
Deadly - Desire

Meet Rachel Cole, the last carrier able to bear children for vampires. In an unfortunate event. Rachel finds herself having to make a deal with the Devil Dante Voss Prince of the vampires. Enemies of the werewolves who want all carriers dead. Will she be able to get through this deal without falling in love or losing her life.

Annelize_Venter619 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter Nine- Dream


Jeez! What an eventful day. I just wanted some peace. Why were those men chasing me? I don't know anyone that would want to harm me, And who are the guys that saved me? I don't even want to think about what could have happened if they hadn't shown up and stopped them. But the weird thing is when the police got there everyone was gone like it never happened.

I had to go down to the police station and give a report. I tried describing the men that chased me but everything happened so fast I did not remember much. After the police station, everyone at home was asking me what happened. Ash also came over freaking out he can handle a lot of things but if I get hurt in any way then he gets super protective. I agreed to be very careful and call Dad or Ash when I am in trouble.

Later that night when everyone calmed down I took a very long hot shower. Mom came and helped to bandage me up, climbing in bed I was hurt and exhausted. She said I could stay home for a few days to recover. I know it's still spring being September but I put on the warm blanket anyway. The warm bed would be perfect for my sore body. I shouldn't think like this but, I sometimes miss our life before the accident. When Ryan's smile lit up the whole room, Dad being strict but fun Mom being our center keeping us grounded.

Our family wasn't perfect now it feels like everything is in shambles. I turn over in bed clutching my pillow. My twenty-fifth birthday is almost here on the fifteenth of November. The thought of something small and intimate keeps running through my head. It feels like the safer choice. I make a mental note before I drift off.

I am standing in a clearing the grass is a lush green, the pine trees are standing tall and thick the bark on the trees is smooth and brown. There are small flower bushes at the base of some of the tree trunks sporting different colors. It smells like fetid earth, rays of mellow sunlight filtered through the canopy looking like spotlights. Different small animals are scurrying around. I don't recognize this place it's not the park near my house. How did I get here? Looking down I am still dressed in my PJs I am so confused right now.

Looking around there seems to be a sort of ground path between some of the trees over there. I start walking towards it getting closer it is some sort of path maybe if I follow it I can get some help and an idea of where I am. But then again in books and movies, it never works out well if you approach people in a place you don't know anyone. It will be better if I avoid any people for now and focus on finding out where I am and how to get home. Walking closer I start to hear a gurgling sound of a stream.

Ok, I will follow the sound of water, and if I come across someone I will hide first. I have never been to an actual forest this is all new to me. The trees are so tall they look like they reach the sun towering high in the air. The grass is so green everything is so bright here. Warily I move forward walking slowly taking note of my surroundings. Up ahead I reach a river the water a crystal blue running over rocks I follow the stream with my eyes.

Along the riverbank are trees and plants the sun is high in the sky. Birds flying around the scene are peaceful I spot pink and brown in the distance I squint to get a better look. Is that a person? Looks like one I move to get closer but I move in between the trees. I move slowly not to make any noise. It looks like a young girl maybe in her teens, she doesn't seem dangerous maybe I can approach her and ask her where I am.

My heart starts beating faster I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. She is sitting close to the river bank under the shade of a tree reading a book her clothes seem very old-fashioned her dress in shades of pink and brown. can't say I've seen that style before maybe she is cos-playing a character. I move around to get closer to her there doesn't seem to be anybody else around I call out to her.

Excuse me do you mind if I ask you a question? When she looks up I freeze she looks exactly like me! It's like I am looking at my reflection in the mirror. I am completely shocked. With a start, I woke up and I sat upright in my bed my heart beating fast. That dream felt so realistic right now.

As soon as my heart stops racing I get up and get ready for work. It is breakfast time and rush hour soon at the restaurant we open at seven am. When I arrive at the restaurant I greet the others as I see them. I have a lot of prep to do before we open, I get dressed in my chef attire tie my apron, and tie my hair up in a bun to put my hair net and hat on. Today is Wednesday I want to go to the market on Saturday as it's the best time to get fresh fish and vegetables especially if you go at five am.

We set the tables, wiped the glasses clean, and put on the coffee machine I love the fresh smell of coffee. We are set and ready for the day. This is my favorite part of the day the bustling of a restaurant and putting a smile on our customers' faces. I go back to the kitchen after I finish helping to set up the tables, and they open the doors. Most of the early customers are our regulars mostly business people. As the morning goes along I get more orders, One farm breakfast toast, bacon, eggs- sunny side up, tomato with pork sausages. One omelet- no mushrooms, One breakfast burrito.


Sitting in his office the devil is waiting for the werewolves to attack Rachel again, knowing that when they do he will have leverage over her. As he on purpose spoke to her about vampires knowing she wouldn't believe him he knew she would refuse the deal he offered. Gives him the perfect opportunity to make the next deal he offers her go his way.

As she missed her chance to take the deal first deal that was more in her favor. Of course, he will still protect her as she was the first carrier he had met in hundreds of years he was convinced they were extinct. He can be very patient when he wants to be and he will catch the little carrier soon, no one will have her but him she can only be his and his alone and he will kill anyone standing in his way.