

In its present model and state the Failsafe had a 10th level intellect, which was a level higher than that of Batman and 3 levels lower than that of Brainiac 5

It had the computing power to run over 1000 bat computers simultaneously at maximum efficiency should it so require and it could hack its way into any system.

And yet it was surprised when it looked into cell 055, the cell listed within Blackgates systems as belonging to Jason Todd, and found it empty.

The room contained a small bunk, toilet, and a small bench built into the wall on which sat a small collection of books. Judging from the amount of dust build-up and minutely visible foot traffic that the Failsafes scanners picked up as it walked in the cell, picking the lock with a claw, the cell was clearly visible.

Immediately searching through the cell, the Failsafe found more and more signs of life within the cell from everything from small hidden away weapons such as makeshift shivs and Batarangs to the fact that its thermal sensors were still picking up a small and fading heat signature on the bead, indicating that someone had previously been lying in it

He was here earlier today, and now he was gone entirely

Remotely hacking into the camera within the cell, the Failsafe digitally backtracked through its circuitry until it eventually found the data banks and memory storage of the entire cellblock and prison wing. Then it began to watch the recordings at roughly one thousand times the speed.

5 am: Jason Todd wakes up and begins to exercise 

7 am: Jason Todd leaves his cell to then go to the 

9 am: Returns to cell to exercise some more, practice martial arts and read books

11 am: Prison inmates enter his cell, carrying numerous makeshift weapons such as shivs, pipes, and socks filled with rocks

11:30 am: Inmates are carried out of cells by guards as they cannot walk out themselves due to multiple broken legs each

Noon: Jason Todd returns to the mess hall for lunch

3 pm: Jason Todd returns to his cell, his orange jumpsuit once more covered in blood. Records reveal that he attempted to visit Batman but was eventually denied access by the guards for the 23rd time since his imprisonment. He apparently took out his anger on a couple inmates who were in black gate for particularly nasty crimes.

8 pm: Jason Todd lies down in bed and goes to sleep early

10:30 pm: the cameras are digitally looped, as can be seen by Jason Todd taking the exact same breath pattern over and over again

11 pm: The cameras are unlooped, revealing an empty cell

12:09 pm: A black android known as the Failsafe enters the cell

It would appear that Jason Todd had been kidnapped.

Jason Todd did not possess any way to hack cameras without equipment, and all of his known associates from the bat family to his group known as the Outcasts were busy. With the Bat family currently in a state of disarray after learning of Batman's current condition and the Outcasts, comprised of Arsenal, The Jokers Daughter, and Starfire each being busy. Arsenal and Starfire were currently dealing with a small crime syndicate in Mexico, having not yet learned of Jason todds recent incarceration, which he himself had orchestrated in order to meet with Batman, and the Jokers daughter having been once again imprisoned within Arkham Asylum after having a complete catatonic breakdown upon the death of the joker

As well as this, scanners detected minute traces of Chloraphorm on Jason the pillow, minute amounts certainly, little more than a few drops that might drip from a wet cloth, but far more than enough to be detected.

From that point it simply became a matter of algorithm, probability algorithms to determine who, why, and where

Who would want to capture the red hood? Likely a lot of people, but far fewer had the ability or resources to take him from one of the most secure prisons in Gotham without any form of alarms or digital traces

Why would someone want to capture Jason todd? Very few people even knew the Red Hood's identity, such as the criminals from earlier who if they had known would likely have stayed as far away as possible

And finally, where were they

It took precisely 3 minutes and 27.004 seconds to find the answer to these questions, with the question of who taking the majority of the time. As a matter of fact it took far longer than expected, the Failsafe had underestimated the sheer amount of powerful enemies that Red Hood had made in his time as a lethal vigilante, which truly spoke to his skills. 

Nearly all digital records of anything related to the kidnapping or plans of kidnapping Jason had been done preemptively to the snatch and grap, the only reason the Failsafe was able to find semi-concrete evidence of the culprit was due to a variable it had not expected

The paranoia of Blackgate prisons warden.

Blackgate had a total of 2476 cameras within its databanks, 2 more than were listed on the official database and blueprints. One was a simple homemade camera created by a particularly tech-savvy guard, it was simple visual spyware that the pervert had placed within the female inmate wings shower block but the other was far more important.

Likely due to the enhanced paranoia the prison warden possessed, as listed within his psyche evaluation results, the warden had placed a hidden within his office, one not listed on any official documentation, he had also hidden multiple forms of his will and testament in the event of his death for that matter but it hardly mattered in this case

Due to this small and unregistered camera, the Failsafe was able to see a total of 2 minutes of footage of the person responsible for the kidnapping dating a few days back, or at least the most likely culprit according to his prediction algorithms and just plain obvious scheming on their part

It was a short and tense conversation between the warden, a tall and balding man and an African American woman, one whose face was extremely recognisable as the Failsafe watched the warden handing her a file, Jason Todd's file

Amanda Waller, handler of the Suicide squad