
DC Prime

=================================== Synopsis: "So I died and found myself in the body of an unknown character in world of The Flash Series..." "But why am I seeing news of Superman in metropolis, Batman in Gotham and moreover..." "...Why is Wonder Woman so hot-...I mean why is she looking at me with suspicion?" "This is gonna be a crazy DC adventure..." ================================== { For advanced chapters and to enjoy 2 chapters daily visit my Patreon if you can support me.} www.patreon.com/clonevaden Thank you! Note: chapters will be short.

clonevaden · Cómic
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6 Chs


Chapter 2: A Mysterious Arrival

Elon checked his head, his fingers running over the spot where moments ago blood had freely flowed.

To his astonishment, the injury had vanished, leaving no trace behind. A sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Well, that's something," he muttered, still trying to wrap his mind around the strange circumstances he found himself in.

His eyes shifted to the pendant that now adorned his neck. The same pendant he had received back in his previous world.

"So, you're the culprit," Elon mused, giving the pendant a curious look. "But why? How?" He pondered the pendant's potential magical powers, wondering if it had played a role in transporting him to this new world.

With a sense of curiosity and apprehension, he examined the intricately designed pendant. Its surface glimmered with an otherworldly sheen, almost as if it held secrets waiting to be unveiled.

A sudden gust of wind rustled the leaves around him, as if nature itself sensed the enigmatic power emanating from the pendant. He knew he needed to be cautious with this newfound artifact, for it seemed to hold the key to his journey through the multiverse.

As his gaze fell to the ground, he spotted a wallet lying nearby. Curiosity piqued, he picked it up and found an ID card that bore the name "Elon Prime."

He stared at it. "Those muggers didn't even leave spare change!" he exclaimed.

From his current memories he knew was somehow inhabiting a body with the same name.

His phone, money, and accessories had been taken by the muggers, leaving him with no choice but to walk home.

Eager to avoid any further encounters with danger, he left the alley swiftly, keeping his head low and his thoughts racing.

As he stepped onto the main street, a man walked past him.

Elon's heart skipped a beat when he recognized the stranger. It was Richard Dragon, a character he knew from the Arrow TV series.

Richard Dragon, as depicted in the series, was a formidable presence - tall and well-built, with a commanding aura that demanded attention.

His dark, piercing eyes seemed to hold untold secrets, while his lean, muscular physique hinted at his mastery of combat.

"Richard Dragon? What is he doing here?" Elon wondered, momentarily frozen by the sight of someone from the show he once binge-watched back in his old world.

Their eyes met briefly, and Elon's pulse quickened, but the man soon went about his business, disappearing into the bustling city.

Regaining his composure, Elon rushed to his apartment, situated in the glades, a rough part of the city.

The building, a four-bedroom bungalow, was a legacy left to him by his late parents. It stood tall and sturdy, a safe haven amidst the chaos of Starling City.

Elon unlocked the front door, stepping into the cozy living room adorned with mementos and photographs from his past.

The scent of fresh flowers filled the air, a gentle reminder of the previous body's late mother's love for gardening.

As he made his way to the bathroom, he caught a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror. To his surprise, the body he now inhabited was quite attractive.

Elon's new appearance boasted chiseled features - strong jawline, striking green eyes, and wavy, dark hair that fell casually over his forehead.

He ran his fingers through his hair, momentarily entranced by the image reflecting back at him.

The pendant glimmered against his chest, a constant reminder of his extraordinary journey.

He couldn't help but wonder if this new body held any extraordinary abilities, just like the fictional characters he admired in his old world.

In the bathroom, he undressed and stepped into the warm embrace of the shower.

The water cascaded over his skinny physique, giving Elon a mental note to change it.

As he stood beneath the soothing spray, he couldn't shake the surreal feeling of being in a world he had only known through the lens of a television screen.

After the refreshing shower, Elon wrapped a towel around his waist, taking another glance at himself in the mirror.

The confident and handsome man staring back at him felt like an entirely different person from the comic book-loving fan he once was.

As he dressed in casual attire, he couldn't help but wonder how he would navigate this new life.

Stepping out of his apartment, Elon of a hooded figure being chased by three menacing gangsters.

The trio exuded an air of menace, with their tattoos and hardened expressions. One was tall and broad-shouldered, with a shaved head and a scar running across his cheek. .

Another had a sneering grin, his eyes darting around with a sense of heightened alertness.

The third was the smallest but looked agile and wiry, ready to pounce at any moment.

Elon watched from a safe distance as the hooded figure skillfully evaded them, his movements fluid and graceful.

In a moment of unexpected familiarity, the hooded figure jumped over a fence and disappeared from sight.

The gangsters arrived at the spot where he had vanished, frustration evident in their aggressive body language. Elon's heart raced as he wondered if they will be able to find him.

After some time, the gangsters split up, searching for their elusive prey in different directions.

The hooded person took this opportunity to slip out of hiding, moving with familiarity in the area. Elon marveled at the young man's prowess, even in the face of danger.

With a sense of relief, he reappeared, hood down, and removed his disguise. His features were striking - a mess of unruly, dark hair, deep brown eyes that held a hint of pain.

Elon was then again surprised by the man's appearance.

'Roy Harper?...wait, according to my current memories he is actually my neighbour?'

As the tension dissipated, Roy crossed the road and approached his house, mere steps away from Elon's own residence.

The encounter left Elon pondering the intricacies of this new life, filled with characters he had once considered mere fiction.

As he closed the curtains and prepared to retire for the night, he couldn't help but feel that his arrival here was not pure coincidence.

'Or is it?'

Lying in bed, he allowed his thoughts to drift, feeling the weight of his past mingling with the present.

As sleep beckoned, Elon embraced the uncertainty and excitement of this extraordinary journey.

In his dreams, the memories of his former life entwined with those of the current Elon Prime, bridging the gap between two worlds that now coexisted within him.

As the night wore on, the city outside buzzed with activity, unaware of the remarkable events that had unfolded.

Elon Prime, a die-hard DC fanboy, will carve out history in his name...and it all starts in the Glades of Starling City.


Author: "You can check out my P,A,T,R,E,O,N to read chapters ahead and support me. Thank you." (P,atreon link is on the synopsis)