
Are you okay?

..."HeLP PLeaSE hELP!!!"

Everyone jumped, others covered their ears the best they could, " That's Mrs.Jane!" Jessica yelled, slowly I started to think about what Mrs. Flowers said, if the attack started during third period I shouldn't have ended up in the meeting room, I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened before I blacked out, something about the way Mrs. Jane sounds is off"JEsSICa, ShíXĪN HELp mE!!!"

My eyes popped open, and I swung my head as Mr. James was about to open the door...

Shíxīn snatched the rod from Mrs.Frans hand, pulling Mr.James back he shoved it right into an infected Mrs Jane, she had a crazed look on her face, as she smiled like a maniac, she stared at Everyone for ten seconds, you could hear her bones popping as she stood still, then....."AAAAHHHAHAHAHAH" ... Mr. James, Mrs. Flowers , and Mrs. Fran tried to help Shíxīn as Mrs. Jane being held back by the rod tried to bite them.

Justin threw a globe at her, breaking her neck, which did help, Shíxīn used that as a chance to push her out the room, and Mrs. Flowers closed the door immediately, unfortunately it seems that Mrs Jane hasn't completely lost her mind, as she was able to jiggle the door knob , what was more unsettling was the fact we could all hear Mrs Jane giggling as she tried to open the door.

Out of breath and shaking from fear, everyone looked at me, " How did you know?!" Jessica asked me, " I honestly had no idea what was going on when I woke up, it was very hard for me to remember how I ended waking up in the meeting room near Mrs. Frans room. the attack started during third period I wasn't in Miss Fran's room nor near the meeting room during that time" I explained.

" You're right, we both had art together, and we were placed as partners, however someone pull the fire alarm when we looked into the hallway and we saw everyone running no one asked any questions, and everyone tried to gather their things, until a teacher ran in the room turned off all the lights and told everyone to be very quiet" Maria explained.

" that teacher was Miss Jane, I still don't know a lot but I do remember that she was infected when she ran into our classroom she was ignoring any signs and everything else later on when I was hiding in Miss Tarzan's room she asked to be let in but it sounded weird right when I tried to leave the room through the other door , the others let her in, she walked in and waited like 2 minutes before she started biting and attacking the teacher and students that were trying to help her"


" Wait, she- she was ignoring the virus.….. what does that mean then? " Jessica quietly asked, " thats really bad, because I think the virus has taken over her ability to control her muscles and actions, she's still trying to reject the virus but that's only making it worse, because she's doing that the viruses starting to learn how to use her other abilities such as speech, her memory and basic knowledge like opening a door, she'll have no choice but to watch as she tricks people into letting her in, so she can attack them, if there's anyone else who ignored the virus they'll end up the same way"


MRS. FLOWERS-" Jessica sweetheart are you okay? "