
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Cómic
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193 Chs

Chapter 115: Tsunami

"How do you feel after completing the mission?" 

I asked the girls. 

We were currently in one of the best magical taverns in France. Erin learned about it from wizards.

"It's like I've been thrown into a garbage bin..." 

Erin confessed while tasting some drinks made from various "magical" ingredients. 

"I can imagine seeing so much filth, even I would feel uncomfortable." 

I nodded.

"It just demonstrates the darkness in human souls, and people are everywhere. I can name a few names in the Atlas who could pull off something similar."

Winter said. 

"It was a valuable lesson and showed the other side of the coin."

"I'm used to something else and didn't expect such dark sins even because of the influence of that demon... awful. I'm even uncomfortable looking at the professors... although I understand he's not to blame."

Hermione expressed herself.

"This mission was supposed to strengthen us up..." 

Erin mumbled thoughtfully.

Rias Gremory: There are many abominations in the world, so it's important to see the good as well.

After learning that Rias is a devil, I subconsciously started thinking of them less... suspiciously as if they were ordinary people.

"But it all depends on the demon itself and the world." 

Hermione added.

"Rias, by the way... could you please send books from the wizards of your world? I've already studied your seals, but I want to study the basics in more detail."

Rias Gremory: Of course but don't forget about the offer to join my peerage. We're already friends, and this way you'll become even stronger in a short period of time.

"I'll think about it." 

Hermione replied, genuinely contemplative.

"In your world, demons don't differ much from humans physiologically, and the difference must be for you to withstand so much power... maybe it's not a bad idea. However, I'll try to achieve something on my own... I have a couple of ideas for potions and rituals... I need to gather ingredients here."

"Yeah, I've already acquired quite a combination of different products and magical plants with instructions on their care." 

Erin said it with a smile.

"I think I'll easily surpass any cooking from my world with their help!" 

She raised her hand as if declaring her ambition.

"Your cooking is already the best." 

I simply said, and Erin shyly looked away.

"Anthony... are you ready to stand against the gods of my world?"

Winter asked a serious question.

"Are you already eager to deal with them?" 

I chuckled, and Winter nodded seriously.

"Perhaps they influence my world just like this demon does... my sister. I wouldn't say a word against them if they were friendly. But considering their past actions..."

"I understand... give me a few days, and I'll come to you."

I nodded to her and understood her concern.

We finished the mission for good that night, which meant returning to our own worlds. 

Then, I used teleportation through Gacha to return to my world.

"Master, you're back quickly this time."

Cortana's voice came from the speakers in my office.

"It wasn't difficult there, and there was no point in staying long."

Hermione Granger: I received twenty thousand Chat Points! For additional missions and hidden ones! 

Winter Schnee: I also have twenty thousand, which is quite strange. 

Erina Nakiri: I also have twenty thousand for fighting and assisting the Chosen One and much more! 

Hermione Granger: I was given five thousand immediately for becoming the Goblin Queen... 

Winter Schnee: Also for attempting to disrupt the ritual to revive the Demon.

"Hmm, looks like they're pleased." 

I chuckled.

They clearly deserved such rewards for all these days spent in that world.

While the girls were on a mission in another world, I wasn't just sitting idle. 

After all, I recently became the Demon's Head.

Ra's al Ghul... realized that I didn't have much affection for them and it was clear that I alone could destroy them all on this island. 

Then he stepped back and passed his title to me to recognize me as more worthy... he didn't even bother to fight me.

After that, Talia became my right hand controlling these assassins. 

I had to wear clothes for them as they had only been using daggers and swords until now which didn't work very well after the gunfire. 

As soon as I returned to the LuthorCorp building, I was greeted by this sexy assassin.

"Ra's al Ghul." 

She knelt, and she stood up after nodding. 

I specifically created a suit made of nanorobots to emphasize her beauty... it's strange that she fell in love with me when I saved her from Ebenezer Dark.

She still greatly respected me for my strength and demonstrated cruelty when I executed many assassins in their hideout...

"So, what can you tell me, Talia?"

I asked her while approaching the mini-fridge where there were supplies of delicious cocktails made by Erina.

"We found another lead leading to Athens. There are some of the leaders of terrorist groups that come there that are responsible for frequent attacks in Asian countries and parts of Europe."

"Athens? That's... quite a fitting place. Anything else important?"

"The assassins continue to follow your orders and rid the world of people from the list... they've been particularly eager to deal with child traffickers."

She said and was glad that in some sense I continued her father's work... and protecting the planet and humanity.

"Master, a tsunami is heading for part of the East Coast of the USA. The tsunami has been rated at five points, and significant destruction will extend up to four hundred kilometers."

"A tsunami?"

I frowned unpleasantly. 

Natural disasters don't just happen without a significant reason behind in this world... and I suspect there might be something behind this.

"Alright, Talia, thanks for the report. You can stay here for now. My office and the room are at your disposal, but I need to deal with this problem." 

I told her who heard that the East Coast would soon be in trouble... and a twenty-meter wave didn't indicate well.

Especially since it was increasing, it would be at least twenty-seven meters by the time it reached the shore.

The tsunami appeared quite unexpectedly, but it had already caused panic in the USA especially in cities like New York... and Atlantic City where a LutherCorp building was located.


Lena contacted me.

"Did you hear about the tsunami? Cortana said she passed the information to you."

"Yeah, I'm looking at it right now... I think an ordinary person would be scared to death." 

I replied. 

I was hovering over New York right now, and the enormous wave from there was perfectly visible.

"Can you handle it?"

"Are you doubting me?" 

I countered with a question.

"No... then good luck, and be home by evening. I'll prepare a gift for you for saving many lives and our branch..."

I heard her blow me a kiss, and then she disconnected.

"You decided to check out the tsunami?" 

I looked at Superman, who flew in when he heard about the approaching disaster to see it for himself and noticed me.

"What are we going to do?"

He immediately got down to business with concern.

"Well, we still have about ten minutes." 

I shrugged, and soon Kara joined us.

"We need to stop this! "

She exclaimed that she has been doing a lot of heroic deeds lately alongside Diana or Shinoa.

They rushed towards the tsunami and began freezing the waves with their breath. They managed to freeze kilometers of the tsunami... but this wasn't an ordinary wave. 

It was infused with magic and the ice melted quickly, and the wave only grew larger. 

I could feel that the wave was being fueled as if by the world itself with its mystical energy... which was highly suspicious.

"Tony, what do we do?!" 

Kara appeared beside me, and her actions only made things worse once again...

"The tsunami is sustained by magic, and stopping it won't be that simple. However, I'll give you extra points for trying." 

I gave them a thumbs up.

"Aren't there a few Archmages? You mentioned them, and they will help?"

Kara asked.

"Those lazy ones don't intervene when they know someone will step in... they're always like this. They start acting when everything has already gone terribly wrong. However, I'm curious who's clever enough to decide to flood the land... and I have the main suspects for that."

"First, we need to deal with the tsunami."

Superman added. 

"Maybe... hit it?


Supergirl and I looked at him quite expressively, and he decided to stay silent.

"Whoever took control of the water is either an amateur or recently acquired such power."

My eyes lit up brighter with a golden hue, and I tapped into the Blue, the dimension connecting and permeating all aquatic flora and elements of aquatic themes in the Universe.

Archmages are perfectly capable of drawing power directly from elemental forces, but it's not that easy, and the degree of control depends on compatibility. 

I couldn't immediately take control of the massive tsunami, which stretched a third of the Eastern Seaboard, but I managed to calm it down and reduce the force influencing it... and once again, I felt that its source was beneath the ocean. 

The tsunami began to shrink before our eyes, and it was only six meters high when it reached the shore... still considerable. 

Still, I dealt with it using my power and magic. 

Meanwhile, Clark and Kara helped in remote areas by simply freezing the waves. 

It was now working just fine.

It seems it's time to visit the Atlanteans, but there's no point in standing on the sidelines.



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