
It's not a nightmare?...

I woke up, and looked around, at that moment my classmate Jessica had just woken up too.... I wasn't in my house, I was on the floor of the meeting room in my school, I breathed a sigh of relief thinking that everything was okay, and that was just a crazy nightmare before. " God, I hope Mrs. FIN doesn't give me a referral for this" I said rubbing my head, in pain.

" S-Shíxīn?" Jessica called me, I got up from the floor and started walking towards the door, but... *Bump!* I stopped as I heard noises coming from the classroom beside me, it was Mrs. FIN's classroom, the door nob was shaking, and moving as if someone was trying to open it. The meeting room was connected to two classrooms one on each side

* Groaning* Jessica walked towards the door to open it, for who I thought was our teacher

"Mrs.FIN we're sorry for falling asleep in here, but please can you take it easy on me, you, and your daughter seem to really like picking on me-"

Mrs. FIN's daughter was at the door, " Frankie? What's wrong with yo-" I asked


she lifted her head, and opened her mouth to bite Jessica, Shíxīn grabbed the metal rod that was on the table, and used it to keep Frankie away from her. The right side of Frankie's faces was bloodied, like she'd been hit, or fell into something , Jessica slipped from under her, and tried to leave him, running through the same door Frankie came through, but she was tackled back into the room by, Mr. Frass the janitor.

" HELP!" Jessica yelled, suddenly the door behind me slammed open, as I fell onto the ground, I looked up, and saw that it was Mrs. FIN, tears running down her face she swung the metal rod she had into Frankie's head, another student came out and shot Mr. Frass in the head, he fell onto Jessica which made her start * Jessica screaming* they hurried to shut her up, and pulled us both into the Math classroom, just as they closed the door, I saw two, three more people that looked like Frankie and Mr.Frass did ,run into our Homeroom class.


" Jessica please stop crying, and calm down!" One of her friends begged, Jessica shook her head, as she tried to stop," What's going on, what was wrong with them?!" She asked, " you may think I'm crazy for saying this but, we think they may be infected with some kind of speed run virus, they've shown actions of a zombie..." Mark explained, Jessica finally calmed down hearing that, " both Frankie, Mr. Frass, and a few others have been sick for 2-3 weeks..... When all this started Frankie was arguing, and fighting with another student and for some reason she bit her, 2 hours later the girl busted out of the nurse's office both her and the nurse went around trying to bite students and after a while what took 2 hours became an almost rapid effect" Julia explained,

"after getting bit by them you don't immediately become infected it takes a while, at the time we didn't know Mr frass was also sick so while we were trying to figure out what was wrong with Frankie he had already bit, and attacked a few more students and teachers" Ally added, I slowly calmed down my breathing, but it was hard for me to accept that this was really happening, this was a prank, or a very bad joke, raising my head up.

I looked around the room, and it seemed that there was 15-17 people, " the only thing we can currently do is check the bodies of everyone who comes in here to see whether or not they were bitten..." Mrs. Flowers quietly said, " the both of you were out there for 3-4 hours if either of you were infected you would have turned already there's no point in having anyone check you" Mr. Tank quietly explained, everyone jumped as we could hear the sounds of screams from down the hall or from right out the front door, students and teachers trying to leave we could hear them calling for help than a few seconds later can we could hear them screaming in pain.

SHÍXĪN -"It's not a nightmare..."