
DCOM: Enemy Within (XCOM x Girls Frontline)

I thought my second chance at life was good, I mean I was able to become rich, Its the same world I was just in the past but around the same year I come back. ALIENS ATTACK! ACTUAL ALIENS, OH AND THEY'RE HELLBENT ON KILLING EVERYONE. At least I own part of GnK and the guy at the front owes me. Now I need to figure out how to get back to my comfy life... hopefully in one piece and why are those girls holding specific rifles?

Lightblade23 · Derivados de juegos
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8 Chs

Neural Cloud Network

"At ease, AK12. I was out for 2 months how long have you been here."

"43 days, 2 hours and 39 seconds." AK-15 says behind me. I sigh and my eyes widen.

"Is my cat alright?" Everyone seems to wince.

"We found her dehydrated and hungry but AK15 took good care of her." Twelve answers.

"Thank you, you fifteen, and what do you want. I'll give you anything for saving my cat."

"I don't want anything... thank you sir." I can hear RPK-16 whimper as if in pain.

"Uh... huh, that has never happened before. Follow me, all of you." I said as I walked over to a pillar in the entry, moving my finger across one side of the pillar then walking to the stairs pressing my thumb on the forehead of a marble statue of a girl I don't know her name. And finally turn the head of the censored replica of David from left to right, I heard a click from across the room and saw that the panel opened; walking up to it, the scanner scanned my eye, then both thumbs and "Ly Al Ko" I said into the speaker and entered my birthday as the final code.

One of the marble pillars opened for another panel. I remember being annoyed at the amount of security, but after checking my phone I opened the APP IOP made and introduced the code it gave me as an authenticator. "Access granted." Turrets sprouted from the roof and began revingup as all dolls behind me are on guard. "Shit, forgot about that one. This is Alexander I have five guests with me." "Confirmed, please confirm Doll certification." "How do I do that?" I asked aloud as the camera got displayed on my phone. Turning to the girls who are now showing me a tattoo that looks awfully close to a barcode, Colt has it in her upper right ribs covered by her clothes, AK-15 has it in her groin, right where pubic hair should be, which I notice that RPK-16 and AK-12 share that same place; while AN-94 has it in her hip. It seems like I need to scan them. 

"Scan complete, authorization allowed. COLT WALKER, AK-12, AK-15, RPK-16 and AN-94." My phone announced as the center of the room opened up and an elevator opened up for us. Walking inside I clicked the button for the server room.

"Where are we going?" Colt asked. 

"We are going the lower rooms and from what Kryuger told me, this place should have a Neural Cloud Network here." It seems like everyone collectively gasped even AK-15 looks shocked which is only a slight opening for her eyes.

"So you're saying that we've been standing above a Neural Cloud?"

"Well, I didn't know it was a Neural Cloud, until recently and now I'm activating it. I thought they were just servers and I just took care of them." I now notice how AK-12 opened her eyes which seemed overwhelmed as she began to look over everything. I followed the instructions as I approached a console, the entire room is just rows upon rows of servers, and the room is cool to the touch so nothing gets damaged. Ever so slowly everything began to light up revealing that the entire room is as big as my house from front to back.

"Man, that feels nice." Colt said as she cracked her neck. 

"What happened?"

"Just connected ourselves to the network, it's refreshing to have it close. But its empty, but it's so relaxing to have yourself backed up." RPK said to which 94, 15 and 12 nodded.

"Well, this should have enough juice." I said as I placed the USB I got from Kryuger. Immediately several files were transferred over. "There, now it's a proper backup." I said as many files were sent. An icon appeared one I'm familiar with, pressing it. I clicked call. "I take it you arrived safe."

"Yes, thanks for the security. The Neural Cloud servers over here are operating at full efficiency and help XCOM."

"Good, it's good to have that to be the backup of the back up."

"Now, with that done. I will be going to sleep because I've been awake for 18 hours so... see ya tomorrow or something." I said as I walked towards the elevator. 

"Umm, sir, what do you mean by that." Twelve asked as she walked beside me while Colt is on my other side.

"Oh, everyone is getting called to XCOM." I pressed the button for the first floor.


"Yes, the aliens are absolutely destroying everyone out there. So we need all hands on deck." I said we got off as the elevator hid itself back in its place.

"So you're saying we're going out on the field." RPK seems excited.

"Yes, now I want to eat something. Did any of you did groceries?" I asked as I looked around.

"Yes, AN-94 robbed a convenience store and a supermarket that was almost fully looted." 15 said with a monotone voice.

"... fine, I don't care." I looked surprised to see that there are vegetables, frozen meat from my trip to japan. "Do we have flour?"

"Yes." 15 said with a nod. 

"Good, then I'm making Pelmeni." That perked up everyone except Colt.

"Yes, please, I'm sick and tired of sandwiches." RPK 16 Said in relief.

"What's that?" Colt asked.

"It's one of the best foods you can make. I mean if I had time I could make Borscht but we don't have beets or beef that isn't steak. So Pelmeni is basically a dumpling filled with meat and wrapped in pasta dough. It's really good" I said with confidence as I grabbed everything needed for the food, even my meat grinder.

"I'm not sure that would taste good." Colt said with a tone of doubt.

"Then you want a steak Colt?"

"Please?" She grimaced a bit as if expecting to be rejected.

"Sure thing, I'll add a side of mashed potatoes for you and everyone... does everyone eat? If you do then I'll make beef Stroganoff as well."

"YES!" AK15 surprised me as she screamed.

"Umm, alright, then a plate for me, rpk and fifteen."

"What about us?" AK Twelve asked.

"You didn't speak up... I'm not a mind reader." I said as I began to integrate the flour with the eggs for the pasta dough. 

"I want for me and for Ninety-four." Twelve said as she is almost jumping in place.

"Fine, then I need help." Everyone stood in attention. 

"Orders." Fifteen asked.

"Alright, fifteen I need you to grind half the meat I placed there and cut the other into strips, leave the wagyu steak ready to be made for Colt. AK12 and AN94 I need you start peeling potatoes and boiling them in the pot I placed there. RPK I need you to chop 2 onions and cooking them in butter. Colt, I need you to help me knead this." I said as everyone seemed to get to work. 

"How do ah help?" Colt asked as she is now beside me with her coat and hat off, her accent escaping her lips a little. 

"Here, do what I do." I said as she nodded trying to imitate my movements, but she's struggling a bit. "Here, do this." I stood beside her and gently placed my hand over hers then came from behind her and placed my other on the same place, I can still see from over her shoulder. "Like this, use the same pressure."

"Th-thank you kindly." She stumbled a bit in her words as I returned to her side and kept kneading until it was now a dough, her face is a little red, out of the corner of my eye I saw how 12 has her eyes open. After thirty minutes we were plating and eating. RPK had her plate filled with mashed potatoes and Pelmeni, while fifteen has hers filled to the brim with Stroganoff, the rest has a healthy mix between both while Colt has a steak with mashed potatoes." I took out a bottle of wine, only this time is the most expensive one I have, I did share with RPK. But only one glass because one glass is almost 20K. 

"Well, I'll leave the cleaning to you. I don't want rats or roaches in my house. So please clean up, also I want my visit living room clean by tomorrow."

"I'm sorry about them sir." AK12 said with remorse.

"Don't worry; they'll get their punishment... eventually." I said as I walked up the stairs.