

Living in one of the most remote places in Lagos known as Ajegunle is not an easy thing, especially when one has to train a child single handedly.

Adesuwa like every Nigerian child leaving in Ajegunle attended a government secondary school because her parents could not afford to enrol her in a private secondary school. When she was in SS2, she joined a clique that was formed by Esther, one of the supposed hottest girl in her class in a bid to be seen as one of the "what's up girls" ( these are girls that presume they know everything about enjoyment in life while still in secondary school).

Eloho, did you see the shoe Esther wore to school yesterday? Adesuwa asked as she cut off from the assignment she was doing to face her friend that came to see her for same purpose.

Yes I did, it was beautiful and judging from the looks I don't think it is Aba (produced in Nigeria) made. It looks more Italian or I'm but it was beautiful I must commend, Eloho replied.

I overheard her telling Beatrice that she bought the shoes with her money Adesuwa explained further.

Waoh, her parents must be very wealthy then Eloho Exclaimed.

Adesuwa laughed and laughed and was even rolling on the floor by Eloho's comments.

Which wealthy?..... Adesuwa asked.

That shoe is between 8,000 to 10, 000 naira if you do not know Eloho replied Adesuwa.

And so? even if it is that amount Adesuwa replied.

Is there something you are not telling me? Eloho asked Adesuwa slowly.

Esther is a big girl, she roles with the happening guys in the area. She run errands for them and they pay her very well, her parents are no different from ours in any way. Think about it, if they're wealthy as you claimed earlier will they be staying in the kind of environment? They would have moved to the Island because they would be able to afford rent there or maybe own an apartment .....Adesuwa explained to Eloho.

Okay let me shock you, do you know that woman we buy beans and bread from by the small corner we use to divert and jump fence into the school to avoid be flogged for coming late? Adesuwa asked Eloho.

Yes I know her, she is a very nice and jovial woman Eloho replied.

That woman is Esther's mother as in, biological mother Adesuwa told Eloho.

It's a lie Eloho responded in shock at the revelation that she had just received.

So personally, I have resolved to go and meet her on Friday after school so that she can link me up because I need to make good money like her, am tired of the way I look already and also want to be in her group. Adesuwa told her bossom friend Eloho.

Don't you see the way Success, Chioma and Gabriella look, they are always on point and look shape. They all eat where even our teachers can not Adesuwa continued.