After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
Isaac Dinklage.
After sitting still for a while, I nevertheless, with the first rays of dawn, went to the room allocated to me and Pamela. And immediately I sensed two there, the first was Pam, and the second was Beatrice. My suspicions crept in, so I went in and saw just two girls sleeping peacefully in an embrace. Pam was half naked. And Beatrice has a lilac dress and black lace lingerie taken off to the waist.
I didn't even know what I was experiencing: disappointment or relief that there was no fight for me or even a "pink conversation". Otherwise, Pam will become ...
The girls slept peacefully. This picture aroused affection in me, and I decided not to wake them up, but to sit in an armchair. But before I had time to sit and admire this picture for five minutes, I received a chakra task from the system:
You have received an additional assignment.
"Daedalus and Icarus"
Chakra is capable of many things: heal, kill, do unthinkable things. But is it possible to FLY if you use chakra?
Learn to fly with your chakra.
+ 5000 experience,
+ 1% chance that you will survive in any conditions,
+ 10 free points.
Interestingly, for a long time I have not seen "real" tasks from the system that would be associated with chakra. And then all the increase in control and chakra sweep.
True, I'm too lazy to do this myself. So let the clones train. And he was already transported to his home. There he created fifty clones and sent them to the training ground, and he himself decided to just practice with his double, which was formed after the "division" in chess.
Along the way, realizing that it is still very difficult to play with oneself. Harder than the rest. Your opponent thinks like you, knows your next step, seeks opposition and counterattack. In general, it was the right move, but what I was advised to do by Second-I made me even more happy after our draw. Namely, to move the figures with the help of the chakra.
Attention "You have acquired a new skill" Chakra-thread ".
- Do you understand what prospects open up before us after that? - "Second-I" asked me with cunning and even self-righteousness
- Oh yeah! - I nodded, imagining the glory of Sasori-senpai.
- The Path of the Puppeteer. It's amazing how we didn't think of this before? - threw my copy behind his head.
- Well, probably due to the fact that we were fixated on improving the characteristics and spontaneous jutsu. As they say, who is talking about what, and lousy about the bath. We forgot about other directions. Although I have not frail indicators of intuition, and besides, intelligence is at a high level. And at only 73rd level, I thought of this!
- Don't get excited. - my interlocutor began to calm me down. - Develop a dozen clones, and then create a couple, but with large reserves. The four of us will be wise with this craft. And there, you see, we'll finish off a new Path.
- No! Better I really will scatter a dozen clones, but you will not do this business, but something else. We have opened subclasses: Iryenin and Pupil Mengele. It's time to work a little harder with them. So you go to the basement. And I will go for the human body model. It's good that Pam has a habit of collecting scientific crap. She even managed to find such a thing here. Here I will train on it.
- OK. Then I will go to do "good" for my own good. - and left as shunshin.
- Eh! It will be hard ...
But before training, I still decided to call someone. Namely Rene.
- Hello ?! - the voice was tired.
Of course, now they have a late evening in Gotham, which means the end of the working day.
- Hi Rene! - I exclaimed joyfully. - What's up?
- I'll hang up now, Isaac! She almost growled at me. - You have fun there on the beaches ... - Yeah, I have training here worse than yours, and the Bet-families too. "... and you're still trying to get on my nerves with this?"
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry Rene. I honestly call for a reason. Need your help.
- What is it? - already more seriously and less irritated my partner asked me.
- It's confidential. The fact is that as I learned from a lady that she had seen me without diapers, I have some kind of "family secret". And it has to do with the possibility that my parents are not my parents. I may be the adopted child of the Dinklage family. Although I may be wrong here and the truth is different. But in any case, I want to find out. Now I am in Bealia and will not return to the country for the next week, but I would like to start this "investigation" early. Of course, I will not pass it on to you. It's my business. But I would like to know if you have any acquaintances with local bureaucrats in New York or simply connected with the department that deals with the adoption of children?
- OU! This was unexpected. However, I will help you. I have a second cousin working in the department you named. I think it can be arranged. - Renee was agitated judging by the voice.
- OK. Thank you Rene, I owe you a favor. If someone needs a "gift", let me know. I'll take care of that.
- Understood. And now, if you have everything, then forgive me I need to go home. I am very tired.
- OK good luck! - and passed out.
So, now training ...