
DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Guys, the first 10 chapters are hard to read, if you get through them I promise you a story you will love. ------------ Heroes and villains, Good and Evil. In the world of DC, there is a very sharp line between right and wrong, however, that line will be disturbed by a new player who will bring punishment to all the sinners. The Spirit of Vengeance is here, and no one will be able of hide from his stare. ............... The story focuses on DC, with a MC who is not a reincarnator, not a system, not a golden finger, just someone who had the bad luck? of being Ghost Rider. No Harem, Wonder Woman as the love interest My first language is not English, sorry for the bad spelling. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, only my OC .... Discord: https://discord.gg/WrzwXKsz IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, AND READ 6 CHAPS AHEAD OF WEBNOVEL, AND OTHER TWO NEW FICS , THIS IS MY PATREON patreon.com/TioIroh99

Tio_Iroh99 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
104 Chs

Chapter 8: Gala 1

I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, other than my created character, DC belongs to Warner Bros, and Marvel belongs to Disney, which almost owns the world.




Paris, Diana's apartment, December 19, 20:45 UTC, 2014.

"Oooff, so tired," commented with a slight yawn a woman walking into her apartment, this woman was dressed in a white colored fur coat that covered her body up to her ankles but to her she looked quite elegant. The apartment where she was staying was undoubtedly luxurious, but not excessive, and cozy, it was also located in one of the most beautiful areas of Paris, whose window had a view of the Eiffel Tower itself.

The woman in question could only be described in one simple word, beautiful, like a princess out of some magical village. Actually, she was a princess, but not from a simple magical village, she was the princess of the Amazons, brave warriors trained to protect their ideals. However, to the world, or rather, to the general public, she was known as one of the founding members of the Justice League, Wonder Woman.

But at this moment, she was not dressed in her signature warrior costume, she was at this moment dressed as a civilian, whose secret identity was named Diana Prince. At this moment, our dear Diana was just coming in from her job, which, for some strange reason always wore her out, sometimes she could swear it was more tiring a day's work at her job than a full day on patrol as Wonder Woman.

"Today has been one of those really long days, I practically had to re-categorize the entire Greek unit, I think I deserve a reward," she said to herself, as she walked to the kitchen in search of her prize. Opening her refrigerator, she could see, not a few, if not dozens of packages of ice cream, you would expect nothing less from one of the world's greatest ice cream lovers, "the food of the gods", is what she said when she first tasted it.

Diana, after the invasion, was able to quickly set up an embassy at the UN of Themyscira, and she lasted the next year setting up until her mother was able to send another of her sisters to provide support. In charge of the new embassy was her Amazon sister Alexa, who was one of her sisters who didn't like fighting, yet in terms of knowledge and diplomacy there was no better candidate for the job. This gave Diana some free time for herself. Naturally, Diana was not one of those people who liked to sit around and in view of the fact that she also wanted to experience a 'normal' life, she decided to get a job.

Being practically a living encyclopedia of the entire history of Greek mythology and some other mythologies out there, she applied for the position of researcher at the Louvre Museum, and needless to say, the interview was a piece of cake for our favorite princess. Two years had passed since then, but Diana, had already landed a head position in the relics and Greco-Roman art research department.

"Let's go see what's on TV" turning on her television, Diana started to surf the channels, however, on most of them, there was news related to the League, which had her fed up. 'Better a movie' she thought, however, she had already watched all the movies she had several times and wasn't in the mood to watch them again, 'Maybe I should get a friend...'.

In spite of everything, Diana was not a social person. In the League, she only felt close to Superman and Batman. She knew their secret identities, and although, she was still surprised that Batman was quite the playboy under the mask, she couldn't ask them both out as friends since they each had quite busy lives outside of the superhero costume, Clark being a growing reporter and Bruce running a successful company. 'Mmmm, maybe I should invite Dinah (Black Canary), Shayera (Hawkwoman) and Jiwe (Vixen) over for a girls' night out,' she thought, but after thinking about it for a while she dismissed the idea, they still weren't close enough for that.

"I'm lonely..." Diana muttered, she might be a princess, a fierce warrior, but right now, she was a simple person with feelings of loneliness and a bit of sadness.

Louvre Museum, 21 December, 18:45 UTC, 2014

Inside one of the largest art museums in the entire world, one could find a rather spacious office. Said office had several boxes scattered on the floor filled with files, some artworks, small sculptures and some worn parchments. In the middle you could see a rather elegant and well-kept mahogany desk that also had a mountain of files stacked on it.

At that desk sat a beautiful woman with jet black hair, electric blue eyes and slightly full lips wearing circular-rimmed glasses. This woman was using a magnifying glass to review some rather worn parchments that had Greek writing on them. This was the head of the Greco-Roman art department, Diana Prince, someone who had both beauty and brains, needless to say that, from day one, she had been asked out by all of her co-workers, but each of them had been politely turned down.

Naturally, people who were observant enough could recognize her as the superheroine Wonder Woman, however, this did not happen because of the glasses she wore. The glasses were a gift from Superman, a Kryptonian technology that he himself used to go unnoticed by society. These glasses emitted slight waves that allowed to dissociate the senses of people, disorienting them and making them feel that they have seen a person but do not know where, preventing them from recognizing him, no doubt, it is a very useful tool.

"Ay Diana dear, good thing you haven't left yet, I was looking for you," commented an elderly lady with totally white hair, who was quickly arriving at Diana's office. This person was not just any old person, she was Patricia Dubois, the caretaker and one of the senior partners of this great museum, the boss of all the staff, so to speak.

"Don't worry Mrs. Dubois, I'm still missing several files, I think I'll work one more hour before I leave".

"Well, but don't overdo it dear I don't want you to get sick", Mrs. Dubois commented worriedly, she had a very good impression of this worker of hers, and that's exactly why she came looking for her, to give her a rather important assignment.

"Actually I came to ask you something dear, if you are going to the gala tomorrow?" asked Mrs. Dubois,

"Yes ma'am, even though it is not mandatory for everyone, it is an important gala, and they say that many personalities are coming." Diana commented, the gala in question was the most important event of this great museum. In this event, the most influential people in the world were invited, from kings to celebrities, so that they could appreciate the works of the museum, and hopefully help with donations to continue expanding the museum's content. In addition there was also a banquet and dancing to celebrate how close it was to Christmas.

"That's right dear, this gala allows us to get a lot of donations from quite wealthy people, it practically allows us to get enough money to subsist for the whole next year, the caretakers must be attentive to all of them to show the different works and help if there are doubts or questions. But, why I come here my dear, is that I have a job for you tomorrow night, a special guest of mine is coming tomorrow."

"Someone from the nobility?" asked Diana curiously.

"No, maybe some important dukes are coming, but I'm going to take care of them. The guest I'm expecting is someone who has contributed enormously to this museum, someone invaluable in my most honest opinion, and I want you to be his guide for the evening."

Diana didn't know what to think, she didn't want to be hooked up all night with a guy she didn't know, 'what if he makes me uncomfortable', Despite the Kryptonian technology Diana carried, this didn't stop Diana from people not seeing her visual appeal. Diana knew she was a beautiful woman, and, although she tried to ignore all the leering she received almost daily, she didn't want to be in that situation all night if she could help it. 

Patricia seeing her face, guessed her thoughts, as she quickly assured her, "Just until the dancing starts my dear, then you are free to do as you please. But I'm pretty sure that by the time the evening is over, you'll thank me for putting you on this job," Patricia commented with a slight amused tone in her voice, knowing the personality of the person who was coming, Diana had no chance that she wouldn't get along with him.

National City, Edgar's home, 22 December, 15:45 UTC, 2014.

In a house in one of the suburbs of National City, lived a man and a dog. The man at this time was getting ready for an important gala to which he was invited, this was our beloved protagonist Edgar.

Being the head of the Revenger Group he would have enough background to be invited, however, this invitation was not made to the Revenger Group, this invitation was directed to Edgar himself, who had been specially invited by one of the few people he could consider close to him, yes, although she did not know his secret, and they have not known each other long, for some strange reason, Edgar always felt that their relationship was very similar to how it would have been if he had had a grandmother or an older aunt taking care of him upon the death of his parents.

This person's background was not at all simple, as she was one of the bosses at the Louvre Museum, being considered the head keeper. Edgar would have no reason to meet such a person, as since he became blind, he lost all perception of beauty, sure, music was fine and brought him joy, but visual art he simply could not appreciate, as his enhanced senses only allowed him to see silhouettes, but not colors. Even if he touched the artwork he could appreciate the finer details, but, still, he could not appreciate it 100%. 

However, certain circumstances led them to meet.


Lyon, France, L'enfer Headquarters, July 17, 22:50 UTC, 1998

"Tirer sur les fusils!",

"Ne laisse pas ce foutu monstre s'approcher!"

"Les balles ne lui font rien!"


A lot of screaming could be heard on the outskirts of the beautiful city of Lyon. The place was a large mansion covering several hectares of land, full of luxuries and eccentricities such as several almost Olympic size swimming pools, jacuzzis, entertainment rooms, etc. But it was not just a simple mansion, this was the headquarters of the criminal group called L'enfer. This group was becoming quite popular and quite strong due to its terrorist attacks on politicians in the country, extortion and money laundering. However, their main income came from human trafficking. They would grab orphaned children and enslave, prostitute or sell them to the highest bidder. When Edgar found out about this group, he didn't hesitate for a second, it was time for revenge.

Bullets were flying all over the mansion, while the whole group was armed attacking the invader, YES, as you read, singular. It was not the attack of a rival group, it was not a police raid (since this group had bought the payroll), it was a simple person who was raiding the mansion, or rather, in the eyes of this criminal group...he was a monster.

With slow steps walked a creature out of the worst nightmares, a creature with the appearance of a living skull, his skull was on fire, his hands were also skeletal, he was wearing a leather jacket, in which several spikes protruded on his shoulders giving a more imposing and impressive appearance, If it were a normal person and not this skull, we could say that it had the appearance of a very badass motorcyclist and this was not incorrect, since in fact, this being had arrived on a motorcycle moving at a thunderous speed.

The closer he got, the more bodies were left lying around, dead, some severely burned, others just looked like they had simply passed out, however, if you looked closely you could see that their eyes were no longer the normal color, instead there was a layer of stone like charcoal.

Taking the almost 3 meter long chain and shaking it quickly, he knocked hard on the main door opening it. Inside were hiding the main bosses of this criminal group, all were trembling with frightened looks, all resigned by their inevitable fate, when the avenging spirit arrives, there is no escape.

"SINNERS!", a thick and rough voice, which seemed to produce echo when it spoke, was heard.

Grabbing the chain, the avenging spirit used the sharp end of it to skewer the criminals and pull them closer to him. These guys only saw empty eye sockets, before seeing all their lives flash before their eyes, or rather, all their sins and misfortunes. One by one they fell dead, with their eyes turned to charcoal, this spirit had taken their souls.

The last criminal hid under a desk, and as he watched all his comrades fall one by one, he tried to flee. He ran as hard as he could, away from this mansion, they had left all the money, jewelry, and wealth in the mansion, but that was not as important as safeguarding his life. When he was many meters away from the mansion and thought he was far enough away to get rid of this monster, out of nowhere he heard a loud roar of an engine. This frightened him and he wanted to keep running, but in no less than three seconds after hearing the engine he was strung up by the end of a chain and dragged like a sack of potatoes. At the end of the chain was this monster slowly dragging him towards his inevitable fate. Needless to say, the last offender had fallen like his companions.

When the spirit finished, it began to transform, its fire was slowly extinguished and, very slowly, flesh began to grow from these exposed bones. In less than a minute this strange being became a man, slightly curly black hair, thin lips, and he had quite clear gray eyes that seemed to reflect the moonlight.

Edgar headed back to the mansion, he knew the police were on their way, he was not very subtle in interrupting at the mansion, but this did not worry him as he did not need much time to flee, however, there was one last thing he had to do.

He quickly made his way to the security system, and burned everything, leaving nothing of evidence that he was there, the police would have to figure out what had happened. Then, with his amplified senses, he scanned the entire mansion. Smells and sounds, everything was amplified to create a sonar map for Edgar. Having finished this scan, he quickly made his way to a hidden door that led to a secret room, which was hidden from people's eyes, but for Edgar, who did not need his sight to see, this room could not be hidden from him.

Edgar opened this secret room, which contained virtually all of the criminal group's profit. Edgar was no saint, and despite being taught by friars, he knew he was also a bit greedy. It was a lot of money that was before him, he would use this money to expand his business, he would use this money to help people. Besides, he didn't want to leave the money to those corrupt cops, he would only leave what he needed as evidence.

Not only was there money, there was practically jewelry, works of art, sculptures, things that, in the eyes of several people, not even the money in the world could be used to buy such works.

Mentally, Edgar opened a portal with his hellfire to a secret storeroom he had, and then passed all the valuable belongings through so that he could better evaluate them in detail. When he finished, he returned to his motorcycle, which was already lit and seemed to be waiting for him, and transforming himself back into the avenging spirit, he sped out of the city, laughing maniacally.

That night, the people of Lyon reported hearing an echo of maniacal laughter with a harsh tone, however, the police took it as someone's joke.


When Edgar evaluated all the valuables he found many works of art. How could he appreciate them if he could not see the colors, yes, he could touch the paintings and feel even the smallest detail of the technique used by the painter or sculptor, but, even so, Edgar still could not appreciate them to 100 percent without being able to distinguish the colors or shapes that the author captured. Edgar saw no point in keeping the paintings and sculptures, so he decided to make an appointment with a manager to donate them to the largest museum in France, the Louvre. His surprise was great when he was sent not to just any employee, but to the main boss, Patricia Dubois.

Patricia was a bit skeptical about the news of all the art Edgar was going to donate, so she decided to get personally involved. Her surprise was great when she saw this young blind man who, not only did not lie, but donated them without asking for anything in return, no compensation or recognition.

When Patricia verified that all the works were authentic, Edgar was afraid that he would have a heart attack at that very moment, since the speed with which his heart was moving was almost dangerous for a person of Patricia's age (an ordinary person at least, Edgar does not count since he cannot age).

Edgar, from that day on, was considered a VIP client of the museum, and Patricia herself, as a thank you, took him on a private tour, which Edgar wanted to decline since, for him, it was useless as he could not appreciate all the art. However, Patricia did not allow him to refuse, and, in spite of everything, Edgar found this tour quite interesting since Patricia described and talked about everything with so much detail and passion that Edgar could easily imagine the feelings of the work she was telling him about or feel the importance of the history that certain works represented.

Needless to say, Edgar's perspective changed greatly because of Patricia and he, as a token of appreciation, began to send several quite substantial donations to the museum. Patricia, who communicated regularly via correspondence with Edgar, invited him every year to the Christmas gala, however, Edgar always told her that he was busy, and it was not a lie, as Edgar always worked twice as long at this time to manage all his business, and help optimize everything for the following year.

Only this year Edgar told Patricia that he would actually be free and Patricia did not accept his denial. Edgar would go to the gala, and Patricia promised him an exclusive guide to accompany him. 'How troublesome' thought Edgar, he didn't like this kind of event full of petulant people, but he would make the effort for Patricia.

"Duke, I'm leaving or I won't make it in time, if there are problems feel free to look for me, I'll arrive tomorrow at about this time."

"Wof wof."

"And don't you dare invite your friends silly dog, if I ever find another wrecked couch again, I swear I'll send you right then and there to hell."

"Wof" said the dog with a somewhat disappointed tone. Everyone knew that when your parents weren't around, a party was in order, plus the neighbors had adopted a couple of rather cute poodles. Duke planned to have a party with the local dogs and impress them a little.

Edgar when he was ready, grabbed his backpack with a change of clothes and cleaning supplies and turning his hands into skeletons, opened a portal with his hellfire to an apartment he had in Paris. This power was not fully mastered as Edgar needed a lot of concentration and to visualize well where he was going or he could end up stranded anywhere in the world, however, the place Edgar was going to was quite familiar to him. Edgar was going to a small apartment he had to his name in Paris, nothing fancy, but still close to the museum, when he entered, the portal closed taking him to the other side of the continent.

'I hope this gala will at least be fun.'

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