
DC: Harbinger Of Death

Kayn had reincarnated into a DC Alternate Universe, but unlike other people blessed with reincarnation, Kayn is kidnapped by a mysterious organization, experimented on weekly, but just as he was about to slip in despair, he awakened a Sign-In System. With the rewards in hand, Kayn destroys the experimentation site, taking away all his fellow children, building an organization to help himself survive this unique world, earning the nickname The Harbinger Of Death! Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the DC Characters appearing in this story. MC and other unique characters are my own! Please Leave a Review! This is not serious fanfic. I write this for fun and self-indulgence. This DC Fanfic has elements of Young Justice, Arrowverse and many other DC-Comics. Do not take it seriously please, it's just for fun.

StrikerAuthor · Cómic
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61 Chs

False Promise!

The Next Day!

The night was cloaked in an eerie stillness as Kayn and Violet prepared for their infiltration mission. The neon lights of National City flickered in the distance, a stark contrast to the darkness enveloping the outskirts where their target, the abandoned warehouse, was located.

Kayn and Violet were currently in a sleek black vehicle as they headed towards the warehouse in disguise, having used illusion magic to change their looks.

Kayn's appearance had changed, now with dark black hair, the strands of which fell slightly across his forehead, with sharp, glowing amber eyes and an above average handsome face with a friendly smile.

He was currently dressed in an all-black Adidas form-fitting tracksuit, modified to improve both agility and concealment, while housing secretive recording gadgets.

Kayn was dressed in a black, form-fitting tactical suit, designed for both agility and concealment. The material was lined with a lightweight, reactive armor that provided protection without sacrificing movement. His dark hair was neatly swept back, and his eyes gleamed with a steely determination.

Violet's appearance meanwhile had also changed, with a fair complexion, long flowing blonde hair that reached her waist, vivid, deep blue eyes that are quite sharp with her current serious expression. She wore an outfit similar to Kayn's as well.

As the vehicle moved closer to the abandoned warehouse, Kayn glanced at Violet, his expression resolute, "You ready?"

Violet nodded, her gaze unwavering, "Always."

Soon, the warehouse came into view, a massive, dilapidated structure that loomed over the surrounding area like a sleeping giant. The building was in disrepair, its windows shattered, and its walls covered in graffiti.

They parked the car a safe distance away, and the two of them disembarked, moving swiftly and silently through the shadows. Kayn led the way, his senses on high alert as they approached the warehouse.

Whilst walking towards the warehouse, the duo also marked their surroundings. Normal humans wouldn't be able to sense them, but Kayn could sense at least a dozen malevolent auras surrounding the warehouse, perhaps acting as watchdogs.

Soon, Kayn and Violet neared the warehouse, spotting a member of ORION on the outside at the entrance. Kayn and Violet walked up to the guard, saluting him as was required before entering.

The warehouse was larger than it appeared from the outside, its interior a maze of walkways, staircases, and machinery. The air was heavy with the scent of decay, mingling with the faint odor of chemicals, no doubt from the Forza production process.

Soon, Kayn and Violet entered the main meeting space. It was a large, open space that was filled with people, dozens of them, huddled in groups or nervously standing by themselves.

Some of them were as young as 15, their faces a mix of anxiety and desperation, whilst the oldest was no older than 30, their eyes filled with hollow resignation.

It was obvious their social statuses was also different. Some of them wore luxurious clothes from high-quality brands, whilst others were in ragged clothing, their bodies thin and malnourished.

At the front of the area, a group of men and women in dark uniforms stood in a rigid line. Their postures were stiff, discipline, and they bore a unique insignia on their clothing, a crimson emblem. Their bodies also had a high intensity of Dark Magic, signifying their connection to ORION.

Kayn and Violet naturally split apart. Violet staying more on the perimeter, isolated whilst Kayn moved deeper in, catching snatches of conversations from the crowd.

He shifted his position, moving quietly along the perimeter to get a better view. As he moved, he caught snatches of conversation from the crowd—a mix of fear, confusion, and desperate hope.

"I heard the Forza will make us unstoppable…"

"If we sell enough, they said they'll make us powerful…"

"But at what cost? My brother… he changed after he took it. He's not the same."

As Kayn was listening in, his attention snapped back to the front of the room as one of the ORION soldiers stepped forward, raising his hand to silence the crowd. The murmurs died down, replaced by a tense, expectant silence.

"The Boss will be here soon," the soldier announced, his voice cold and authoritative, amplified by Dark Magic, "When he arrives, you will be given a choice,a chance to change your life, to transcend the weakness that has held you back."

Kayn's eyes narrowed as he focused on the soldier, memorizing every detail. The soldier's gaze swept over the crowd, lingering on the faces of the young men and women who stared back at him with a mixture of hope and fear,

"You are here because you seek something more. And tonight, you will find it. But understand this: there is no going back. Once you take this step, ORION owns you, FOREVER!"

As he finished speaking, an atmosphere of unease spread across the room, the weight of the decision pressing down on everyone. Some of them shuffled nervously, glancing at each other as if seeking reassurance, while others seemed resolute, their eyes filled with a dangerous determination.

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the warehouse grew unbearable. The ORION soldiers remained motionless, their eyes locked on the entrance as they awaited the arrival of their leader.

As the tension in the warehouse reached its peak, the door at the far end creaked open, and a hush fell over the crowd. All eyes turned toward the entrance as a tall, imposing figure stepped into the room, his presence immediately commanding attention.

The man was enormous, towering over everyone in the warehouse with a height that seemed almost unnatural. His broad shoulders and muscular frame were accentuated by the dark, ornate armor he wore, which seemed to absorb the dim light, giving him an almost shadowy appearance.

The armor was intricately designed, with sharp, angular patterns etched into the metal, resembling the jagged lines of lightning. His very presence exuded power and authority, and the air around him seemed to overflow with a malevolent energy.

His face was concealed by a mask, made of gleaming silver, smooth and flawless, reflecting the faint light in the room like a distorted mirror. It covered his entire face, leaving no trace of his features visible.

The mask was emotionless, cold, and inhuman, with no eye holes, only a pair of narrow, slanted slits that hinted at the presence of eyes behind them. 

On top of the mask were a pair of horns, black as night, contrasting sharply with the silver mask as they pulsed with dark energy, giving him an otherworldly, infernal presence.

As the man moved, the ground beneath him seemed to tremble slightly, and the air grew colder, as if the very atmosphere recoiled from his presence. The crowd instinctively shrank back, and split into 2 lines, giving him a walkway.

Even the ORION soldiers, who had stood so confidently before, now seemed uneasy, their disciplined posture faltering ever so slightly.

The man came to a stop at the front of the room, his masked face slowly sweeping over the gathered crowd. His gaze, or whatever lay behind the mask, seemed to pierce through each person, weighing and judging them without a word.

The silence in the warehouse was deafening, the tension almost unbearable as the man's presence dominated the space.

Finally, he spoke, his voice deep and resonant, echoing off the walls like a thunderclap.

"Welcome," he began, his voice a deep, resonant growl that filled the warehouse. It was a voice that seemed to vibrate in the very bones of those who heard it, carrying a weight of authority that was impossible to ignore.

"You are here tonight because you seek something more. Power. Strength. Freedom from the chains that bind you in this world."

He paused, letting his words sink into the minds of those before him. The room was so silent that the faintest breath could be heard. The man's gaze swept over the gathered crowd, his eyes, or whatever lay behind those narrow slits in the mask, seeming to bore into the soul of each person.

"Your presence here," the man continued, "will change your lives. Tonight, you will receive the power you crave, the strength that will elevate you above the weak, above the ordinary. But understand this, you must prove yourselves worthy. You must be willing to sacrifice everything. Only then will you be granted the strength to rise above the weak and the insignificant."

With a sudden, fluid motion, the man raised his hands, his fingers splayed wide. The air around him shimmered for a brief moment, then, a sudden burst of flame erupted from the ground, encircling the entire group in a gigantic ring of fire.

The flames roared to life, crackling and spitting with a fierce intensity, their light casting ominous, dancing shadows across the walls. The crowd gasped, some stepping back in shock, but the flames formed an unbreakable barrier, trapping them all within.

"As long as you follow me," the man said, his voice rising above the roar of the flames, "you will be granted the power you desire. You will rise above the weak, you will dominate, and you will be feared. But," he added, his tone darkening, "betray me, disobey me, and the consequences will be dire."

As if on cue, a low, guttural growl echoed through the warehouse, sending a shiver down the spines of those present. From the shadows, a creature emerged, its form twisted and grotesque.

The monster was hideous, its body hunched and deformed, with jagged claws that scraped the ground and a maw filled with razor-sharp teeth. Its eyes glowed with a sickly yellow light, a reflection of the madness that consumed it.

The creature snarled, its breath ragged as it lunged toward the man. But the man did not flinch. With a swift, almost dismissive motion, he extended one hand toward the beast.

The flames that encircled the crowd surged upward, and a spear of fire shot out from the ring, striking the monster in the chest. The creature let out a bloodcurdling scream as the flames engulfed it, writhing and thrashing in agony.

Within moments, the fire consumed it entirely, leaving nothing but a smoldering pile of ash where it had once stood. The man lowered his hand, the flames receding back into the ground, leaving the room in darkness once more.

His gaze swept over the crowd again, his masked face as unreadable as ever.

"That," he said coldly, "is what happens to those who disobey. To those who think they can defy the power that I offer. Remember this well."

The crowd was deathly silent, the image of the incinerated creature burned into their minds. Fear and awe warred within them, but the promise of power, of rising above the ordinary, was too tempting to resist.

The man let the silence linger for a moment longer before he spoke again, his voice now softer, yet no less commanding. "Now, everyone ready?" 

The question hung in the air, a final challenge to those who dared to stand before him. One by one, the members of the crowd nodded, their fear overridden by the promise of the power he held in his grasp.