
DC: The Golden Craftsmen of the Amazon.

Yeong, A former Alaskan Lawman turned 40K Imperium Custodes, dies and is reborn in DC’s Ancient Greece with Minecraft powers. His twin, Bora, a medical student and prodigy becomes an Amazon, rising to prominence in Amazonia after a tragic end. Together, they navigate their new lives, seeking purpose and potentially aiding their new universe. Yeong Maxwell, once a simple law enforcement officer in Alaska, suddenly died in the line of duty and found himself unexpectedly transformed into a golden warrior, a Custodes of the Imperium serving the Emperor of Mankind. His extraordinary journey in the 40k universe takes a turn when he dies again during the Horus Heresy and is transported for the second time to the DC Universe’s ancient Greece with a unique Minecraft Crafting system, enabling him to create items from both the game and any fictional universe he’s known. Struggling with the purpose of his existence, Yeong adapts to his new life, wielding his newfound abilities. Meanwhile, Bora Maxwell, a medical student prodigy and Yeong’s twin sister, faces her own tragic end following her brother’s death, which plunges her into depression. Her soul is reborn among the first Amazons of ancient Greece, retaining her past memories. Leveraging her previous world’s knowledge and Amazonian training, Bora ascends to become a respected Amazon in Amazonia. Both siblings embark on a quest to discover the meaning of their second lives and to possibly aid the universe they now inhabit.

Tofu_Misu · Cómic
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Settled In.

[HEY! IN CASE YOU MISS IT!, If anyone wants to see the art of the characters that are described in this story go to the Scribble Hub version of this fanfic and search for this story. There should be art or concept art of the characters that is embedded into the story. And if you are already here then Thank you and please enjoy this chapter.]

This work is purely fanfiction and doesn't have any relation to the property of Game Workshop, Dynamite Entertainment, Mojang, or DC.

I don't own Minecraft, Warhammer 40k, Red Sonja, or DC.

All rights are reserved to those Companies.

Rated M and 18 Plus for Violent and Sexual Content.

Cover Art by arielscar_art on Instagram.


Chapter 3: Settled In.


The City State of Amazonia.

Bora Resident.

Yeong Maxwell or Yeong's POV.

Bora's dwelling was a humble little abode, nestled on the outskirts of the city. The architecture was simple, yet elegant, with a distinctly Grecian influence. The whitewashed walls were adorned with intricate murals, depicting scenes of Amazonian life and mythology. The roof was made of terracotta tiles, which glowed warmly under the moonlight.

After having to duck under The doorway due to my towering stature, I stepped into the cozy interior of Bora's home. The space was modestly furnished, with a few pieces of wooden furniture and an array of colorful cushions scattered around. The walls were adorned with various trinkets and artifacts, each one a testament to Bora's journey in this new world.

There is what looks like a Kopis, a type of ancient Greek sword, hanging on the wall, its blade gleaming in the soft light. A shield, adorned with the emblem of Amazonia, stood propped up in a corner. A bow and a quiver of arrows were also present, resting against the wall. The room was filled with a warm, inviting energy, a stark contrast to the cold, sterile environments I had grown accustomed to in my time as a Custodes.

Bora's voice broke through my thoughts, "Yeong, make yourself at home. I'll just be a moment, I need to fetch something from the other room." She flashed me a reassuring smile before disappearing behind a beaded curtain.

Left alone, I took the opportunity to explore the room. My eyes were drawn to a shelf filled with an eclectic mix of items. There were scrolls, bound together with ribbons, their contents a mystery to me. A small, carved wooden figurine of a horse stood next to them, its craftsmanship exquisite. A set of medical tools, their purpose and function familiar to me, were neatly arranged in a tray.

As I was examining the items, I heard a soft rustling behind me. I turned around my senses on high alert, only to find a small, fluffy creature staring back at me. It was a cat, its fur a mix of white and gray, its eyes a piercing green. It regarded me with a sense of curiosity, its tail twitching slightly.

"Ah, you've met Luna," Bora's voice echoed through the room. She emerged from behind the curtain, a small bundle in her hands. "Luna has been my companion for quite some time now. She's a good judge of character, so if she likes you, consider yourself fortunate."

I extended my hand towards Luna, allowing her to sniff and inspect me. To my surprise, she rubbed her head against my fingers, purring softly. I couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, I guess I've passed the first test."

Bora's laughter echoed mine, "Indeed, you have. Now, let's get you settled in. I've prepared a small room for you. It's not much, but I hope it will be comfortable enough for you."

She led me to a small, cozy room. It was furnished with a simple wooden bed, a small table, and a chair. The walls were adorned with more murals, their colors and patterns soothing to the eyes. A window, overlooking the city, stood open, allowing the cool night breeze to filter in.

"This is more than enough, Bora. Thank you," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt this sense of comfort and safety. The constant battles and conflicts of the 40k universe had left me weary and battle-scarred, both physically and mentally. "It's a bit small for my stature but it is nothing I can't accommodate. I'll manage," I added, not wanting to burden Bora with my unusual size. I was grateful for her hospitality and understanding, and I didn't want to impose any more than I already had.

"I'm glad to hear that," Bora replied, her voice filled with warmth. "I know this is all very sudden and overwhelming for you, but I want you to know that you're welcome here. This is your home now, Yeong."

For the first time since… almost forever, I genuinely smile. Bora's words were a balm to my weary soul. The sincerity in her voice, the warmth in her eyes, it was all too real, too genuine. It had been eons since I last felt such a connection, such a sense of belonging. The thought of having a home, a place where I could genuinely be at peace, rest, and recuperate, was a luxury I had long forgotten.

"Thank you, Bora," I said, my voice thick with emotion. "I can't express how grateful I am for… everything." I paused, gathering my thoughts. "I know I have a lot to learn about this world, about your life here. But I promise, I'll do my best to adapt and contribute in any way I can."

Bora's smile widened, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I know you will, Yeong. You've always been resilient, and adaptable. I have no doubt you'll find your place here." She reached out, her hand resting gently on my arm. "And I'll be here, every step of the way. We'll face this new chapter together. Now come let us prepare dinner, our guests will be arriving soon." She led me back to the main room, where a small cooking area was set up. The aroma of fresh herbs and spices filled the air, a tantalizing promise of the meal to come.

"Now! I remember You said you learned to cook since becoming a Custodes. Why don't you show me what you've got? I'll be the judge of your culinary skills," Bora challenged, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

I accepted her challenge with a confident smile. "Very well, sister. Prepare to be amazed."


A little while later…

"It's strange, you know? Looking back to it now, a lightning strike of all things was able to knock me out… like… a Custodes is very robust physically and mentally," I Contemplated, my gaze lost in the distance as I revisited that tense memory at the sea. "So reflecting on it now, it seems implausible, unlikely actually. A mere lightning strike shouldn't have rendered me unconscious."

"Hmm… Maybe you committed some act that provoked the deities' wrath, leading them to smite you," my twin sister teased, her eyes dancing with playful speculation.

"Probably… but All I can say for certain is that after the blackout, I awoke in your medical ward, sister. And for that, I am thankful, regardless of how I came to be here," I responded, offering her a heartfelt smile.

Bora chuckled and returned the smile. "Well, I'm glad you're here too, brother."

"Anyway… So Bora, those weapons I saw in your home, the sword, the shield, and the bow, are they yours? Do you use them in battle?" I asked, my curiosity piqued as I stirred the pot of stew I was preparing. The aroma of the simmering dish filled the room, mingling with the warm, inviting atmosphere.

Bora, who was busy chopping vegetables for a salad, looked up and smiled. "Yes, they are mine. I've learned to use them during my time here. As an Amazon, my duty doesn't just lie in healing, but also in protecting our city and our people. The Kopis is my preferred weapon, but I'm also skilled with the bow and shield."

I nodded, impressed by her adaptability. "It seems you've truly embraced this new life. I must admit, I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this. You grow from the woman I knew into a warrior. It's quite remarkable."

Bora chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. "Thank you, Yeong. It wasn't easy, but I've had good teachers. The Amazons are skilled warriors, and they've acquainted me well."

"And what about your healing skills?" I asked. "Do you still practice medicine regularly as always like in our previous lives?"

Bora's face lit up. "Absolutely. In fact, my healing skills have only grown stronger here. The Amazons have their own methods of healing, using herbs and other natural remedies. I've been able to combine my knowledge from our old world with their techniques, and it's been incredibly rewarding."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for my sister. Despite being thrown into a completely different world, she had managed to not only adapt but thrive. "I'm really proud of you, Bora," I said, meaning every word.

Bora's smile widened. "Thank you, Yeong. That means a lot coming from you."

"No need to thank me, Bora. You deserve every bit of praise for your strength and resilience. I can only speculate on how difficult it is for you to adjust to this new world, but it seems that you've done so admirably."

Bora's expression turned thoughtful. "It wasn't easy, that's for sure. But I've found a sense of purpose here, a place where I belong. I've made friends, and I've learned so much. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything."

I nodded, understanding her sentiments. "I'm glad you've found a place where you feel at home. Let's hope I can do the same and find a purpose… a reason to stay and contribute to this new world."

Bora looked at me with a warm smile. "I'm sure you will, Yeong. You have so much to offer, and I know the Amazons will appreciate your skills, knowledge, and… Power... Plus, you have me here to help guide you along the way."

A light laugh escaped me, a wave of comfort washing over me. "Having you here is a blessing, Sister. I couldn't have hoped for a more fitting guide in this unfamiliar world." A playful thought struck me, and a mischievous grin took shape. "Now, since we've settled in, you've claimed to be a formidable warrior, haven't you? What do you say to a friendly match?" I proposed. "An Amazon warrior pitted against a Custodes warrior—it would be an excellent opportunity to gauge my abilities in this new realm and measure up to the prowess of an Amazon."

"Hmm… another challenge, brother?" Bora said with a grin, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Very well, I accept your proposal. But don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're my brother."

A soft chuckle slipped from my lips, stirring a sea of memories. In our past lives, we thrived on friendly rivalry, be it in sports, studies, or the virtual battles of video games. It was our catalyst for growth, our mutual spur to excellence. Now, in this strange new realm, I find the echoes of our old ways persist. Here, where caution should have been my creed, skepticism my shield, I stand unguarded and open.

As a Custodian in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,000, I was schooled in vigilance. Serving the Emperor of Mankind, alongside my brothers and sisters in the Legio, I bore witness to the inferno of worlds, and the collapse of empires. The specter of war, the abyss of human sin—I've seen it all. Yet, unlike my comrades, bred solely for battle, I discerned the chasm between war and peace, chaos and cosmos. And in this novel existence, it is the tranquility and order of the Amazons that beckon me.

Should the Emperor gaze upon what I've become, his disappointment would be as palpable as the weight of the Golden Throne. A Custodian is the paragon of fealty, might, and dignity, sworn to shield him and the Imperium from all perils. Yet here I am, drawn to a culture that stands in stark contrast to the Emperor's grand design for mankind.

I confess, by the standards of the Custodian Guard, I've softened. But this new world has gifted me this sort of serenity, a fulfillment I cannot deny. The Amazons have unveiled a path of unity and accord, far from the Imperium's path of subjugation and supremacy—a path I find myself increasingly aligned with, despite my oaths to the Emperor.

Maybe it's Bora's influence, her enduring voice of wisdom and kindness from a life once lived. Or perhaps it's the fatigue of ceaseless conflict that has finally overtaken me. Whatever the cause, I stand at a juncture, questioning the road I've traveled for an eternity. I cannot forsake the Imperium entirely, yet I can no longer march to the Emperor's drum without a flicker of doubt. There must exist a middle way, a method to serve humankind without the Imperium's ruthless stratagems.

And so, at this crossroads, I ponder. Do I tread the well-worn path of the Custodian, embodying the Emperor's unwavering resolve? Or do I carve a fresh trail, one that harmonizes might with mercy, order with liberty? The future is a shrouded mystery, but one thing is certain: I cannot choose this path in solitude. I seek the counsel and camaraderie of those I hold dear, including Bora, and perhaps, the Amazons. Maybe… Just Maybe, With the support needed, I might yet find my niche in this unfamiliar world and effect change that resonates with my core principles.

Warrior blood courses through my veins; that essence will forever remain. But life's tapestry is more than the weft and warp of battle. It's woven with strands of peace, affection, and kinship, as I've witnessed among the Amazons. My steps must be measured, for I am bound by my vows to the Emperor. Yet, the allure of this newfound existence cannot be ignored. I must balance my sworn duties with the yearnings of my heart, a daunting endeavor indeed. Challenges are no strangers to me; they've been constant companions, each conquered leaving me stronger. This may well be my most formidable trial, but I am prepared to confront it with resolve.


The rhythmic tapping at the door halted our light-hearted exchange. With a knowing look, Bora made her way to the entrance. "Tend to the supper, brother. Our company for the evening might have arrived," she suggested over her shoulder as she departed the kitchen. I gave a nod of acknowledgment and focused on the stew, its scent now a comforting presence in the home.


"Just a moment!" Bora's voice echoed as she neared the door, swinging it open. "Ah, Althea, Philippus, what a joy to see you both—please, come inside." She stepped back, welcoming the pair of Amazon women.

As the guests settled in, I took a moment to narrowly observe the duo of guests from the kitchen. My eyes landed on the first woman, Althea, a woman of grace and poise, who was Bora's counterpart in the central infirmary. The Amazon healer's appearance was like any other of her kind with the typical yet undeniably stunning and alluring beauty of the Amazonians. Althea's golden blonde and majestic mane were radiant and Her cerulean eyes held wisdom that spoke volumes of her experience in the healing arts. She wore a simple yet elegant white toga, the fabric draping gracefully around her voluptuous form. The toga was adorned with a red sash, a symbol of her status as a healer.

Philippus, on the other hand, was a seasoned warrior, her curvaceous yet muscular physique a testament to her prowess in battle. She stood tall, exuding an aura of authority that demanded respect. Philippus has a golden metal headband on and Her hair is a mass of curly black locks, pulled back into a tight braid around her head. Her ebony skin shimmered under the soft light, highlighting the perfect blend of muscle and allure that made up her figure. The Amazon captain's golden bronze armor barely covered her torso, revealing a generous amount of cleavage and accentuating the prominent swell of her well-rounded pair of breasts. Her strong jawline and high cheekbones added to her almost regal appearance, commanding attention from all those around her. A sword was strapped to her side, the hilt within easy reach. Her stern gaze softened as she greeted Bora, revealing a deep-seated respect and camaraderie between them.

"Please, have a seat, everyone. The food is almost ready to be served," Bora invited as the guests began to settle in their seats. I observed from the kitchen as Bora skillfully managed the social dynamics of the room, initiating pleasant conversation and ensuring everyone felt at ease.

"Captain Philippus, it's always a pleasure to see you," Bora greeted, her voice warm and welcoming. "And Althea, your presence is always a delight."

Althea returned Bora's smile, her eyes shining with warmth. "Thank you, Bora. It's always a pleasure to be in your company."

"Me too, I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking." Captain Philippus nodded in agreement, her stern demeanor softening slightly. "But Bora, I thought we've been through this. You don't need to call me 'Captain' when we're off duty. 'Philippus' will do. Besides, I owe you one after you saved my life, twice."

Bora laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Old habits die hard, Philippus. But you're right, and I appreciate your sentiment. I'm just glad I could be there for you." She turned to the others, gesturing towards the table. "Now, let's all take a seat. Before we begin to enjoy this feast, I have invited you here today because I have an important matter to discuss with you both."

Althea had a knowing smile after she was done petting Luna, who was lying on a nearby cushion. She took her seat, her eyes flickering with curiosity. "I have a feeling this is going to be interesting," she said, her tone light and playful.

Captain Philippus's brow lifted, her stern visage softened by a trace of curiosity. "Truly, I am intrigued as well. What matter could be so pressing that it warrants a clandestine supper amongst the three of us?"

My sister's grin broadened, her eyes shimmering with eager anticipation. "Actually, it will be four of us…"

The captain's eyebrow soared even higher, her interest now thoroughly kindled. "Four? I was not informed of any additional company."

With a soft laugh, Bora's gaze briefly danced towards the kitchen. "Indeed, four. The time has come for our mystery guest to join us. However, before I make the introduction, I must caution you both; he is… rather extraordinary."

Althea's chuckle resonated with knowing delight. "Ah, I see where this leads." Her eyes gleamed with mirth. "You're referring to the individual I'm thinking of, aren't you?" Her smile grew even more pronounced.

"Who? Who is this mysterious guest?" Captain Philippus asked, her curiosity piqued. "I must admit, Bora, you have my attention. Who is This curious individual that has stirred such intrigue?"

Bora's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Patience, Philippus. All will be revealed shortly." She turned her gaze towards me, beckoning me to join them. "Yeong, would you please join us?"

I emerged from the kitchen, holding two generous trays of piping hot food, the enticing scent permeating the room and eliciting looks of surprise and interest from the guests. My imposing stature and robust build instantly drew attention. The room hushed as Althea and Captain Philippus regarded me, Althea's eyes shimmering with intrigue and appreciation, while Captain Philippus briefly registered surprise before her customary stern demeanor returned.

However, as I neared the table, I observed something unusual. A wet patch of some kind had formed between the Ebony Amazon Captain's thighs, seemingly expanding as I drew closer. I couldn't overlook the way her gaze remained fixed on my physique or the way her breathing appeared to accelerate, and… it was clear that Althea had noticed it as well, as her eyes widened slightly in surprise and a slight deviant smirk began to form on her visage. However, I immediately chose to disregard it and any potential inferences as I set the large food tray on the table. The first tray contained a nourishing stew, brimming with vegetables and tender meat chunks, while the second tray was filled with freshly baked bread and a variety of cheeses.

"Lady Althea, Captain Philippus, I am honored by your presence," I began, bowing slightly in respect. "My name is Yeong Maxwell but you can call me Yeong, and Bora has often spoken of you with great affection, recounting your adventures as cherished companions. In tribute to your friendship, Bora and I have prepared a feast in your honor, which we hope meets your approval. However, before we dine, there are concerns pressing upon my heart—two, to be precise," I continued, my tone even and composed. "Firstly, my profound gratitude goes to you, Captain Philippus. Your band discovered me by the river's edge, and I owe you a debt of gratitude for your assistance. The surprise of finding a stranger like myself must have been considerable, and I am deeply grateful for your bravery in offering help amidst the uncertainties."

Captain Philippus's expression, usually so stern, softened, and a hint of a flush graced her attractive visage, perhaps due to the unexpected acknowledgment. "Mr. Yeong, the gratitude is ours… though I must admit, the true commendation belongs to one of my subordinates, Sonja. However, it is our Amazonian creed to assist those in need," she responded, her voice firm yet infused with a gentle warmth. "The goddess teaches us to be fierce and strong, yet also to show mercy and kindness. These virtues guide our every action."

Althea's nod was one of concurrence, her gaze mirroring the shared feelings. "Certainly, Bora has been part of our circle from the outset. It brings us joy to offer you, Yeong, the same camaraderie we share."

I bowed slightly, moved by their acceptance. "My thanks to both of you. It is an honor to stand among you and to be embraced by your community. I eagerly anticipate learning from your traditions and contributing to the land of the Amazons in whatever manner I may." A sincere smile lit up my face as I added, "Now, regarding the second issue at hand, I suspect you're curious about my origins and how fate brought me to your shores, correct?"

Captain Philippus and Althea exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "You're quite right," Althea responded, her tone rich with fascination. "Bora has indeed divulged some… rather captivating insights about both your past and hers to me, after your arrival, Mr. Yeong."

The Ebony Amazon's curiosity piqued, her gaze darting between me and Bora. "Is that so? Althea, would you be so kind as to share these 'captivating insights'?" she inquired, her voice tinged with surprise.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Althea replied, "I'd hate to spoil the surprise," she teased, casting a sidelong glance at Bora. "However, I will say that the shared history of Yeong and Bora here stretches… beyond the confines of this realm."

Bora affirmed with a solemn nod, her face a canvas of contemplation. "Indeed," she confirmed. "Yeong and I shared a bond, only to be torn apart by a grave misfortune. I feared he was gone from my life for good, but fate has defied the odds, bringing him back into my world…"

The Ebony Amazon interjected, her attractive visage clouded with bewilderment. "Bora, what are you implying?" she pressed. "What nature of misfortune speaks to you?"

Althea's smile broadened, observing Bora's pensive demeanor. "It appears Bora has been harboring a few mysteries," she playfully noted. "Yet, I promise you, Philippus, the tale is indeed compelling—if you're inclined to listen."

Drawing in a deep breath, Bora locked eyes with the Ebony Amazon. "Recounting this tale is no simple task," she admitted softly. "Nevertheless, the time has come for the truth to surface."

Pausing to assess the chamber, the Amazon with the rich ebony complexion initially wore a look of doubt. Yet, as she locked eyes with the sincere stares of Bora and Althea, her features relaxed. Rising from her seat, Philippus gave a firm nod and addressed the tiny gathering of Amazons and observers. Her voice was decisive as she spoke. "Very well… Proceed," she commanded. "You have piqued my curiosity. In unity, we offer our backing, and should Bora and Yeong choose to disclose their account, I and even Lady Althea here will lend an ear. Now, share with us this mysterious story that I have yet to learn."

"Understood," I responded, returning the Amazon Captain's determined look with my own. "My thanks, Captain," I continued, my tone unwavering. "Your readiness to hear us out and provide support is valued. However, I advise you both to take a seat, for the narrative I'm about to unfold is not for those of delicate constitution," I concluded, with a gravity in my voice. "It is a saga wrought with conflict and turmoil, from a world shrouded in shadows, a grimdark reality… far different from this one… and it is also how I become a Custodes…"



Outside of Bora Resident.

General POV.

"Sonja, in the name of all gods, please, slow down!" Druuna, the Amazon with hair as dark as a raven's wing, cried out, her voice a blend of concern and authority.

Sonja, her fiery red hair matching her rebellious spirit, turned to look at her. "Relax, Druuna! You're too uptight. What's the harm in a little curiosity?" she retorted, her words a playful challenge.

Druuna sighed, her eyes filled with worry but also kindness. "The harm is real, Sonja. We're intruding. Lady Bora has guests, and we shouldn't meddle," she cautioned, her tone heavy with prudence. "And let's not forget Captain Philippus. If she catches us snooping around, it won't end well," she added, her voice reflecting her fear and deep respect for the captain.

Sonja's smile only grew wider, her adventurous spirit undiminished. "That's precisely why we're here. Think of the secrets we might uncover. And I'm dying to see this new mystery man," she declared, her smirk revealing her daring nature. "His physique is... well, let's just say it's quite impressive."

"Red, who are you talking about?" Druuna's eyebrow arched, her curiosity piqued. "Wait... Is it the striking stranger you found and brought back to Lady Bora's care?" she asked, now fully engaged.

"You've got it," Sonja's smile was triumphant. "Yes, that's him. There's something about him... something more. Aren't you curious to find out what it is?" she urged her voice to be a blend of enticement and excitement.

Druuna hesitated, her sense of duty and curiosity at odds. "I don't know, Sonja. It doesn't feel right to spy. What if we're caught?" she voiced her concern.

The redheaded swordswoman waved off her worries with a confident flourish. "We'll remain unseen, as always. Think of it... gathering valuable information," she reassured, her self-assurance unwavering.

"Wait a second…" Druuna's eyes widened, suspicion creeping in. "Hold on... Sonja, is this about another conquest?" she questioned her voice with a mix of disbelief and worry. "Is this all just to add another tale to your list of accomplishments?"

Sonja's confident demeanor briefly faltered, but she quickly regained her composure. "I'm not sure what you're implying, Druuna. My interest is genuine. And again… why shouldn't I find some pleasure in the pursuit?" she countered, her tone a blend of defiance and ease.

Druuna's expression grew stern, her concern for her friend evident. "Sonja, I'm all for a bit of fun, but this is serious. We potentially could get in a lot of trouble by intruding on Lady Bora and her guests. And let's not forget your last and many… intimate encounters... You broke some poor man's jaw. And now People are beginning to call you the 'She-devil' in bed." she warned, her anxiety clear.

Druuna's words seemed to affect the redhead, her playful smirk faltering for a moment. "I didn't mean for that to happen, Druuna. You know me, I just... get carried away sometimes," she said, her voice losing some of its earlier bravado.

Druuna sighed, her expression softening. "I get it, Sonja. But you need to be more careful. And as for this... 'pursuit'," she said, making air quotes with her fingers, "I just want you to be sure that it's not just another game to you."

Sonja's gaze turned thoughtful, her eyes reflecting the flickering light of the torches that lined the city streets. "I don't know, Druuna. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But I do know that I felt this unexplained attraction to him, to this mystery man. And I want to find out why."

Druuna's eyes narrowed, a hint of apprehension in her gaze. "Sonja, I can't change your mind on this, can I?" The raven-haired Amazon sighed with resignation in her voice. "Fine... I am coming with you." The black-hair Amazon declares. "And we make sure that *no one gets hurt*, you got that?" she said, her voice filled with a mix of determination and caution.

The fiery hair Amazon's grin widened, a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Deal, Druuna. We'll be as stealthy as shadows, and as harmless as a gentle breeze," Sonja assured, her voice a blend of confidence and playful reassurance.

Druuna's expression remained stern, her eyes filled with a mix of worry and determination. "I'm serious, Sonja. No games, no mischief. We're here to observe, and that's it."

Sonja's grin softened, her eyes reflecting a hint of sincerity. "I understand, Druuna. I promise I'll be on my best behavior," she said, her tone a blend of reassurance and understanding. "Now, let's go and see what kind of secrets we can uncover," she said, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and thrill as she took hold of the raven-haired Amazon's hand and practically dragged her toward Lady Bora's residence.

"By Hera... I can't believe that I let myself get dragged into this and allow you to convince me, Sonja," Druuna murmured, a mix of reluctance and acceptance in her voice. "You do remember I have duties at home, right?"

Sonja's grin widened a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, come on, Druuna. Those can be done later and I know you love a good adventure. And besides, what's the worst that could happen?" she said, her voice filled with a mix of confidence and playfulness.

"Everything, Red… Everything could go wrong," Druuna replied, a note of foreboding in her tone.


The Royal Palace.

Antiope Private Study.

In the heart of Amazonia stood a grand palace, a testament to the nation's power and splendor. This regal residence was home to Queen Hippolyta and her devoted sister, General Antiope. Within the palace lay Antiope's private study, a sanctuary filled with maps, scrolls, and ancient texts where she often retreated to contemplate state affairs and the defense of her people.

General Antiope, the embodiment of unwavering strength and loyalty, sat at her desk, her eyes scanning a parchment filled with the latest reports from the city's outskirts. Her face was a picture of stern concentration, her brow creased under the weight of her duties. The room was enveloped in deep silence, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of paper and the soft chirping of crickets from the nearby garden.

Knock! Knock!

Absorbed in her work, Antiope was halfway through a report about an unusual discovery near the Thermodon River, concerning a remarkable stranger brought back to the city by Captain Philippus, one of her subordinates and protégés. She barely registered the soft knock on her door until it was repeated, more urgently this time.


"Enter," Antiope commanded, her voice steady yet composed. The door creaked open to reveal her trusted aide and advisor, Nu'bia, a skilled warrior and invaluable member of Antiope's inner circle.

"General," Nu'bia began, her voice calm and respectful.

"Nubia, my friend," Antiope greeted, a rare smile gracing her lips as she gestured for the other woman to enter. "What news do you bring?"

Nu'bia stepped forward, her posture upright and confident. "I bring the word, General. An Oracle requests your audience," she announced, her voice reflecting the gravity of the message.

Antiope's eyes widened slightly at the mention of an Oracle. These revered seers, known for their ability to commune with the gods, commanded great respect. "An Oracle requests my audience?" she asked, her voice a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Nu'bia nodded. "Yes, General. The Oracle has requested your presence at the Temple of Artemis. She claims to have received a vision that concerns the safety of our city."

"Hmm… Interesting…" Antiope commented as The Amazon general features set into a determined mask, she stood, her hand closing around a mythical-looking lasso that was gleaming with an otherworldly golden light. "Very well, then we must not delay. Gather a small contingent of guards and meet me at the temple. We will hear what the Oracle has to say."

Nu'bia swiftly departed to carry out her orders. Antiope took a moment to steel herself for what was to come. The Oracles were not to be taken lightly, and a request for her presence signified a matter of grave importance.

With a determined stride, Antiope made her way to the Temple of Artemis, flanked by a small group of guards. As they approached the grand structure, she ordered her honor guard to secure the perimeter while she ventured inside. The temple, with its imposing marble columns and intricate carvings of battles and triumphs, exuded an air of sacred solemnity. The scent of incense mingled with the sound of a nearby waterfall, creating a serene atmosphere.

As Antiope stepped into the grand hall, her eyes immediately found the solitary figure shrouded in mystery—the Oracle. Perched upon an elevated dais, amidst the dance of candlelight and a collection of arcane relics, the Oracle radiated a presence that seemed to transcend the mortal realm. With reverence, Antiope advanced and offered a respectful nod, an action the Oracle reciprocated.

"Oracle, I heed your summons. Reveal to me the insights bestowed upon you by the god," Antiope declared, her tone resolute, her determination unwavering.

Silence enveloped the chamber as the Oracle's palms lingered above the glowing orb, her touch nearly grazing the surface. At length, she uttered a response, her voice carrying the weight of untold ages. "The revelation… It is not a gift from the Olympian… but rather, my own foresight."

"Then share with me your foresight. What visions have stirred you to call upon me?" inquired the Amazonian general, her voice solid as stone.

"Before we proceed…" The Oracle's hands maintained their poised dance above the orb, her digits quivering ever so slightly. "Tell me, have there been any peculiar tales or perhaps reports… of a Golden Giant of a man… making its presence known within our City?"


That's all folk. Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoy it. Remember, this is just a fictional story, a fanfiction, and Picture this as a 99.1% pure blend of imagination—yes, a little hat tip to Breaking Bad. It also means that it is Crack Fic in essence, unbound by the strictures of lore. While I aim for a fun, rule-bending narrative, I also strive for a story with just enough logic and coherence to make sense within its own universe. As always, please remember to leave Fav, a follow, or a review, and tell me what you think.!