. Wait for me; let me talk to your teacher." 


I walked out of the infirmary to meet Miss Emily. 


"Hello, Thank you so much for reaching out to me on time." 


"Oh, it is fine. She was in so much pain, so I figured she needed you. I must ask, Who is that fine man that dropped you off at the daycare?" 


Emily and her curiosity—or, should I say, gossip?


"He is not someone important; he is just a colleague." 


"Hmm, a colleague, uh. Anyway, he is in the infirmary talking to Eve; they appear to be getting along." She said, shrugging. 


Oliver and my daughter are getting along. 'Shouldn't he have returned to the office?'


I went back to the infirmary and saw Oliver talking to Eve.


"What is he saying to her?" I muffled myself. 


"I would get you the biggest strawberry-flavored ice cream and take you to the biggest park if you promised to listen to your mother." Oliver told Eve this, and she nodded at the negotiation.


"I promise," Eve said excitedly.


"Eve, we need to go now." 


"Okay," she smiled.


He doesn't need to do that.


"Sir, you don't have to do all that." 


He grinned a little and said, "I want to; besides, it seems she really wants the ice cream, so the park is just an addition. And can you stop calling me, sir? It makes me feel older than I am."


'Is he trying to be playful with those remarks?'


"Mr. Fredrick."


"No, Oliver," he remarked.


"Mr. Oliver."


"I guess I will go with that for now," Oliver said, finally agreeing to the name.


'What is going through his mind?'


I picked up Eve and walked to Oliver's car after a failed attempt to let us board a bus. As I placed Eve in the back seat, I could feel Oliver's eyes on me. 


'Why is he staring at me so much?' 


I tried not to give that much thought as I sat in the car beside Oliver.


"Thank you very much for today, Mr. Oliver; it feels like I have been thanking you quite a lot this week."


"I am delighted to assist," Oliver said with a smile. 


Did he just smile? Even though he looks so good, I need to stop staring before I catch myself doing this again.


I looked back to see Eve snuggling the coat I placed on her. She is lovely and peaceful when she sleeps. 


The ride home was silent like last time, and sometimes I catch him stealing a glance at me. What does he want? I don't like this amount of attention; it is quite odd to me.


"Why do you always help me?" 


"Honestly, I don't know, but I can't just watch you do everything. It gives me this unsettling feeling; I don't understand it." He said it with a confused expression. 


I also don't know how I feel about the whole kindness crap. God help. 







"Emma, wake up; we are at your place."


I opened my eyes weakly and wondered, 'Who is that?' 


"Please let me sleep for a while," I said, grunting. 


"I would have done that if Eve wasn't sick, so wake up." 


After hearing that, I opened my eyes immediately and said to myself, 'Did I really doze off in his car?' 


"Uhmm, thanks for the ride; I am so tired. We will be taking our leave now." 


I carried Eve out of the car, and as I was about to walk into the building before Oliver spoke.


"Emma, you have a day off tomorrow. You also need to rest. Call me if you need anything." He then waved at me as he drove off. 


"Oh God, thank you!" I said it with so much joy. 


"Mummy, are we home?" 


"Yes, baby. We are home. Don't worry, you will be fine." 




I am not sure I have woken up as relaxed as this morning—no stress from preparing for school or work. I will just stay at home with my baby, and I am thankful she is much better now. 


"Baby, do you want toast with scrambled eggs?" 


"Yes!" Eve responded, looking as adorable as ever.


'What will I do without you?' I thought, looking at Eve. 


After breakfast, we sat down in the living room to watch our favorite TV show, 'FRIENDS'. 




I checked my phone only to see a text from an unknown number.