
Chapter 4: Nikki

The car stopped outside an industrial-looking building. I'd walked by this place a hundred times on my way to work at the restaurant. During the day, it appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. At night, it bustled with activity. Lights illuminated the windows, cars-mostly black Lexuses-lined the parking lot, and men in slacks and sports coats were easy to spot. I wondered what the hell they did at night dressed like that on cell phones, then I thought better of it. Whatever it was, I was sure their activity was illegal, and I wanted no part of it.

Sam didn't pull into a parking place. Instead, he stopped in front of what I guessed to be the entrance and killed the ignition. "Out." His command grated on me, but I jerked the door open anyhow.

Nothing like looking the part of a prostitute in front of men who'd gladly pay for company. The guy who opened the door slapped my ass when I walked by. The glare I gave him only earned a chuckle in return. Bastard.

I grabbed Ma's hand, pulled her behind me like a reluctant child, and followed Sam. My heart beat faster than it should, and I tried to steady myself with deep breaths when I got on the elevator and rode to the third floor. Down the hall and to the left was a wall of glass blocks with a door in the middle, also glass but clear. I guessed glass was easier to clean than brick when Jesse Silvano offed someone who'd crossed him. This should be fun.

As if my mother could read my mind, she yanked me toward her and hissed into my ear. "Don't get smart with him. Understand? He's not playing games." Said the woman who continued to steal coke and smack off the most powerful drug lord in Illinois.

"Ladies, sit." Jesse Silvano reminded me of Tony Soprano. He could have been his double if HBO ever needed one. "Please," he softened his tone.

I chose a seat nearest to the door, which was still too close to him, and crossed my legs. I hadn't realized I'd groaned out loud when I took in my attire.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Wilson?"

I assumed Jesse was talking to my mother, but when I glanced up, his stare remained cast on me. And then he raised his brows.

Might as well be honest. "I would have chosen a more appropriate outfit had I known we were coming to visit."

His eyes narrowed, and he tilted his head to the side just slightly. "I assure you that your attire is the least of my concern. I'm aware of where you came from." Yes, that would be because he whored me out to his goons. "We have a bigger issue to discuss than your stockings."

No one in the room missed the evil stare I gave Ma. It was as menacing as Jesse's presence.

"It appears that Tabitha"-that would be my mother-"hasn't learned anything from her mistakes."

My nostrils flared as I waited for what came next. It took every ounce of self-control I had to keep my mouth shut and wait for him to give me the information he wanted me to have.

Jesse took a seat behind the large desk in front of us and crossed his ankles on the top corner. He didn't speak again until he'd folded his hands on top of his round belly. "She stole product from one of our vendors this evening." He acted like this was a legitimate business with legal inventory.

I shifted my attention from Jesse's belly to his face. "Sounds like you should train your vendors better."

He cocked a brow, and my mother slapped my arm from the chair next to me. "That issue is being handled. We're here to talk about your issue."

I loved how this had become "my" issue. And by loved, I meant I thought it was utter bullshit. I'd agreed to his terms already which was why I'd stripped for a room full of men less than an hour ago. "How much did she add to the total?" The words were as dull and lifeless as this conversation.

"A grand."

Fine, that meant I'd have to dance eleven days instead of ten-assuming I brought in a thousand dollars a night. I'd have to hustle. It would take me a couple of months since I could only dance three nights a week per club rules, but I'd get it taken care of and pretend this had never happened. "Okay. I'll add it to the tab."

Jesse rubbed his belly. I'd all but forgotten anyone else was in the room until Sam's cell phone rang, and he stepped out to answer it. The door behind me closed before Jesse resumed speaking.

"I thought you might like to...work it off a little quicker." Mischief glimmered in his eyes, and I prayed I didn't vomit when he told me what that might mean.

I already knew I didn't want the answer, although I asked anyway. "How?" My field of vision narrowed as he began to move.

He stood, came around the desk, and dismissed Ma with the jerk of his chin. She hesitated to leave me alone, but only for a fraction of a second when her sense for safety overrode her instinct to protect her only child. Then she did as he had silently commanded. Again, Jesse waited for the door and then sat on the corner of the wood. The two of us occupied the enormous office alone. Foolishly, I wasn't intimidated, even though I should have been. "On your knees."

"Is that an order or a proposition?" It didn't matter, neither would happen.

A sly smile rose on the left side of his mouth, but it didn't reach his eyes, and the other side of his lips couldn't be bothered to participate. "An offer."