
DC: with D&D Artificer

Follow Asher's journey in the Arrow-verse with an Artificer system. Witness his surprising creations, skill unlocks (yes, even the helm), and other useful or not-so-useful sub-classes. follow as Asher unravels why he was given such fate changing gift and the reason behind it, and in the process find out why his own brain has been lying to him. 2/?? Warning: This story mostly focuses on Asher's material search and creations. If you seek compact action or romance, you may find it elsewhere because this isn't it. P.S.: If the timeline of events in the Arrow-verse doesn't match up, please disregard it. I am aware. as I said the timelines will be confusing and it will even more confusing as the fangic goes on but hopefully you can keep up. and of you do get lost in the way, pray that Asher picks you up in the spellJammer Note: 100 Power Stones unlock an extra chapter. (Disclaimer: I only own my original character. Everything else belongs to their respective owners, including the cover.)

Lythan_Page · TV
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12 Chs

New skill, (EDITED) (chapter 3)

Chapter 3

To understand why a homeless, 15-year-old kid orphan has what looks like a real-life RPG game attribute board, well, it isn't that complicated; it's just that, a real-life RPG game attribute board that came to him just couple of days, it allowed Asher to level up like a game and improve his varies stats, such as strength, speed vitality and spirit, as well as the skills he might come to possess.

Asher stood in his small workshop, surrounded by tools, wires, and various electronic components. The room was dimly lit, with shelves filled with discarded gadgets and scraps of materials. As he turned towards the broken radio, his mind focused as he closed his eyes momentarily, activating his singular mp, "Mend," he uttered softly, directing his mana towards the device. A vibrant blue light enveloped the radio, and moments later, as it emerged, fully repaired.

 Asher sighed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Too bad it takes nearly 40 seconds to repair and it has a longer cooldown, but at the same time it makes sense, bigger and more complicated items take longer to repair" as he sighted. Another notification appeared, [+ XP ], ignoring the tiny pop up which he received from repairing items. Asher placed the radio down and turned his attention to his next project.

He carefully picked up a small, thin wooden plank in the shape of a square and reached for a frame. Skillfully, he began to glue four motors onto the frame, each one precisely positioned. Moving swiftly, he retrieved the second and last Arduino Uno board and placed a car shield on top of it. Next, he attached LED placeholders onto the sides of the motors, ensuring they were securely in place.

Wiring was a task that Asher had grown adept at, and he completed it with remarkable speed, connecting the components flawlessly. With the LED lights screwed in, he fastened the wires together, ensuring a high-quality finish. Every detail mattered, as the quality of the product he produced determined the amount of experience he earned, as well as its

A black box containing batteries was brought out, and Asher extracted a 18650 battery holder with a switch. A bittersweet smile crossed his face as he reflected on the origins of these stolen materials. "Although it's all stolen, it still pains my heart to use it on a toy car," he muttered sarcastically, remembering the mechanics he had taken them from.

Proceeding with the assembly, he focused on incorporating the HC-05 Bluetooth module and the female jumpers. With the precision of his mending spell, he connected all the components, ensuring they fit perfectly. He then reached for his trusty but worn-out laptop, grateful that he didn't have to code everything himself. Navigating to the websites of Lex Corps and Wayne Teck, one of the biggest tech corp in the world, he downloaded a certain file, saving himself some valuable time and effort.

Two 2600 mAh li-ion batteries were extracted from the battery box and carefully placed into the battery holder, which made him think, "maybe i should fix my flashlight?" before chuckling to himself. Finally, Asher attached four small wheels to the wooden frame, each one secured firmly. The project was nearing completion.

An old functioning phone lay before him, its screen displaying eight arrows pointing in every possible direction. With a mix of excitement and hesitance, Asher connected the phone to his newly crafted small car. As he tapped one of the arrows, the car responded, moving forward with a sense of purpose.

"I am on a roll today!" Asher exclaimed with elation. His happiness was further amplified as the familiar floating screen appeared before him. [Ding!] [It's detected that the host has built an Arduino Bluetooth control small car from scratch.] [+ normal XP] [+ in the subclass (Jammer) XP] [+1 level] [Congrats to the host for unlocking the new skill (fabricate)].

[ Name: Asher ]

[ Level: 4 (4%) ]

[ Main-Class: Artificer (lv.2) ]

[ HP: 100% ]

[ MP: 1.00/1.00 (1 mp last for one minute, 1 mp can be recovered every minute) ]

[ Current-Subclass: Jammer (lv.3/10) ]

[ Stat-Point: 1.5 ]

[ Stats: 

Strength: 0.34 (normal human strength = 1 point (130 pounds) ]

Speed: 0.64 (normal human speed = 1 point (15 mph) ]

Vitality: 0.94 ( 1 vitality = 1% HP ]

Spirit: 1.00 ( 1 spirit = 1 MP ]

[ Skills:

Mending: This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, Tier: 1 (25/1,000), cooldown: 5 minute ]

Fabricate: You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, Tier: 1 (0/1,000), cooldown: 10 minutes ]

"Well, I will be damned," Asher exclaimed, staring in awe at the floating screen. His attention was immediately drawn to the skill section, where a new ability had manifested. "No fucking way," he whispered, the reality of his unique capabilities sinking in. He stood up, his eyes scanning the workshop for raw materials, eager to continue his journey of creation and growth.

As his gaze fell upon a bag of Lego bricks still in its packaging, Asher's face lit up. "Come on, give me something, anything," he pleaded, feeling a surge of anticipation. He remembered acquiring the Lego bag from a particularly unpleasant encounter with a kid, who mocked him for his living in the sewers, which the kid didnt know but ashers smelled sewers so the kid went with it,. "Right, it belonged to that asshole of a kid," Asher recalled bitterly.

Without hesitation, he tore open the packaging, revealing an actual remote-controlled car within. It became a guiding tool for him, a means to combine his experience and create the car he had just built. Asher then poured out the Lego bricks onto the floor, his hand extended as he chanted while activating his mana, which recovered on its own after 1 minute "Fabricate."

One by one, the Lego pieces began to glow with a radiant white light, assembling themselves into a fully functional remote-controlled car. Asher examined the Lego creation, a slight smile crossing his face. "I mean, it's not like my car, mine is definitely better" he remarked with a tinge of longing, after staring at the Lego car for a hot minute, allowing his his mana to recover, he turned his attentions to the stats point which he now had 1.5, "well, time to invest in some stats" he smiled while wrapping his hands together.


A/N yeah i am not making the same mistake again, he will use these points asap, but aside from that, what do you guys think of the chapter, is it better, BE HONEST, (not really, spare my feelings)