
Dc Reinhardt

MMA champion Geralt “The All-father” Reinhardt has gained divinity from the last of the First All-Fathers! ODIN! Follow his story and the Dc comic book story!!! A/n: by my own admission chapters 29-37ish can get a bit rough...not my best work

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139 Chs

Dark Trinity?

The Great Ruins 60 miles from the khandaqi border (this chapter takes place, as diana and Geralt are forging. And in this part of the word it's the dead of night, while in the U.S its day time.)

In an unknown underground temple stood red robbed guards at every entrance and every floor, these guards wore a two faced golden masks and held a spears. As they stood there in silence they were picked off one by one. A man in green walked out of the shadows and kneeling at his feet were ninja's in all black… this man was Ra's Al Ghul.

Ra's calmly walked through the underground temple, as he walked past four 15 foot statues. They came to life and started attacked his men, Ra's calmly ignored it until as they killed everyone last one of his ninja's.

Once they all died, he took a saber out of his robe, a statue reached down to squash him but he cut its hand off. As the rest of the statues attacked him, Lex came crashing through the ground and into the temple he destroyed one of the statues with easy before firing a beam of plasma at another's head. Lex was donning his Red and blue Superman Armor, the S on the center of his armor shined brightly in the darkness.

#pause: after the event, forever evil Lex Luther became a good guy and for a time joined the justice league… but we all know its Lex Luthor and there's no way he stays good. Oh and the Forever Evil event is an event were all the villains of the earth had to fight off and save the world from an evil justice league.#

After the fight, Ra's looked Luthor up and down before saying "The man who would be king. Masquerading as a superman… I've known many kings, and many pretenders to the throne, though you've never known anyone like me… a real king."

Lex looked him dead in his eyes, with no emotion on his face he said "I know I don't need magic and alchemic concoctions to achieve immortality…" he turned to the ruins of their fight before continuing "I doubt, however that either one of us is here to trade veiled threats and insults."

As the two walked deeper into the Temple, Luthor led the way illuminating the darkness. "You've exhausted your chaged canaries too soon. And I swear to you I will see you answer for your crimes."

Ra's face darkened as he said "the men who accompanied me to this tomb were among the least skilled of my followers. They knew I planned on offering them up, like goats on the altar. They willingly gave their lives to my cause. A Secret is of little value if everyone knows it."

Lex rolled his eyes as he said "more thinly veiled threats?" he stopped talking once he came across an old door. He studied it for a second before continuing "I'd like to at least like to know the person who has the moxie to think they can attempt such a thing, before you and I try to kill one another."

Ra's held is saber "agreed." With that both men broke the door open and entered the room.

As they walked through the door, they saw a beauty woman dressed in a strapless black dress. Her skin was ghost white skin was highlighted by three glowing purple pools below her along with her voluptuous curves. As she turned towards the two men, they saw her glowing yellow eyes along with the rest of her braided red hair.

'Mortals… one has abandoned the very concept of death. The other has done everything in his power to seize the gifts of the gods. Buy they are still men of flesh and blood. Flawed … and in this case, necessary for my plans and malleable to my will.' The woman finally spoke; her enchanting voice eclipsed that of a siren. "Hello, boys. I am Circe. Yes--that Circe."

Lex and Ra's tried their best to hind their shock, as this was the first time they saw Circe in her real form. They walked closer to the pits and Ra's asked "are those Lazarus pits?" Circe gave a charming smile as she said "Not quite, precious not quite." Both men tried to ignore her charm, when Luthor asked "what are they then? There is power within. I can feel it."

Circe came closer to the pits and all three of them stood above them as she said "These are the Pandora pits, they hold the power of Creation and destruction. Alchemic fonts of great and terrible potency and they're ours." Ra's turned towards her and raised calm voice "I am no pawn, witch. Stop playing at riddles and tell us why we are here."

The three of them stepped away from the pit and Luthor said "choose your words carefully, Circe if you expect me to believe you're some sort of demigoddess of myth. And not someone person, that's using the name for fame." Ra's ignored this as he asked "what do these pits have to do with Pandora?"

They turned back to the pits as Circe said "Some of evil she released looked upon the world and was horrified. The innocence of mankind was too awful, for it to look upon…" as she spoke both men doubted her words. Until the purple water started to bubble and they took a step back, Ra's drew his weapon and Luthor readied his suit. Circe continued talking as if nothing was wrong "…for those who are unafraid to gaze deep into those depts…. To see what weaknesses might unleash."

As she finished this last line the Water rose and out of it came a monster, half its body was that of Superman. On the ride side of its chest it had Wonder woman's breast and her skirt was around its waist, its right arm was that of batman and around both wrists were Diana's bracers. It held its own lasso as it walked out the pool… but as they looked upon its face they saw a weird mix of Wonder woman's and batman's face with mask, its eyes glowed red as it came closer. Its body was slowly decomposing.

Circe charming veil almost dropped as she said "this is our past, waiting to be sacrificed so we might make way for the future! It represents our demons. Demons we must face if --" as ecstasy covered Circe's face, she turned her back away from the monster to face the two males. The monster threw its lasso around her neck and slowly dragged her closer to it, so it could snap her neck.

'Those who inspire horror… who breed terror in their own long shadows are not immune to fear. Gods and would-be gods know the deepest dread… as we have the most to lose. Our strength, though, comes from facing that which fills us with these feelings…' As Circe though this, she remembered her last real battle with Diana, and how she cut her way through her previous army. '… rising again and again … risking everything against those who would cast us down … that is what sets us apart from mortal carrion that is so widespread across this realm.'

Circe ripped the lasso off her with her magic and they all charged the monstrosity, as this battle for pits began.

Back in Geralt's house, the two of them sat on his couch while they just staring at their new creation; Geralt grabbed her right hand and drew a modified child rune it, as the rune faded he thought 'I guess the gods approve of me… or the weapon'.

Diana looked at it in confusion as he told her "this rune allows people to use the weapon. It's been modified, so you can use the weapon without restraint. However, if somebody without that seal lifts the weapon, it will burn them senseless while the weapons weight never stops increasing."

Diana looked on in shock and said "wow you are par…" Geralt cut her off finished it off with a smile "…noid yes, although lately I've been learning how great it is to trust people. On another note… how does the Meta and magic Community see me in this timeline?"

Diana didn't hesitate to saying "they think you're a useless druggy who got lucky to gain powers and some people ..." Geralt sighed as he continued "… say my nickname as an insult… I hoped it wouldn't be so bad." He sighed once more and looked down in depression "even now I can hear my neighbors joking about me… damn; people use to say my name with respect and adoration---"

Diana put her hand on his hand as she just said "then prove um wrong."

With that she got up to leave and Geralt whispered "thank you." As she flew off she turned back and though 'if only more gods could be like you… although, I wonder how your pantheon will turn out.'

Back outside of khandaqi Circe had beat the monster back into the pit, with the help of luthor and Ra's. Luthor raised his arm ready to destroy the pit, but Ra's stopped him and Circe dragged them to a mural of the three of them lording over everything. Gentlemen "the Pandora pit belongs to us and with that pit… the possibilities are endless…"

Circe smiled as Ra's and Luthor stared at the mural… she knew, her plan was working…

'Men… No matter the era they're always so easy.'

they are outside of Black Adams coutry (khandaqi)

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts