
Chapter Twenty-Four

Sometimes it's better to just let things go, don't fight for closure, don't ask for explanations, don't chase answers and don't expect people to understand where you're coming from...

But Elizabeth wished for all of this.

She wants closure!

She wants explanations!

She wants answers!

She wants them to know how they made her feel!

Even though she knew why revenge was taken on her she just could not wrap her head around everything that happened. Yes it was going on for a year or so but she faced the pain but now she's remembering it all especially when she was beaten so bad that she became unconscious.

She had nothing against Lucas except for shame. She was scared to go back to the office. It's now Wednesday, two days had gone by since she never returned to the office to face him again.

Elizabeth layed around the house just eatting and watching cartoons that was on TV. You could say she was depressed but more stubborn to come face to face with the truth of what happend.

During this time when ever Skyler would try to connect with her she would just block her out and shut the link not really in the mood for a therapist talk.

At the office Lucas was left alone to handel the incoming calls and scedual of what needs to be done. Everything was piled up and also there was important meetings coming up that he need help with. His only help was Elizabeth but it seemed to him that she needed space or was she just being childish to what happend. He already came to a realisation that it was just sex even though his feelings for her was still strong he blocked it off.

He went up to Jane and asked where Elizabeth was. All Jane could say is that Elizabeth left would someone from the club and when she went to return her car and belongings to her at her apartment she was shocked at her appearance of how grossed out she looked. She tried to get answers out of Elizabeth but left with non answered.

He decided that it was time she got over it and came back to work.

(Elizabeth pov)

Maybe there is more ice cream in the freezer. Ice cream and food, my only solitude at this moment.

I roam around in my shorts and t-shirt with a messed up bun. Not caring about my appearance because I'm in the confines of my own apartment away from my problems. Yes it seems as if I am running away from my problems but can you blame me for not wanting to break down again.

I'm sleeping in the couch and eating ice cream right now while watching wink club. Yep was my favorite cartoon since small. I just love Bloom and Sky, ain't they perfect?

I'm at the scene when Stella finds out the Sky is actually the Prince when I hear the door bell and a brutal knock.

"Coming." I scream as i begin to wake up from the couch. Luckily I'm not messy,my dishes are washed and floor is clean only a make shift bed in the lounge so I can watch TV all night.

I look through the peep hole in the door and ohhh don't life just love me.

Guess who showed up and wants to put me in shame?

Yes you guessed right, my boss.

I let out a shrudded breath and grip the doorhandel and open the door. There he is standing in his expensive tailor made suit, hair slicked back and an unpleasant look on in his face.

"Mr Kingston?" I say as in what the bloody hell are you doing here?

"May I enter?"

"Sure" i let him enter and he walks straight in and goes to sit on a couch that does not have a blanket on it. He looks disgusted about my appearance and how I'm living, well I'm not rich like him.

I switch the TV off and sit far away from him. I watch how uncomfortable he is sitting on that couch. What not fancy enough for you?

He clears his throat and I look at him.

"Miss Stryder you have not returned to work this week. You also have not informed me for leave. Are you unwell?"


"Then if there is nothing wrong with you then you would not mind coming with me on a business trip. We leave tomorrow morning at 9am, I will send a car."

"Wait no I can't go."

"Actualy Miss Stryder you have not choice but to come after all it is required and you were told when you signed those papers."

Ughhhh I rub my face with my hands. No how can I go after everything, this is so awkward.

"Sir with all due respects I would not like to accompany you." I say through my teeth.

"And I don't give a fuck." What????

"Do you really think I want to be around you after what happend huh?"

I finally burst out.

"No I don't want to come with you!" I say standing up.

"Do you think I care about us having sex Miss Stryder? No I don't because we both were drunk and I simply needed a fuck. It means nothing to me and you should get over it cause not like you was even that great. I mean look at you so pathetic."

I stand there agasp at what he said.

"But-" I actually was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow Miss Stryder, please don't be late."

With that said he left, leaving me there thinking about what he just said.

Just sex? I mean who says that and also tells a person how bad they look. Why must he always pick on my flaws. He already made it clear I was ugly, no need to say I'm bad in bed also.

I could feel myself and Skyler getting angry, my body begins to shake.

That clearly struck my non existing ego but clearly I will break his!

Cause revenge is all I know and revenge is what I will take...