It all started with two like most tales of old. However unlike those this one is said to be true. The last daughter of the Clearwater and surviving son of Clydesmith. One's heart blind by pain and hate, while the other is struck with guilt and Sorrow. The funny thing about tragedy it has the prower to destroy but it also has the power to bring people closer. This very lesson is one the two will surely learn the hard way. So my dear sweet children gathered round and I shall share with you this tale.
"Grandma is Iris going to be ok? Will Solea be revived again to go after them?" The small girl asked making the olf woman chuckle. "Unfortunately Solea will be sent after Iris again. Iris will be fine just more determined for Anthony's down fall." The old woman said before looking back into the fire.
Iris pov
I felt light as though being carried before being plunge into water. 'You who has spilt blood will need to choose soon. Will you kill someone who was wrongly accused by you, or will you sacrifice yourself to save them from darkness? The rule of two your grace is one that can't be avoided it is one you must face. The lives of your people are at risk every night that goes by. You must choose.' A silky voice comes from the void. "Who are you?" I asked reaching out only for black vines to pull me down into oblivion. My eyes snap open and I find myself on a couch. It takes a moment to realize and slow my breathing. "What is this rule of two? Why would I die for Anthony?" I asked myself not realizing someone was in the room. A lady sits on a chair glowing with a warm white light. Her face was unclear to me. 'Child of the night I apologize to you. You have to correct my wrongs. I will return to you something that was lost. They will help you as they always have. Return to them Child they are waiting.' The voice said as a overbearing white light consumed my vision.
I felt myself being catapulted upward. My eyes snap open as I launch myself up of the coach gasping before taking in my surroundings. It was the cabin its not a dream this time. I thought slowing my breathing. The door bursts open "YOUR GRACE!" Charry and Tarry yell rushing to me. "Welcome back you been out for a whole month." James said leaning against the door frame. "Don't lie to her!" Charry yelled. "Yeah it's been two days." Tarry said before looking me over. "We should get moving soon before they come looking for us again." James said walking over to me. The blood bag in his hand was held out to me. "Here you need to eat." He may look stone cold but in his eyes I see the worry. I take it drinking half before handing it to him. "You should eat to." I said and he refused. "I ate already that's yours." I could tell he was lying but didn't want to push. I drank the rest. "We need to find a way to the woodlin Elves." I said looking at my three companions. "My lady we have been studying maps and the only safe threw siren territory."
Charry said concern in her voice. Oh grate we have to find a way past them. One wrong move and our heads will explode." Do we know how large the siren packs are in the region?" I asked rubing my temples. "No mom we don't." I gasp before looking at him the blush on his cheeks. "Come sit with me son." I said warmly he was hesitant but sits with me. "James do you know anything about sirens?" I asked and he nods. "I know a little about them. Sirens are closely related to merpeople." He said shrugging. I sigh he knows nothing. "James a siren yes closely related to merfolk, they are deadly and unpredictable. One second is all it will take for them to pop your brain inside your skull. The siren call is a deadly weapon and unstoppable." I said looking out the window." We need to be alert and carful when in the siren territory. If it moves kill it because it will kill you." I said standing thinking of a way to get us in and threw with no issues. An idea popped into my head remembering something. "I hope the offer still stands." I said rubbing my temples.
*flash back*
"Father you can't be serious about this!" I yelled looking at my father. "Iris I know it's not ideal but it will help strengthen the kingdom and ensure a long rule. Marriage with the siren will help the cause." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wanted me to marry a siren a bloody fucking siren! I understand what it will do for us but I can't marry someone who could influence my every move. "It has already been decided on Iris." My father said dismissing me. Its a shame for the following month he was killed and everything went to shit.
*end of flashback*
"Charry Tarry I think I might have a way to deal with our siren problem. Get me a phone I need to make a phone call." I said wanting to vomit at the thought going threw my head. I dial one of the few witches that are useful. "I have been expecting your call lady Iris." The voice of an elderly woman comes to my ears making me shiver. "Morgana I need your help." I said firmly as the old crone cackled. "What is it you need from me?" She asked knowing I only call when desperate.
"I need to contact the head siren. Can you help me?" I asked and she chuckled. "Making good on a promise now are we? I can help you with this just be warned the prince will do anything for you. That includes killing you if it came down to it. Stay by the phone someone will be calling you shortly." The woman said before hanging up.
Fifteen minutes pass before the phone rang. "Hello?" I asked hesitantly. "It's about time my sweet Iris." A male purrs on the other end of the line. "I am prince Iareas it's been a long wait but worth it." His voice was warm velvet making me shiver. "I want to meet with you Lareas. If you will let me ?" I wait for a response for what feels like years. "Two days time I will see you." He said before hanging up.