
Some Rescued

"My little sister is in school, what if her school has been attacked, what if she's already infected." Ji Hye said in yet another panick state.

Da Eun who was already tired of her words and said angrily. "Not again, Ji Hye can't you just spend a minute without disturbing, everyone here is also worried about their loved ones."

"Well at least I have a love one to worry about since you have none, you won't feel what I feel." Ji Hye said that without knowing when she did but before she could apologize, a heavy slap landed on her face.

"Dont you dare, I mean not in this life or the next one." Da Eun said with rage.

The reason for that was because Da Eun's parents and little brother died in a car accident when she was 15 and she has been staying at the homeless children center.

She does a part time waiting job and also as a part time delivery girl. It has not been easy for her but she was still kicking on, she has nobody to care about but herself so this zombie apocalypse didn't get her too worried.

Ji Hye knew she had messed up and tried to apologize. "I'm..I'm so sorry Da Eun, I'm really sorry, I said that out of anger."

"No you didn't just say that out of anger, it has been your thoughts so you finally found an opportunity to tell me to my face." Da Eun almost shouted.

"Guys calm down, your voices might attract the zombies." Kim Jin try to put some sense into them.

"I'm really sorry Da Eun, please I'm sorry." Ji Hye tried to apologize.

"It's alright, you were angry and so was I, the situation is too tensed to blame anyone one, I forgive you but don't let that slip out of your tongue again."

"Okay bestie, thank you so much." Ji Hye said and hugged her. She freed herself from the hug and said. "Okay I'm serious now, let's check the news to see if my sister's school is infected, please guys."

"Okay." Min Ho said and brought out his phone then turn it to the news. Another journalist appeared on the screen and spoke. "The Korean government has sent military helicopters to different schools in Korea. Unfortunately, out of 100 percent of schools in Korea, 95 percent has been infected and they have rescued 3 percent out of the remaining 5 percent of schools, they are yet to find students in the remaining 2 percent. After a short break showing what is going on in our country, we'll list out the names of schools we have rescued and are yet to be rescued."