
DC: Path Of Technology

In the bustling metropolis of Gotham City, a mysterious occurrence takes place, setting the stage for an extraordinary journey. A talented and brilliant young technopath named Evan Taylor finds himself ripped from his mundane life and thrust into a world of superheroes, supervillains, and covert operations. Reborn in the universe of Young Justice, Evan must navigate the challenges of his existence while harnessing his remarkable abilities. =========== Author Note: Not stolen…

Arokey · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 16


The brown haired teen drove through the city of Gotham with a goal in mind, a frown on his face.

"This trip is going to be pointless if you get pulled over by the cops." Felicity pointed through the communicator in his ear.

Rather than slowing down, he pushed the pedal harder, taking the car faster. "Relax, most of the Gotham police are as useful as safety scissors. They don't care about a little speeding."

Without Evan to run him back to Gotham, the trip took a few hours and he'd calmed down a bit. The weight of the gun in pants was his insurance against violent retaliation.

"How's Evan?" He asked.

The line was silent for a moment before Felicity responded. "He's fine. He's still asleep, though he started mumbling about tacos a bit."

He'd be surprised if he was even awake seeing as how he'd gone four days without proper sleep. It was a miracle he didn't pass out earlier.

"I'm at the apartment complex." He informed her as he pulled into a parking space nearby.

"Be careful."

Killing the engine, he exited the car and made his way towards the entrance of the building on foot. As he got to the entrance, he froze as he saw the very person he was looking for.

"You!" He exclaimed in surprise.

"Lucas?" Artemis exclaimed as well in equal surprise before she quickly composed herself. "Is Evan with you? I need to talk to hi-"

"I think you've done enough damage as it is." He said, cutting her off.

"I know I messed up. I just want t- look out!" She didn't complete what she was saying, tackling him out of the way mid sentence.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed as he saw a javelin pierced into the ground he previously stood.

"Now that's just poor sportsmanship." A male voice said, drawing his attention to a muscled man in a hockey mask that didn't hide the blond hair behind it.

"Sportsmaster." Lucas almost growled.

"What are you doing, Artemis?" The man asked as the two teens scrambled to their feet.

The girl didn't answer, seeming to be contemplating something. Lucas already knew that they were related but it seemed that she didn't know that.

"Run!" She yelled, attempting to pull him away but Lucas was having none of that.

"Eat lead." Lucas spat, pulling out his gun in one swift motion and firing.

Unfortunately, Sportsmaster reacted just as he pulled out the gun, rolling to the side and staying in motion to avoid the hail of bullets.

His eyes widened as Sportsmaster pulled out an object which expanded to reveal itself to be another javelin. This time, he reacted on his own to dodge it.

That gave Sportsmaster the chance to close in quickly, throwing a punch which grazed Lucas' face as he just barely dodged.

In a show of agility, Lucas fell to one hand, using it to balance himself as he threw a kick that would sweep his attacker off his feet.

Unfortunately, Sportsmaster jumped over it but not before his eyes widened as he found a gun aimed at him.


In a desperate move, Sportsmaster shifted his position in a way to lessen the damage as the bullet shot into his unarmored bicep.

Rolling back to his feet as Sportsmaster landed, he smirked to himself which seemed to annoy Sportsmaster a bit.

"You're good kid but not good enough." Sportsmaster said, straightening up and ignoring his wound.

"I'm not the one bleeding, am I?" Lucas said, taking a mental note of Artemis who was still looking at him in surprise.

His comment seemed to tick the supervillain off. Sportsmaster looked towards Artemis. "You just can't help yourself, can you? When are you going to realize that all of this pointless?"

"Leave me alone!" Artemis spat out in response.

"No can do. Orders are orders." The man said sardonically as he stepped back.

The sound of Lucas reloading his gun caught both of their attention. "You can have your little family reunion later. What do you want?" He asked, hearing a light gasp from Artemis.

Sportsmaster let out an amused laugh, pointing at Lucas. "You. Don't bother trying to call for help."

'He blocked my communicator…' he realized.

That would explain why Felicity had been silent so far. Knowing her she should have figured out that something was wrong.

'But how?' He wondered, taking stock of his environment.

He got his answer as the sound of whirring blades filled the air as well the wind picking up around them. Looking up, he saw a helicopter lowering itself, ropes lowering as well as men in black outfits slid down.

"End of the line. I was hoping to get the kid but you'll do." Sportsmaster said, making Lucas narrow his eyes.

'You don't mean…' he thought, eyeing the people who he recognized as the league of shadows surrounding him.

He recognized them because Evan had warned him not to get involved with them so it made his decision clear.

He turned to Artemis with only one word leaving his mouth. "Run."

With that, they both turned on their heels and shot off, a shout of 'Get him!' echoing behind them.

Artemis didn't have her bow and as much as he'd like to dump the dead weight, she wasn't allowed to die until she fixed Evan. Besides they weren't even after her but it raises the question of why they were after Evan.

His instincts warned him as he peeked backwards, quickly firing a shot at an assassin who jumped in the air with the intent to pounce on him.

The first bullet was blocked but the next one found it's mark in the assassin's chest, sending him down to the ground.

To her credit, Artemis didn't react much at that, simply attempting to run faster. Firing at another approaching assassin, they reached his car, quickly unlocking it and entering.

It only took one try for the engine to start up but just as he was about to drive off, at hand reached out from the backseat.

Before it could go any further, Artemis caught it and pulled the hidden assassin's face into a punch that knocked him out.

"You're not the only one with moves." She commented as he nodded, admittedly impressed.

As he began driving, something felt off but he couldn't put his finger on it. It wasn't until he found himself losing strenght and focus that his eyes widened.

He then remembered the fact that the assassin was hidden in the car. 'Knockout gas!' He thought, hurriedly trying to push the door open.

Lacking the strength, he was unable to as the car hit a pole before dangerously swiveling to a stop. By the time he managed to pry the door open, it was too late and he passed out.


He didn't know how long he was out but he just had one of the most relaxing sleep he'd had in a while.

'Maybe going a few days without food or rest was a bad idea.' He thought as he found himself being shaken awake for some reason.

Groggily opening his eyes, he found himself staring into the eyes of a panicked Felicity.

"What? Felicity, what are you doing?" He asked in confusion, slowly sitting up.

"Lucas has been abducted!" She immediately informed him, causing his body to go still, every sign of grogginess or exhaustion leaving his body.