

It has been seven years since I met Mason. We were so close. Anywhere he goes I follow and any I go he follows. It's always been like that. Well….until one day something happens. I didn't know what that feeling was or why I was feeling this way, but anytime Mason grabbed my hand, hugged me, even just a smile at me made my heart pump. The feeling felt so….. so comfortable, so warm, a good feeling that I never experienced before. I wish this feeling would never go away. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Isaac. This is my story.

It was in the morning and I was talking to Mason in the cafeteria. Well, he was talking while listening to his passion for art. I felt pleased to hear his passion. I can listen to him for days until two girls grab me.

"Sorry Mason, we need him," they said, then pulled me to another table.

"Nicole, Layla why would you do that"

"It looks sweet that we have to talk to you," Layla said then smirked.

"Plus you guy look closer than before"

These are my best friends. We met on the first day in ninth grade and we easily became friends on day one. They can be a little bit annoying sometimes, but we still close.

"So, tiny-"

Yes, my nickname is tiny. Can we move on?

"So, tiny did you tell him"

"I haven't done it yet but I will. I just got interested in his passion."

"Bitch, it has been a year and you keep saying that over and over again. Tell me when are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know when. What if he doesn't feel the same and ruin our friendship"

"Rather he feels the same about you or not that shouldn't ruin your friendship, but if he ever hurts you or makes you cry he knows that I would beat his-" right when about to finish her sentence the bell rings, so we started walking to our class still talking about my situation. When we got to our class our teacher was standing by the door giving us the death glare for some reason, but we didn't think twice about it. Just a normal thing with this teacher. We went in and sat in the back row of the class. While we are doing a group assignment Scott and Ryan keep staring at me. Scott is one of the popular people and the leader of the football team. He seems to be a nice person and he was a real lady-man. Almost all the girls want to date him, and most of the boys want to be him. I don't trust that smile he gives around people. Now Ryan the other hand or what my friends love to call him "Ryan the mockingbird" is Scott's right-hand man. He copies what he does and says. He never left his side. I bet Ryan followed him to the bathroom or even worse. I'm getting off-topic. They kept staring at me, but I didn't pay any more attention and continued to do the group assignment. When the bell rings I say bye to Layla and Nicole, then walk to my next class. While walking to class I felt a tap on my shoulder. I glanced behind me and It was Scott and Ryan.

"Hey Isaac," he said

"Oh hey Scott"

"I was wondering if we can be friends," he said with a smile. The smile that gives me red flags.

"No thanks," I said calmly and walked a little faster than them. They caught up to me, so I tried to ignore them all the way to the class. That also didn't work because they sat on both sides of me.

"Oh come on Isaac we can be the best friend ever"

"Again it's a good offer but no thanks," I said calmly, but of course he didn't give up. I started to ignore him all the way the bell rings. Once the bell rings I quickly get out of the class, so I didn't have to hear Scott convincing me to be his friend. I went to one of my worst classes. Physical education. I quickly walk to the gym and sit by Liam.

"Hey Liam"


"I hope Mr. Wilson not here"


"At least you're one of his favorites"

"Well at least I do something in class, while you do nothing"

"So drawing fantasy characters is doing something," I Said. Let's talk about Mr. Wilson for a second. Mr.Wilson is the most sexist teacher in the school. He thinks that males are more fit than females. He always said it almost every time in class. He also has favorites and of course, I'm not one of them, but I don't care. Anyway, as we were talking we heard his loud voice.

"Alright maggots time for you to get changed and come back," he shouted. Once I heard his voice I just knew that class was going to be terrible. We change Into our gym uniforms and walk out of the locker room.

"Alright, you'll be doing a fitness test. Get in line" Mr.Wilson said. All the boys went in a horizontal line. Let me tell you the baseline of the fitness test. We do three fitness tests. It's push-ups, sits ups, and the pacer test. When the fitness test started Mr. Willson was looking around but felt that he was mostly looking at me. Once everyone was finished he said;

" you guys did well but some need to improve more. Now go change for lunch except for Isaac. I need to talk to you" he said. Everyone else left to change and go to lunch.

"When I was looking around I saw you Barely trying your best, why?"

"But I was trying my best"

"You did thirty push-up, thirty sit-ups, and ran only five laps and you think I believe you tried your best"


Before I can continue he slap me across my face.

"Shut up you lazy bum. Just go change and head to lunch" he said, so I started walking to the locker. While walking I still heard what he was saying about me.

"It's not my fault when you die for being fat and alone"

I kept walking to the locker. I didn't want to be in any longer, so I quickly changed and went to lunch. Once I got to the cafeteria I sat with my group. In this school, people sit with their groups. Jocks sit with jocks, nerds sit with the nerd, and you get the rest. People called my group the outsider. It's just a small group of people. Anyways, I sat with my friends.

"What took you so long to change"

"Sorry guys, but the teacher wanted to talk to me. And he slaps me for not trying hard as the other students were even though I was trying. He also called me a lazy bum and that I'm going to die fat"

"He said that to you. The person who doesn't even look fit himself said that you are going to die fat. I'm shocked. I'm shocked that he can leave his house. I bet his housewife pushes him out of the door," Nicole said, then we all laugh.

"but for real we need tell the principal"

"Liam, the principal doesn't change what the teacher does to the students. All he cares about is how much money he'll get."Layla replied.

"Anyways, Isaac, did you tell Liam about what you know? You know the secret about you-"

"What are you talking about? I don't have a secret at all" I said while quickly covering Nicole's mouth. The bell ring for the next class and I stand up and said;

"Well, Nicole time for us the go to our class"

And pull Nicole away from them. Once we were far enough I stopped pulling Nicole.

"So, what was that? Why didn't you just tell him that you like him"

"It wasn't the right moment"

"That's it, I had enough. Thirty-days, you have thirty days until you tell Liam your secret, or else I will"