
DCLXVI:creation untold

"In the realm of Heaven, a bitter rivalry erupts between brothers Carpophorus and Caesar, fueled by their father Cassius's favoritism. Carpophorus, consumed by jealousy and ambition, manipulates his father and seizes the throne, casting Caesar out and sparking a divine rebellion. As the brothers clash in a fierce supernatural war, their father is forced to confront the consequences of his own actions and choose between his two sons. Will Caesar restore balance and justice to Heaven, or will Carpophorus's cunning and ambition forever alter the course of divine history? The fate of the heavenly realm hangs in the balance in this epic struggle for power and redemption."

heypotato · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The first transgression

_Adam's P.O.V_

I woke up to the warm rays of the sun on my skin, feeling the soft grass beneath me. I looked around, taking in the beauty of the garden of Fauna. Trees towered above me, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. A figure lay naked beside me, her long hair spread out like a fiery halo. Lilith. I remembered nothing of my past, only that Cassius, the divine being, had created us and placed us in this paradise. He had given us one commandment: not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.

Lilith stirred, her eyes opening like two bright stars. She smiled, and I felt my heart skip a beat. We spent our days exploring the garden, discovering new wonders and marveling at the beauty around us. But as time passed, I began to feel a sense of restlessness. Something was missing. I felt a hunger for knowledge, for understanding the secrets of the universe.

Lilith seemed to sense my unease. "Adam, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice like music.

"I don't know," I replied, feeling frustrated. "I just feel like there's more to life than this."

As we basked in the sunlight, enjoying the beauty of the Garden, Carpophorus appeared before us in the form of a mortal.

"Adam, Lilith, why resist the temptation of the fruit?" he said, his voice smooth and persuasive. "It will give you knowledge and power beyond your wildest dreams."

Adam hesitated, unsure of what to do. But Lilith was resolute.

"No, Carpophorus. We will not disobey God's commandment."

Just then, a snake slithered out from the underbrush. It was Caesar, come to warn them of the danger.

"Adam, Lilith, my daughter, don't listen to Carpophorus," the snake said, its voice low and urgent. "He seeks to deceive you and lead you astray. I am Caesar, and I know his tricks. Don't fall for his lies."

But Adam was too proud to listen.

"We can make our own decisions, Caesar. We don't need your warning."

Caesar's eyes filled with sorrow. "Very well, but remember, I warned you."

And with that, he slithered away, leaving Adam and Lilith to their fate.

"Lilith, let's do it," Adam said, his voice firm.

Together, they approached the Tree of Knowledge, its branches towering above them like a challenge.

_Lilith's P.O.V_

I watched as Adam took the fruit from the tree, his eyes gleaming with excitement. I felt a sense of trepidation, but also curiosity. What secrets would this fruit reveal?

Adam took a bite, and his eyes widened in amazement. "Lilith, it's incredible!" he exclaimed.

I took a bite, and suddenly, the world changed. I saw the garden in a new light, understanding the secrets of the universe. I felt powerful, like I could control my own destiny.

But as we walked away from the tree, I noticed something strange. The garden seemed different, the beauty tainted by a hint of darkness.

"Adam, what have we done?" I asked, feeling a sense of unease.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with a newfound knowledge. "We've gained the power to shape our own destiny."

"Why did you disobey me, Adam?" Cassius thundered, his voice furious and his eyes blazing with anger. "I gave you one commandment, and you broke it. You were meant to be the guardians of the Garden, but now you have forfeited that privilege."

Adam trembled, unable to meet Cassius' gaze. "I was tempted by Caesar , and I couldn't resist," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Cassius' expression turned even more stern. "And you, Lilith, why did you follow Adam's lead? You knew better than to disobey me."

Lilith tried to defend her father, Carpophorus. "Lord, it was Carpophorus who tempted us! He came to us in mortal form and deceived us. Caesar, my father, warned me not to eat the fruit, but Adam wouldn't listen."

But Cassius was having none of it. "Enough, Lilith! You are both guilty of disobedience. And Caesar is guilty of poisoning your minds with his deceitful ways."

God's fury turned on Lilith. "You dare to defend your father? He has always caused nothing but trouble. Adam and Lilith, you will leave the Garden of Fauna, and you will never return. You will find food and water difficult to come by, and you will struggle to survive. And, Adam, you will feel the pain of childbirth, a fate usually reserved for women, as a consequence of deceiving Lilith."

Adam and Lilith were shocked and devastated as they heard God's words. They had never imagined that their disobedience would lead to such severe consequences. As they stood before God, they felt a sense of shame and regret wash over them.

As God finished speaking, the Garden of Fauna began to change around them. The lush greenery withered and died, the flowers wilted, and the sky turned a sickly shade of yellow. Adam and Lilith felt a strange sensation, as if they were being pulled away from the only home they had ever known.

With a final glance at the Garden, they turned and walked away, leaving behind the paradise they had once called home. Paul watched them go, a sly smile spreading across his face.

"You may have been expelled from the Garden," he sneered, "but I will always be with you, tempting you and leading you astray."