

Autor: holsfords
En Curso · 2K Visitas
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Lee la novela DEADLY SECRETS. escrita por el autor holsfords publicada en WebNovel. A once normal city is plunged into a world full of secrets and darkness when a popular 17-year-old schoolboy is pushed out of a window. A group of friends trying to get through their last year of high...


A once normal city is plunged into a world full of secrets and darkness when a popular 17-year-old schoolboy is pushed out of a window. A group of friends trying to get through their last year of high school are entangled in a mystery they wish they weren't in. Each facing social and home problems of their own as well, they try and balance their normal life and the constant life in the dark trying to solve the tragedy of that night. As more aspects of their life come into the murder picture, nothing and no one can ever be seen in the same way again.

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