
Dear devil dont

Xiao Ming gets crossed into another world after the despair he had after the break up with his girlfriend.What would happen if he was the only man in the eyes of someone he couldn't want to get close with...... 'No need xiaoxia we are breaking up!' ".....you are mine,you don't even belong to yourself ." an aufaint voice sounded husky and deep yet seductively pleasant to hear. A pale delicate yet precisely toned body shivered at sudden touch of cold wet lips on his ear lob. 'don't' the man pressed on the silk red sheets whined inwardly. But unfortunate to him nothing could hold back this demon king from .......

ukisa_Gemini_s · Fantasía
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18 Chs


Everything succeded as Zhong effortlessly tricked his subconscious master to drink the blood of Xiao.


End of flash back

"So you mean Xiao died after saving Yao Guai.How horrible.then how did Xiao get renceinated in this life time."

[When Zhong found out the truth he and Yichen swore to get Xiao's remaining splits of his soul and help him be reborn.But eventually Yao Guai had to go under a spell for Xiao to awaken.He was locked in the human realm for over thousand of years and he was to only break free is Xiao found him by himself.]

The system explained .

[Ding !host mosion is successful. Host is rewarded with 100 points.Current balance is 125points.]

'So many points for just sharing the bed with you.'Xiao thought.

Still staring at the pretending yo be asleep Yao Guai.

"You should start treating me better..maybe...everything won't end so bad." Xiao said faintly as he turned his back at Yao Guai.

Hearing those words Yao Guai's long lashes fluttered open to look at Xiao's slightly girly back,it had no much stiffened muscles.

"like this?" Xiao was teased with the hot breath on his earlobe as the deep horse voice rang in his ear it was so melodic that if he heard more of it surely he will fall asleep in no time.


'Did he hear what I have just said.'Xiao thought to himself as he felt Yao Guai's hand wrap around his waist as he pulled him closer making a spoon like cuddle.Xiao could feel the rock abs against his back and the shaft of Yao Guai poke his ass a bit.

"Are you..?" Xiao wanted to ask if Yao was erect but was cut short when Yao Guai pressed his shaft gently on Xiao's ass.

"Am not yet erect ,that's my normal size.Let's sleep okay." Not giving Xiao a chance to spoak much he dug his sharp nose on Xiao's nape,embracing him tighter.

He loved the minty scent Xiao had on his body mixed with strawberry.and faint sweat.

Mean while Xiao was blushing as hell every passing second

'Why is your dick so huge if its not erect'Xiao weeped inwardliy.

But finally fell asleep in Yao's embrace.

Yao Guai stayed awake as he cuddled with the seemingly tiny Xiao Ming in his arms.

'I will treat you better this lifetime.'Yao Guai thought to himself....