
Deadliest Catch: I have a Global Map

Monk_of_Souls · TV
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2 Chs


Cap 02: Fishing

Author: Monk of Souls

Enjoy the chapter!!!


Chris had been at sea on the Queen of the Oceans fishing boat for two days.

He left the start of the fishing to John.

The captain put the gear out to sea in some of the areas where he had fished before and had a good number of crabs.

It was a great experience for Chris to see the fishing first hand.

He saw how difficult and risky the work of the men on deck was.

From those responsible for preparing the baits to those operating the small mechanical arm that helped with the fishing.

"Are you ready to see the results of these two days?" John asked, sitting in the seat next to us and steering the boat.

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it," Chris replied.

But he already knew how the gear would come up from the sea.

John was an experienced fishing skipper, so the spot he'd chosen for the first fishing trip wasn't bad.

Chris confirmed that it wasn't an area of great numbers, but at least it was reasonable.

"Here we come," he warned Chris, using the loudspeaker to warn the sailors.

"Guys, the first cliff of the season is coming up, get ready," John manoeuvred the boat to give more precision to whoever was going to throw the hook to pull the rope from the buoy.

The sailor made no mistake and the equipment began to be pulled.

"It's going up," shouted one of the men on deck.

"How much do we have to average to reach the destination?" Chris asked.

"Average? About 70 to 90 per rig would be good," John replied as he did a quick calculation.

"This is it," he said as the rig hit the side of the ship.

The mechanical arm lifted the rig so that everyone could see it.

"Shit, it's not what I expected," John didn't like the amount of visuals the equipment had.

"Bad?" Chris asked curiously.

"Maybe, but not the worst, we can work with that," John replied with some annoyance.

He wanted to get a lot of them on the first try, Chris was the one who had invested in the boat and John wanted to show a return.

"Don't worry, we'll make it," Chris reassured the skipper.

"45," shouted the number from the deck.

"45?" John confirmed over the loudspeaker.

"Yes," he confirmed again.

John wrote the number down in the log.

"45 is a good number to start with, we're doing well," Chris was pleased with his first fishing experience.

"We'll be on to the next one soon," said John.

Meanwhile the sailors were tidying up the deck.

They were already securing the equipment that had gone up and making new baits.

The fishing continued and all the gear that had been at sea for almost two days was removed.

The fishing hadn't gone too well.

The average per rig was 40 crabs.

Still far from the required average of 70 to 90 that John had said earlier.

"I think we should change areas," John said as he assessed the figures.

"Do you know of any other areas?" Chris asked curiously.

"Maybe, I think we should take a chance," John wanted to change location, knowing that with an average of 40 per rig the fishing would take even longer.

"Fine by me," Chris agreed with the captain's decision.

After some more time at sea, they were still a long way from their new fishing spot.

"I think you and the crew can get some rest," John announced.

"OK," Chris agreed, as sleep was really bothering him a bit.

"Boys! You can come in and rest," the captain told the crew.

Chris, as one of the owners of the boat, had a separate room to himself.

This gave him more privacy.

Lying in bed, he decided to send a message to the sexy blonde, Mendy, with whom he had spent a few nights.

Mobile -

Chris: Hey, remember me? - He sent a message, trying to be funny.

The reply came quickly from her.

Mendy: Not really, have we done anything? - She also replied with a joke.

Chris laughed.

Chris: Yes, we did a lot of things a few nights in a row - He was flirting with her.

Mendy: Now I remember, the cute sailor.

Chris: Just cute? - He asked curiously.

Mendy: That's quite a compliment coming from me - She replied.

Chris: How are things there? Do you miss me?

Mendy: It's quiet here, I'm enjoying someone's expensive hotel room, a very nice bed.

Chris had rented the room for a few months and left the keys with Mendy for her to use.

Chris: Is the bed good even when I'm not in it?

Mendy: It's even better with you - She sent him a sexy emoji.

Chris: When I get back, we'll use it non-stop.

Mendy: I'd love to - She replied positively

Mendy: I hope you like it while you're there.

She sent a photo of herself lying in bed in just her underwear.

Chris: A view better than the sea - Chris replied.

Mendy really was a very sexy woman

Mendy: Good night my sailor

Chris: Good night, mermaid of the sea

Chris fell asleep thinking about Mendy's beautiful body and how happy he would be when he returned from his fishing trip.

The alarm sounded, signalling that it was time for everyone to return to their posts.

Chris got up and looked at his world map.

The new fishing area John had chosen was completely devoid of crabs, there was nothing there.

But a few kilometres away there was a huge biomass of them.

I can work with that, Chris thought.

If the fishing went badly this time, he would find a way to take John to the biomass.

He had to seize the opportunity as there were no other boats near the site.

"Boys, it's time to launch the equipment into the sea," John told everyone on the boat.

"What's the strategy this time?" Chris asked.

"I want to launch deeper and maybe leave it for less time," the captain explained the plan for this new attempt.

The sailors began launching the equipment into the sea.

With each buoy in the sea, John dialled the GPS and wrote down the coordinates.

After a few hours of work by the deck crew, all the equipment was in the sea.

"I think we're going to have more crabs this time," the captain said hopefully.

Something Chris wasn't, because looking at his global map, this area was worse than the last.

It was very likely that the numbers here were lower than the last average catch.

"Let's soak the gear and wait," John said confidently.

This season he should be able to fish well and make Chris's investment in the boat worthwhile.

Mendy: How's the fishing?

Chris got a message from Mendy.

Chris: Low numbers so far, but I think it's going to get better.

He knew the numbers would improve as the next site was chosen by him and there was a large biomass of crabs.

"Have you made any friends on the island?" John asked with a knowing look.

"Yes, hahaha, it was through that friendship that I discovered your boat," Chris laughed.

"Holy friendship, hahaha," the captain was happy for the moment.

After hours at sea, it was time to fish again.

"Let's haul in the gear, the first buoy is ahead," John warned the crew.

The hook was thrown and hit the rope.

The engine revved and the boat was pulled from the seabed.

"Full throttle, full throttle," John prayed that he had hit the spot.

Up she went.

"Damn it, damn it," the captain said angrily as the boat came up almost empty.

"How many?" he asked after the few crabs had gone into the tank.

"Twenty-three," shouted the sailor on deck.

"23? What the fuck," he said, angry that he was getting off to such a bad start to the season.

Chris next door knew it was time to intervene.

"Hey John," he called.

"Go ahead," the captain replied in a melancholy voice.

"How about I try my luck, I've always been lucky since I was a kid," Chris said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Lucky? What do you want to do?" John asked intrigued.

"Let's get all the equipment out of the sea," Chris asked. "I've got a lucky number."

"Lucky number?" John wasn't sure about this strategy.

"Yeah, number 30, how about fishing 30 miles east," Chris suggested.

"Fishing like that?" the captain asked incredulously.

"8," the shout from the deck brought the captain back to the grim reality of fishing today.

"All right, you own the boat too, maybe you'll get lucky," he agreed, as his last two spots hadn't worked out.

Hours passed and the Queen of the Oceans was 30 miles from her last fishing spot.

"I hope you get really lucky," John warned Chris.

"I always am, hahaha," he wasn't worried.

"Coming up," the man on deck called.

"Good luck," John shouted as the cabbage appeared. "We've come full circle," he jumped for joy in the cabin.

With crabs hanging from the outside.



"This is what we came to sea for."

Everyone on deck celebrated.

"180," they announced.

"180? Boy, what luck," said John, brimming with happiness. "Now that's a fishing trip."

"That was only the first, I hope the others go up like that," Chris said calmly.

But he already knew that the others would also have a large amount, and they could still cast their lines in the same place where they'd caught this much.

His world map really hadn't let him down.

He had a tool with which he could make a lot of money on these icy seas.