
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

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75 Chs

Your name will be.....

It has been a month since the Kent's received the news of Martha's pregnancy.

At first, they couldn't believe it, but when the blood test results came back from the lab, it was 100% confirmed that they were going to be parents.

Well, biological parents, at least after all, when they told little Clark that he was going to be a big brother, he was so happy that he could not fall asleep.

He was thinking, What's going to be, baby brother or sister? Who knows.

Martha was overwhelmed with all this, and she was also a little bit scared.

That's why she made the decision to just continue with her life like nothing happened and not worry too much about it.

It has been 6 months, and now she can't no longer support her husband with the daily chores anymore due to her belly, and hiring help is out of the question, so she is worried about who will clean and make the food in the house.

Jonathan is watching his wife make a face. It means that she is worrying too much about something again; this happens when she can no longer do things by herself or she no longer sees a solution for a problem.

"You know that we can survive a couple of months without everything being perfect, right?"

Hearing what her husband said broke out of her thoughts, so she looked at him in the eyes and responded.

"Do you remember your locker room in college?"

(cough.) Jonathan, now embarrassed, could only respond.

"Fair point, but you are worrying too much, honey. We will be fine."

Seeing the face that his wife is making right now means that she doesn't trust those words. He knows now that he needs to change his tactics.

"Let's make it this way; you will tell me what needs to be done around the house, and I will try to make it the best I can."

Looking at the sincere face that her husband is making, she can no longer make things difficult for him, so she took the deal.

Jonathan was a farmer, for sure, but a cook and a cleaner—well, that's out of the question. Even when his wife told him exactly how to do things, somehow something would go wrong, and Martha was enjoying every single bit of it.

"It's not as easy as it looks, right?"

That's what his wife told him when he served his first meal made by him, ashamed that he could only deviate his sight to the nearby window to avoid his wife's looks.

(giggle) "It's good, honey, thank you." That's all she said before she started eating.

Like that, nine months were gone, and although at first things were chaotic, with little Clark making those things a little more challenging for Jonathan, he persevered and kept his end of the deal; he has the scars to prove it.

The Kent family is now once again at the local hospital. Jonathan is waiting patiently outside a maternity room with little Clark; they could not leave him alone on the farm and leave him alone here. It's also a big no, so he could only trust the doctor and the nurses and pray for his wife and baby, but still he couldn't hide his worried face.

"Everything's going to be okay, son."

He could only try to comfort Clark, or maybe he was saying that to comfort himself. Little Clark was very quiet; he knew that his mom and brother or sister were doing something dangerous inside the room, so when his mom told him to wait here and accompany his dad, he would do that and wait right here.

10 hours It's what it took to give birth to her baby from the first contractions to the very end; for her, it was an eternity, but for the doctor and nurses, it was extremely fast, so they were ready for any complications. Luckily, the baby came out fine.

"It's a boy," said the doctor to Martha, but she noticed that she could not hear his crying, so when she started to get worried, she heard a


"Well, look at that; he has a very impressive pair of lungs."

A thunderous cry was even heard outside the room, and Jonathan knew that his baby had come out into the world.

"Dwad iths mom ok," said little Clark, who was asleep in the chairs next to him.

"Yeah, son, your mom's ok."

Just as he was finishing his sentence, the door in front of him was starting to open up.

"Mister Kent?" said a nurse who was coming out of the room and closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, it's me. It's everything, all right, my wife and my baby?" Jonathan stood up from his seat and began to walk close to the nurse.

"Yes, Mr. Kent, your wife and baby are ok; if you want, you can come in and look for yourself".

looking at little Clark in the chairs next to him, the nurse informs him.

"Unfortunately, your son cannot enter with you, but I'll be glad to keep him company."

Taking a back by that, he glanced at Clark and spoke softly to him.

"Son, I'm going to check on your mother and the baby. Can you stay here for a little bit with this lady?"

Little Clark just responded with a little nod.

"Thank you, son." Putting a hand to his head and kissing him in the forehead, he turned around and approached the door, which the nurse opened for him, so he went inside.

Martha was exhausted, but that didn't matter to her right now.

"Here, madam, you can hold him now," said a nurse carrying his little baby, who, by the way, was still crying his eyes out, but when the nurse put him in her arms, he began to stop crying little by little until he fell asleep.

At that moment, she remembered almost 3 years ago when she took Clark for the first time, who was crying in her arms and also falling asleep. She feels the same way right now; she has the same feeling: finally, the fruit of their love, their second baby, their little Isaac.