
Chapter 58: Ryker: Four Years Later

"I'd like to tell you not to be a stranger, but you're one of the few I doubt I'll ever see again." My parole officer had been with me since I'd gotten out of prison years ago, and today was my last meeting.

"Not gonna happen, man." I had never been in trouble before that raid with Chase, and I would never be in trouble again. I couldn't even smell Union 21 anymore they were so far away from my daily life.

Nikki would have me by the balls if I ever got arrested again, and there was no way in hell I'd ever cross that woman. I'd only thought I was in control when we were younger, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Looking back, claiming a girl who wasn't mine was the best decision I'd ever made. She'd turned me into a man I was proud to be: her provider, her lover, and her best friend. And sooner rather than later, she was going to add father to that list.