
DC :Vampire Queen

Our MC wakes up in DC Universe, confused and annoyed And worried about his weird family and what he should Do in his new like in a world of heroes and villains because he can't think he will fit either of those so what will he Do now Check out how a terrifying new girl on the block of DC can Do Discord link: https://discord.gg/MBFcEVeS If you Dont know how to open it in app go to website

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · Cómic
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31 Chs

A little planing.....

After returning home from her nocturnal escapades and placing an order for a sword, she felt a sense of satisfaction as she settled into her bed, ready for a restful sleep. Anticipation filled her thoughts as she looked forward to the adventures the next day would bring.

Upon awakening, she realized it was Sunday, a day free from the constraints of school. With no immediate responsibilities, she decided to sit down at the table and contemplate her future, considering the plans she needed to forge for her journey ahead.

As a vampire navigating through this universe, her position was undeniably complicated. Her powers stemmed from the consumption of human blood, a trait that could potentially put her at odds with many heroes. However, she remained steadfast in her conviction to join their ranks, believing it to be the only path available to her.

While it was true that occasionally, villains emerged victorious in the DC universe, she firmly believed in the prevailing power of heroes. Joining the side of villains seemed nonsensical and foolish in her opinion. The villains in this universe were particularly dim-witted, driven solely by a desire to wreak havoc and destroy the world. Such a path held no appeal or benefit for her.

Admittedly, embracing the villainous side would grant her unparalleled freedom to indulge in her darkest desires. She could satisfy her every whim, no matter how questionable. However, she found their lack of intelligence and purpose unappealing. It was far better to remain alone than to align herself with such inept individuals. In her mind, the only way to move forward was to become a hero and contribute to saving the planet, and to save herself.

Taking note of the date, she realized it was almost aligned with the canon of the DC universe, with just one year left before the storylines would begin to unfold. This revelation fueled her determination to grow stronger and hone her skills with the sword she had ordered. She knew she needed to develop unique techniques and strategies to harness her powers effectively. Although still new to this world, she believed that one year would be sufficient to gain mastery over her abilities.

Yet, the question lingered: How could she join the hero side? It seemed like an insurmountable challenge. If she were to align herself with them, Batman would undoubtedly conduct a thorough investigation into her background, potentially unveiling her secret deeds. As Rose, she had already entered into a contract with a dubious individual to acquire her sword.

Contemplating her options, she considered a possible solution. Recalling the events prior to the start of the show, she remembered that Robin had encountered trouble with the Joker. Saving Robin from danger might present a reasonable opportunity to gain Batman's favor.

However, she hesitated to pursue this plan further. Saving Robin would invariably make her a target of the Joker's wrath, exposing her true identity and subjecting her to constant surveillance. Joining the heroes would likely restrict her freedom considerably.

Despite the internal conflict she faced, she recognized the inevitability of sacrificing her personal freedom. If she refused to join the hero side, she risked the emergence of significant problems, some of which could prove fatal to her survival.

With her mind swirling with these thoughts, she resolved to forge ahead, navigating the treacherous path between heroism and her vampiric nature. The challenges that lay before her were immense, but she was determined to make her mark in this universe, even if it meant sacrificing her own desires and embracing a destiny she had not foreseen.

After extensive contemplation, I realized that integrating myself into the canon events was crucial. I needed to find a way to intervene in the unfolding story, whether from the beginning or at a later point. At this moment, it seemed more logical to join the heroes from the start, as it would likely make my eventual acceptance among them easier.

The question then arose: which team should I align myself with? Each superhero had their own group, their own unique dynamics. Martian Manhunter's compassion made him an unsuitable choice, given my darker nature. The Flash's impulsiveness was a concern, and Wonder Woman's unwavering righteousness didn't align with my own motives. As for Superman, well, in this universe, he wasn't the embodiment of strength and virtue I expected him to be.

Considering all factors, it seemed that Batman was my best option. Though dangerous, he understood the shadows and darkness better than any other hero. I believed he would be more accepting of my nature and could relate to me on a deeper level. If I could gain his acceptance, I felt that the chances of being accepted by any other hero would increase.

However, there was a significant risk of jeopardizing everything. If I attempted to help the heroes and ended up causing more harm than good, it could potentially put them in even greater danger. Careful planning and calculated actions were essential. Despite the presence of mortals and seemingly weaker individuals within the team, I knew not to underestimate them. Power wasn't everything in the DC universe; skills and strategy mattered far more.

It became clear to me that I needed to establish a reputation for myself first. I could become a vigilante, targeting villains and making a name for myself. By saving innocent lives and fighting against evil, I would naturally catch the attention of the heroes. It would be a more organic way to integrate with them rather than making a grand entrance and expecting immediate acceptance.

However, being in the public eye had its own risks. I couldn't ignore my vampire nature and the need to drink blood. It wouldn't be difficult for others to uncover my secret if I made headlines. Therefore, I had to be cautious in my actions, ensuring that I drank blood only from those who deserved it, effectively putting the blame solely on them. It was a delicate balance, but survival required such measures.

Convincing people that drinking blood was necessary for my survival rather than a source of power would be challenging. I had to ensure they understood that blood sustained me but didn't grant me limitless strength. Revealing the true extent of my reliance on blood could have devastating consequences.

Reflecting on the previous night's experience, I noticed that the more blood I consumed, the more control I had over my powers. In the beginning, it felt overwhelming, but it gradually subsided. It seemed that drinking more blood allowed me to harness and control my abilities to a greater degree. To be in complete control, I believed I would need to consume a substantial amount of blood. It was a crucial aspect I needed to focus on, especially considering the events that lay ahead in a year's time. Thus, my current plan revolved around hunting and feeding as much as possible while simultaneously attempting to be a hero ya I guess that's the rough plan let's see what can happen.