
Chapter 15: Ryker

She was wrong. I was well aware of the implications of my decision; hence the reason vacating the premises was currently my top priority.

"Nikki, we don't have the luxury of sitting around debating the merits of my actions. I need you to stand up." I stepped close enough to offer her my hand.

The grey hadn't left her empty eyes. The fight I'd been privy to on the stage was nowhere to be found. There was nothing more than a shell cowered against the brick. I didn't want to have to pick her up and haul her ass onto the back of my bike, but I'd do what was necessary.

Silent tears streamed down her cheeks, further marring her makeup. By the time we got wherever we were going, anyone who saw us would believe I'd been the one who had beaten the shit out of her. My impatience grew by the second, yet she didn't budge.