
DC: Predator

A wise man once said" If it bleeds, We can kill it" I don't care whether you are Kryptonian, Martian, Atlantean, or a God they can all bleed so they can all die. Therefore they can all be Hunted and thus like the rest can be prey.

Otaku_Paradox · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 6

The mission was tonight. I would meet the other two League of Assassin members at the rendezvous point which would be provided an hour before the meet-up time. It was currently 6 am. The meet-up time was 8 pm. I was currently going through my taijutsu katas. My strikes were swift and precise. The old man has been alive for some time and the standard martial arts used by League members was very adaptable. And can have other martial disciplines added seamlessly to it. 

My taijutsu has evolved the more opponents I overcame. Those who left an impression had their disciplines incorporated into my taijutsu as a show of respect. My taijutsu had element of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Kung-Fu, Krav Maga, Taekwando, Karate, Silat, Combat Sambo, Muay Tai and Boxing. There must never be a situation where I can't adapt. After an hour of practice and no signs of fatigue as usual. I went to the weapons rack. The rack had two kitanas, a chain sickles, a dozen kunai, two dozen shuriken, a makibishi, a bow, and a ninjato.

I removed the ninjato. The handle was black with golden accents along the middle. It had an ebony handguard shaped like a tigers maw, the blade was two fingers wide and a foot long. The blade was black but the edge seemed a shade darker than the body. The blade would merge with the shadows, its strikes were felt, but never seen. 

After practice, I played some Cod and Fortnite for a few hours to kill time. Then a text came with the location. My eyes narrowed, and then I liked my lips. I went into my dojo, specifically into the back room. I pressed the hidden switch and the wall in front of me rotated. On a black manikin was my only shinobi/assassin suit. 

I put on the uniform it had some alterations from the standard league uniforms. Mine was customized to look like the assassin uniforms from the game Assasin Creed with blood-red clouds and a smiling crescent moon on the back. I wore no cloth mask over my face. Instead, I wore a half-faced oni mask with four protruding fangs standing out from its menacing maw.

I grabbed a few kinai, shuriken, and smoke pellets and finally my ninjato which was tethered behind my waist. 

Suited and ready I left my hideout. A head to the meet-up point. I was like a black blur, a shadowy streak that moved from building to building, rooftop to rooftop. It was the kind of thing that if seen would have someone rubbing their eyes in disbelief and by the time they re-focus their gaze, I'm long gone. Or was I ever there? I arrive at the location within a few minutes. Noticing no one had arrived as yet and that there was still 10 minutes until the allotted time given was reached. I picked a spot in the shadows and waited. I had no presence, I was not in the shadows, I was a shadow.

When there is just a minute left until the deadline. Two individuals arrived. Hook cuts an imposing figure, his muscular frame exuding an air of rugged strength and seasoned resilience. With piercing light brown eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of a thousand battles, he commands attention with every glance. His striking appearance is complemented by his distinctive white hair, styled in a forward-brushed Caesar cut that adds a touch of sophistication to his rugged demeanor.

The most notable feature of Hook's ensemble is undoubtedly his prosthetic right hand, a large metallic hook that serves as a constant reminder of his past and the trials he has endured. This formidable appendage speaks volumes of his resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, a symbol of his indomitable spirit and unwavering determination.

His attire reflects his practical nature and readiness for action, with bandages wrapped around his torso and left hand, a testament to the battles he has fought and the wounds he has endured. A green jacket, sturdy and weathered from countless journeys, adorns his broad shoulders, providing both protection and a sense of rugged style.

Below the waist, Hook dons practical attire suited for the rigors of his adventurous lifestyle. Blue cargo pants offer ample storage for essentials, while black boots, sturdy and reliable, carry him through the treacherous terrain he traverses with ease.

Together, Hook's appearance embodies the essence of a seasoned adventurer and fearless warrior, his rugged charm and battle-hardened demeanor marking him as a force to be reckoned with on land and sea alike. Personally, I think looks like a cunt. 

Black Spider cuts a striking figure in his sleek and form-fitting purple spandex costume, exuding an aura of mystique and danger. His mask, a symphony of shades of purple, conceals his identity while adding an air of mystery to his persona. The back portion of the mask is a deep, enigmatic dark purple, contrasting with the vibrant regular purple that dominates the front. 

Emblazoned prominently on his forehead is a spider emblem, its intricate design commanding attention and serving as a symbol of his arachnid-inspired prowess. The emblem intersects with his golden eye pieces, adding a touch of regal elegance to his otherwise menacing visage.

The torso of Black Spider's suit mirrors the dark allure of his mask, rendered in a rich and deep shade of purple that accentuates his muscular physique. This dark hue extends to his hands, knees, elbows, inner elbows, and parts of his feet, creating a seamless and visually striking ensemble.

Completing his ensemble are two dull gray bracelets encircling his wrists, their subdued color serving as a stark contrast to the vibrant purples that dominate his attire. Together, these elements combine to create a captivating and formidable presence, marking Black Spider as a force to be reckoned with in the realm of superheroes and villains alike.

Now he is 100% a cunt and a cruel cunt at that. But the old man was right, they are both...somewhat competent. 

"I thought we were meeting the third person here," said Hook

"We are, there late" replied Black Spider

"There are seconds until the deadline, so there is still time"

"Hmph if they show up late I'll kill them," said Black Spider leaking some bloodlust.

"Is that so?" said Desmod with a chuckle. A voice sent chills up Black Spider and Hook's spines. But before the two could turn around to the source of the voice. A blade kissed Black Spider's neck making him pause his movements and the tip of a kunai was pressed against Hook's stomach which stopped him from intervening. The two assassins didn't so much breathe until this person spoke they sensed nothing, and felt no presence. 

Seeing their reaction a predatory smile much like that of the oni mask appeared on Desmond's face. The smell of fear wafting off them was enticing. "You two as always are the B team," he said with a chuckle. Hearing his voice a tinge of recognition appeared on both their faces. They slowly turned and saw the oni mask Desmond but what caused their eyes to widen was the familiar amber cat-like pupils. 

"Fuck, why you, anybody but you," said Black Spider as he started to tremble. Hook wasn't doing much better as he backstepped away from the kunai and raised his hands. Desmond chuckled and sheathed his tanto and kunai. And sauntered out of the shadows"Eric still wearing spandex I see, spider theme works for you I suppose. And Hook...still so vanilla"

Hook clenched his teeth but said nothing. Black Spider swallowed his spit before he spoke."Oni I thought you had gone on to other things, you know quite the league" he said with nervously.

When Desmond's eyes focused solely on him he backstepped."No one quits the league, but I understand your confusion. Let's just say that I the old man came to an agreement. And leave he called to ask me to hold up my end." this didn't answer the question but neither of them asked for clarity.

"Now shall we get to it"

~Small Timeskip~

The three of them stood on the roof of the building opposite Farano Enterprises.

"You two enter from the bottom. Make sure no one escapes," said Desmond. Hook and Black Spider nodded.

"Good, I will enter from the top and work my way down. Farano has 15 floors, and the old man wants everyone in this building dead to send a message. Our main target will be on the 10th floor" Desmond said then licked his lips under the mask."She's mine and shall be left for last as a main dish should be savored.

Hook and Black Spider felt chills go up their spine but also excitement."Go" 

As the word was said all three of them vanished in a burst of speed. Desmond entered the top floor without a sound. He placed a jammer near the signal towers on the roof to prevent any emergency signals from going out. Hook and Black Spider will be clearing the production floors below. Most of the employees in the offices are home but security and a few late workers are still here. 

As he entered the hallway he saw two guards patrolling the floor, before they noticed him he was in front of the first one whose eyes widen before his throat was slit. The second reached for his gun as he too aimed Desmond duked and removed his arm with the handgun in it, he was about to scream but before he could Desmond jumped over him and removed his head in one motion. As the two bodies dropped to the floor, he sheathed his blade and pressed the bottom to call the elevator. 

"I smell no one else on the floor. Time to move down." 

As the elevator doors open drawing the guards on this floor's attention as they were on high alert from not being able to contact the guards that went up a few moments ago or any guards on other floors. A shuriken flew out the open doors and struck the guard furthest away in the forehead killing him instantly. Using the moment of shock Desmond blurred out the elevator and disemboweled the guard closest to him, this alerted the other guards who opened fire, however, Desmond used the guard's corpse as a meat shield, got closer, and tossed the corpse into one of the guards, he then tossed a kunai that struck the other guard that was shooting in the hand with such force that it nails the hand to his chest. Desmond then kicked the kunai straight threw the guard's torso killing him as well. 

He then approaches the last guard who is struggling to get his friend's corpse off him. The guard looks up as a tanto strikes him in the eye pricing his brain."Time to speed this up"

Amidst the mundane hum of office life, a sense of tranquility envelopes the scattered offices within the building. Employees diligently attend to their tasks, their focus consumed by the daily grind. Oblivious to the impending peril that looms on the horizon, they carry out their routines with a sense of routine familiarity.

However, this tranquility is shattered in an instant as the shadowy figure of Desmond materializes amidst their midst. With swift and silent grace, they glide through the corridors, a harbinger of chaos amidst the ordered chaos of the workplace. The glint of steel catches the light, a chilling precursor to the carnage that is about to unfold.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere transforms into one of terror and despair as Desmond strikes with lethal precision. The air resonates with the shrill screams of unsuspecting victims as they fall prey to the merciless onslaught. Each strike is executed with clinical precision, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

Limbs are rent asunder, organs pierced by the razor-sharp edge of the ninja's blade. The once-sterile confines of the office are transformed into a battlefield, painted crimson with the blood of the fallen. Agony echoes through the halls, a haunting symphony of suffering that punctuates the silence of the scene.

In the wake of the Demond's rampage, a pall of dread hangs heavy in the air. Four guards stood around Selena Gonzalez.

"Shit, no one is answering. Communication must be blocked. And we don't know which direction they're coming from, but the fact that backup hasn't arrived from the upper or lower floors means it could be a two-pronged assault."

"What's the play here boss"

"One entrance, one route to cover. Doesn't matter how many they are. They have to come through that door" he said while pointing to the door leading to the CEO's office"

The conversation was interrupted by the sound of combat outside the room. There were five guards outside but just as quickly as the sounds started they stopped. A body flew through the door and slid on the floor. Upon closer inspection, the guard was leading from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

This startled the occupants in the room. Through the now-open doors, all they could see was smoke, which was slowly spreading into the room. Suddenly a chain flew out of the smoke grabbed one of the guards in the room by the neck and dragged him into the smoke before anyone could react. A loud, but short scream followed before the silence returned. 

The three remaining guards opened fire aiming for the smoke. A figure darted out of the smoke and charged at them while deflecting the bullets with a short blade. He used his free hand and threw two kunai that lodged into the opening of the guns causing them to explode in the two guards' hands forcing them to clutch their hands in pain. 

He jumped and wrapped his legs around the reminding guard's head and with a quick rotation slit the throat of the guard on the right, threw a kunai into the knee of the guard on the left while bringing the remaining guards to the ground, and burying his blade into his skull.

Desmond rolled on the ground and leaped at the last guard clutching his knee with his wounded hand grabbed his head and broke his neck in one quick motion. He then removed this blade from the skull of the fallen guard and focused his attention on the CEO who was trying to maintain composure but reeked of fear. 

"I won't give you the satisfaction of begging for my life"

However, as she gazed into those amber cat-like pupils she could feel the cold sweat drip down her back. She knew they would come after her she knew too much but she had hoped after cutting ties with Cadmus that her notoriety would keep her safe. After all her death would cause waves. And yet it seems she underestimated the ruthlessness of the people she got in a bet with.

"Putting on a brave face will do you know favors"

Desmond flicked the guard's blood and brain matter off his blade as he circled the desk. As he was about to finish the mission a yellow and red blur grabbed his target and left the room. He gave chase, but the blur was faster yet predictable. He jumped up in the and threw our three kunai. The first the blur dodged as expected, the second he dodged as well with a mocking laugh

"Gotta try harder than that," said a childish voice

The third however redirected itself off the first and second kuani and struck the blur in the area where their legs should be.


The blur collapsed and revealed Kid Flash who dropped a confused and now slightly injured from the impact Selena Gonzalez. Kid Flash clutches his bleeding right leg with a kunai sticking out of the thigh. 

Demond landed from the jump and charged at the downed sidekick when a rain of bird-shaped batarangs impeded him. He back-flipped out of the way and drop-kicked Auqalad who was charging through a cubicle. 

Robin the boy wonder approached the downed Kid Flash but kept his eyes on Desmon who did the same. Aqualad recovered quickly and rejoined with Robin.

Robin upon closer inspection of Desmond seems to have a moment of recognition.

"I thought you quit Oni"

"You know of me, even though we've never faced one another"

"Your reputation proceeds you, disciple of the Demon Hand"

"With a title like that, you think I could quit, or that I'd even want to"

Robin gritted his teeth

"Why is the League after Ms. Gonzalez"

Desmond's eyes narrowed playfully"I thought the bats' disciple would be smart enough to figure that out. I mean that is why you hear right just in tim..." he paused and looked around the room at a few dead bodies and then smirked."Well sort of" His response an this lack of empathy regarding what he's most likely done angered the sidekick. "Enough chit-chat, you three being hear means the B team was taken out. I am not surprised. However, I have a reputation to uphold and I never fail the mission. I won't ask for you to hand her over. I take her from you and take the life in front of you and that failure will haunt you. That will be my gift to the three of you to commemorate our first meeting"His member eyes held a sinister glow that had the sidekicks on edge, this would not be and easy battle.