
Finally free

He refrained from looking towards each of the Primordials, not out of fear, but his expression was one of nonchalance. However, that was until he finally noticed the pale skinned woman standing a few meters before him.

"Begone foul beast!!!"

The impulsive father of titans, Ouranos was immensely terrified by the aura that billowed out of the figure of the demonic looking young man. He immediately summoned his immense divine energy and leapt into the sky.


Under his authority, a massive bolt of lightning struck with world destroying power. Without even bothering to move an inch, the demonic looking youth stood still and allowed the bolt of lightning to smash into his body.

A massive shockwave erupted from the point of collision, as a humongous crater formed at the point of collision.

"Tsk. Ha, haha, hahaha!!"

An uncanny laughter followed an annoyed chuckle, as the dust settled, only for everyone present to see the demonic looking youth be completely unharmed from the attack. Rather, the massive bolt of lightning was slowly being absorbed into his body and his cells greedily fed on the energy.

Ignoring everyone present, he turned to the huge ball of flames that was encapsulated in blood red energy before he stretched out his arms and greedily breathed in the calm and fresh air, completely different from the bloody one he had been living off for the past 5 billion years.

"Haha! Hahaha! The light feels best!! Billions of years in purgatory!! And now I'm free!!"

With his arms outstretched, he laughed like a madman, while the Primordials looked towards him in disbelief.

Death on the other hand could feel her heart hammering within her chest. She clearly didn't want to believe what she was seeing with her eyes. With Five billion years of undeserved imprisonment, even the purest spirit would become vengeful. It seemed like Michael's punishment had not broken his spirit, it had driven him near the borders of insanity and made him crazy.

"Foul creature!! How dare you ignore my presence?!!"

Ouranos roared out once more and stretched out his arm about to fire an attack. However before time could even move, the demonic looking figure disappeared and reappeared behind the Sky Father with one hand on chin, as if in deep thought.

"Pipe it down will ya. I'm trying to think here."

Ouranos looked towards his outstretched arm only for him to see that it had been cleanly cleaved off by an invisible force, as golden blood soiled the ground.

"Argghh! You dare harm me?!!"

It took about a couple of seconds for him to register the pain, before he screamed out and turned towards the demonic looking youth who now stood back to back with him.

"Y-y-you dare harm me?!!" Ouranos roared out in shock as he glared towards Gaea and the rest of the Primordials who were busy examining the demonic looking youth.

Never in his eons of existence had he been disgraced in such a manner, and not by thr Primordials he all so worshipped, but by some unknown rogue demon.

"Hey, I said pipe it down. My eardrums are going to burst at this rate. Now come with me, let's go kill some birds."

The demonic youth picked his ears with an annoyed expression before he patted Oueanos' shoulder and walked past him, and gestured cockily, as he took the lead and began walking into the distance.


Ouranos roared in fury and stretched out his other hand, summoning a massive orb of divine energy that warped space and time and shook the foundations of the earth.


A massive beam of divine energy blasted forth, shattering space, as it continued towards the demonic looking demon.


Turning his head to the side, the demonic eyes of the youth glowed immensely before he turned around and stretched out his palm. In that moment, that tattoo of the humongous dharma wheel on his back began squirming, and in that moment, that world ending orb that was blasting towards him disappeared in an instant, as he let out a satisfied sigh.

"What? You don't like birds? That's a shame though...."

Moving in the same manner, as before, as if skipping through the miniscule intervals in time, he reached Ouranos in an instant, grabbed the tall man by the hair and proceeded to smash him into the ground like a ragdoll.


The body of the father of Titans had become a ragdoll for the demonic looking youth who had once hand in his pocket and the other that was firmly grasping into the hair of the sky father and smashing him into the ground with force.

After smashing him into the ground for the nth time, the demonic looking youth, walked towards a completely battered Ouranos with a small smile on his face.

"Hey, what's the matter. You're not done yet, are you?.."

With a mocking smile he chuckled and then turned his gaze from Ouranos to the pale skinned woman who seemed completely awestruck. He smiled towards her and then he turned towards the Primordials who were still busily examining him without the slightest intention to attack.

"Have you figured out what he is, Chronos? There's this energy within his body, it's overbearing and destructive. My senses can also not peer within his body."

Gaea turned to look at Chronos and the others who were still as confused and clueless as she was.

"Come on, that's it. Try harder."

The demonic looking youth laughed in ridicule, before he lifted his foot and smashed it right into the body of Ouranos, shattering the ground beneath their feet, as the two of them crashed into the Earth's core.


Before they could even crash into the larva, Ouranos grabbed onto the youth and twirled him with his right arm that was still intact, under the surprised gaze of the youth.

However, before he could complete his move and hurl the youth towards the Endless sea of magma, an invisible slash swept out once more, as golden ichor spilled into the magma.

"Oi, you are some sort of deity right? Honestly, I thought deities would be a bit strong, but you're too delicate. Hahahaha!"

Seated on a levitating rock and holding onto the cleaved off arm of Ouranos, the youth laughed sadistically, before he moved and appeared before a terrified Ouranos in an instant.

"We cannot make a move, after all, Death will surely not standby while he harm him."

Ananke replied, while Gaea shook her head and walked towards Death who was still in a state of shock.

"We have agreed to allow you to leave your belonging."

Gaea spoke, trying to sound intimidating, however she could tell Death was barely concerned about what she was speaking of.


In that moment, the earthquaked, and two figures ripped through the top soil into the skies.

One of the figures was instantly hurled before the Primordials who stood with complex expressions. Ouranos lay unconscious in a pool of his own ichor, covered in slashes and gashes from head to toe, while the demonic youth landed gently without a scratch.

"How dare you go too far?!!" Seeing the level of injuries Ouranos had suffered, Gaea erupted in a rage and turned towards the demonic youth who still had a ridiculing smile on his face.

Of course, the main reason why they had not made a move in the beginning was mainly due to Death's presence and the fact that she believed he was only going to teach him a lesson and not go too far.

"Your gaze sits too high, I don't like it."

The smile on the face of the demonic looking youth disappeared in a moment, as the glow within his eyes intensified. The next moment, he took a step forward, as the wine coloured energy within his body burst out, eroding and absorbing life force and energy around him.

"Stop this, Alan. You do not need to fight with them, come with me."

Death instantly moved to stand in between the youth whose power was tripling with every step he took, and the Primordials who were readying themselves to attack.

Halting for a moment, the youth glared into the eyes of the pale skinned woman before him, before an evil smile formed on his face.


Meanwhile, within the silver city, the Saint, Michael Demiurgos was calmly seated atop a small hill with a serene and calm expression, when his eyes snapped open in a moment.

"Who dares?!!!"

He roared out and stretched out his hand as a flaming sword materialised in his hand. He instantly unfurled his wings and took off, traversing the void at speeds faster than light.