
How long do we dig the past???

Past is Past! You don't need to talk about past events.Thinking of all the bad or awful things that happened. Nothing's same anymore . Not even you . Future is unpredictable. Past is gone. Stop whining and crying over it. Don't torture your mind over thinking about it, wasting the TODAY that you've got. So if the time has moved on, so should you.You might be scared to lose, and It's perfectly alright to be so. It's not just you , it's everyone. Just because of your fear , don't put a fullstop to something you really want to do. You won't know how amazing or savage you are until you try it. All you've got to do is, DO. Life has a unique twist,It spills itself and then gathers itself on its own....Just waits for the right time.And if you've started...keep going. The past haunts worst than the worse nightmares . But remember however long the night it , there's always a new day. Please don't be scared . Please Don't give up Midway.