

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

nearly dying [chapter 13]

Reacting quickly, Cain dodged the creature's swinging arm by executing a series of acrobatic flips. He summoned an ethereal blade, casting the spell for an "Arcane Blade. 1" Cain counted the mana charges he used, being cautious not to exhaust his resources too quickly.

The demon recovered from its miss and charged at Cain again. With precision and skill, Cain conjured up another arcane blade and aimed for the creature's head. Despite its incredible speed which allowed it to dodge the attack that was aimed at its neck, it wasn't fast enough to completely dodge as the demon's left arm was severed in the attack.

The creature retaliated with a lightning-fast punch, and Cain reacted just in time, using "Short Warp" to teleport behind the demon, avoiding the attack. He conjured another "Arcane Blade" and this time wielded it, engaging in close combat.

"Three more to go," Cain thought as he focused on maintaining his spells and counting his mana charges. The creature's movements were swift and unpredictable, but Cain managed to land a few powerful strikes, causing it to dodge more carefully.

Seeing an opening, the demon launched another attack, and Cain took the opportunity to use "Magic Shield" to protect himself. The invisible sphere appeared and shattered upon taking the demon's strike. Cain planned this, and as the demon was distracted by the shield, he conjured his fifth "Arcane Blade" and wielded it.

With a precise and swift movement, Cain severed the creature's head, vanquishing the demon. It disappeared into nothingness, leaving behind a stream of energy that flowed into Cain's palm. The strange symbol on his hand glowed briefly before dimming.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief, Cain looked around at the normal people who were oblivious to the battle he had just fought. Reality seemed to be restored around him, and he calmly walked among the crowd, concealing the extraordinary events that had just unfolded.

"How is that for my first demon encounter and fight?" Cain asked himself, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity about the mysterious artifact he had been tasked to deliver. Despite the strange and dangerous encounter, Cain remained composed and focused on his mission.

[Name: Cain O'Brien]

[Level: 7 (30/700)]

[Spell-Points: 1]

[Mana-Charge: 7/7 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified; charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect ranged attacks, but it can only deflect 2 attacks, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Arcane-Blade: An ethereal blade is summoned and launched at high speeds against the target, rank 1 (1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Short-Warp: You jaunt through space for a short distance (150 meters), rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge]

"Oh, guess it safe to assume that killing demons gives a large amount of exp, or is it just killing things?" Cain pondered as he walked, as he headed out of the airport before purchasing another spell of course, "Well, why the hell not" he smiled as he stared at the floating screen.

[Name: Cain O'Brien]

[Level: 7 (30/700)]

[Spell-Points: ]

[Mana-Charge: 7/7 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified; charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect ranged attacks, but it can only deflect 2 attacks, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Arcane-Blade: An ethereal blade is summoned and launched at high speeds against the target, rank 1 (1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Short-Warp: You jaunt through space for a short distance (150 meters), rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Almighty Strike: You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centered on you, knocking away enemies and rendering them disoriented. rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )]

-scene change-

Amidst the dark and stormy skies, the commercial plane soared at high altitude, battling against thunder and lightning. In the 34th window of the aircraft, a lone figure could be seen, his gaze fixed on his glowing palm. This figure was Cain, who had left London after delivering the mysterious artifact to the museum.

Frustration creased his brow as he murmured, "This thing is like a damn well. This is the fourth time I've fed it my entire charge reserve, and there is nothing." His palm displayed strange symbols, indicating the connection with some enigmatic force.

Before Cain could finish his sentence, his attention was diverted by a chilling sight from the corner of his eyes. Peering through the window, he beheld a monstrous maw of an unearthly mouth. Instantly, he reacted, summoning his spell, "Short Warp!" But realization hit him like a bolt of lightning - he was inside a plane, and using magic in such close quarters was a grave mistake.

The next moment, Cain found himself adjacent to the window, colliding head-first with the glass, which momentarily knocked him out. As he regained consciousness, the howling wind and disorientation greeted him. Desperately trying to steady himself, he chanted, "Relax, relax," until he regained his bearings. But another revelation struck him - he was dangerously close to the ground. Acting swiftly, he employed his spell again, "Short Warp!" and teleported away from the imminent danger.

However, he materialized near a cliff's edge, and without a moment's reprieve, he rolled over to prevent an unfortunate plunge. Cain repeated the spell, using three mana charges this time to slow down his descent. Eventually, he crashed into the side of a mountain, wincing in pain. As he lay on his back, he gazed at the unnaturally blue sky, bewildered and disoriented.

Surveying his surroundings, he found himself in a rugged, mountainous area, with incessant thunder echoing in the air. His hands, once familiar and agile from years of thievery, now bore a peculiar mark. An intricate tattoo adorned his palms, featuring a large circle at the top surrounded by a crescent shape, resembling the sun and moon. The intricate patterns extended to his fingers.

As electricity surged through the tattoo, Cain was taken aback. "What the hell happened?" he pondered, watching the tattoo fade away as his hands returned to their normal state.

Feeling a mix of confusion and urgency, Cain wondered, "Where the hell am I?" He sat up, trying to comprehend the bizarre turn of events. The thunder continued to rumble, and the strange symbol on his palm lingered in his thoughts, leaving him with more questions than answers.


well it wouldn't be a lythan fanfic without travel through the alternative universe, would it?