

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

morana and striga (chapter 37)

In the middle of the night, at the heart of a dense forest where moonlight struggled to pierce through the thick canopy, a small pond lay in a quiet clearing. The surface tension of the water shattered as Cain emerged, his long black hair clinging to his body after the refreshing bath. His bare form braved the cool night wind, savoring a well-deserved moment of tranquility. "It's nice not to have a night creature burst out of the water when I'm taking a bath," he mused, diving once again and resurfacing a few moments later, spitting out the water. "Well, Striga, you were right; there is a nice surprise here."

Suddenly, the sound of wind whooshing caught his ears, and a voice emerged. Turning around, he beheld a woman with long ears, tan skin, brown hair, and two large gold earrings—evidently of Indian heritage, her fangs glistening. "I am surprised why a livestock would be here, Morana," said another voice with a Russian accent, belonging to a vampire woman with a large build, wild black hair, and ash-grey skin. As Cain recovered from the initial surprise, he shrugged, thinking, "I let my guard down. Maybe the bath is too relaxing." Continuing, "Oh, wow, I have never seen livestock this ignorant, to even ignore us," Morana quipped, appearing in front of Cain without stepping into the pond. "Maybe he thinks of us as ordinary livestock, woman," Striga added, prompting a sigh from Cain.

"Why are none of these vampires ever quiet? If you are going to drink someone's blood, then do it and get it over with. why the pointless talk?," Cain grumbled to himself, but the vampires heard him. Morana burst into laughter, "Oh, this livestock amuses me. I expected him to quiver in fear like all other pigs. Maybe there is a certain enjoyment in this trip of ours," she said, leaning against a tree, while Striga frowned. "He is comfortable, despite knowing that we can break his neck in a matter of seconds," Striga said, drawing Morana's attention.

"Maybe he is that butcher who has been going around killing vampire lords," Morana speculated, becoming vigilant. "Camila would love him. Maybe we should turn him?" suggested Striga as both circled Cain, who continued his bath. "Well, he is pleasing to the eye, more than Lenore's pet, that forge master. Who knows, he might have constructed that stupid hammer of his. We could start producing more night creatures," Morana said, capturing Cain's attention.

"Is that how night creatures are made?" Cain asked as he walked out of the pond, drawing the attention of the two vampire women, granting them a sight only Diana had the pleasure of seeing. The vampires found it amusing. "Maybe we should get our own pet," Striga suggested as Cain sighed, "Guess I'll have to rip the answer out of you," he declared, summoning his clothes to put on. "Striga, darling, why don't you put that livestock in his place?" Morana proposed as Striga smiled.

"You didn't have to tell me that," Striga replied, launching herself towards Cain. However, Cain accelerated, slowing down the vampire woman and allowing him to transform into a hybrid dragon form. He delivered a gut punch, sending Striga flying and breaking several trees. Morana stared at where Striga had been before turning to Cain, who was already in front of her. He punched down into the ground.

"Morana!" yelled Striga as she was thrown back. Cain released Morana before launching himself towards Striga, their fists colliding in a shockwave. "Die, human!" Morana exclaimed, aiming to stab Cain in the back with her sharp claws. Another Cain appeared, conjuring up a portal that absorbed Morana's strike before the duplicate stomped, sending a shockwave that pushed the two vampires back. "Human sorcerer," Striga remarked, a look of recognition crossing her face. "So, you really are the butcher," she said as both vampires tensed.

"Fuck," Morana cursed as the duplicate spun around Cain, leaving ice in a 360-degree circle around them. The vampires, seeing the ice expand, jumped back. Suddenly, they were pushed to the ground as if gravity had multiplied, while also being burned and impaled by spikes of ice. The duplicate cast Arcane Blade before beheading the vampires. that is when a group of armored vampires appeared. "Alright, deal with them, would you? Also, try to get some information about their base," Cain instructed the duplicate before disappearing from the pond.

-Scene Change-

In the heart of the woods, where moonlight struggled to penetrate the thick canopy, Cain walked toward Styria. The skeletal remains of a creature lay trapped in large spider webs, visible in the occasional gaps between leaves. The night was shrouded in darkness, with only slivers of moonlight guiding Cain's path. The skeleton in the webs added an eerie touch to the atmosphere.

"The castle shouldn't be far from here," he thought, determined to finish the job. *WOOSH* A shadow moved between the trees as Cain summoned three arcane blades. A green ball of light hurtled toward him, splashing against his shield. The sizzling light spilled over the shield and fell to the ground. Cain turned to see an abomination—an amalgamation of spider and human parts—releasing acid balls. Cain summoned another shield, deflecting the acid back at the creature. He then controlled the arcane blades to dismantle the creature's limbs and neck. "That was disgusting," he grumbled before moving on.

-Scene Change-

Built atop a snowy mountain, an impressive castle stood adorned with well-maintained decor. Behind its large gate, fountains added to the grandeur. Yet, an unusual amount of curtains shielded the fortress from sunlight. In one of the many rooms, two guards in silver and black armor stood by a man with ash-grey hair. The man, wearing a well-designed robe, observed a corpse on a stone table, an arrow sticking through its head.

"Seriously, didn't you consider taking the arrow out before bringing him here?" the man asked a woman with bright brown hair and rosy cheeks. Her big, innocent eyes matched the color of her hair, creating a striking contrast with her petite body. "Just pull the arrow out, Hector," the woman replied. "You can't just pull it out; the barbs on the arrowhead will tear apart the flesh if you yank it out, Lanora," he explained. He picked up a hammer and struck the table, each blow making the hammer shine brighter. On the third hit, blue light entered through the corpse's eyes and mouth, transforming it into a night creature.


A/N guess what happens in the next chapter:

A: cain alone enters the fortress and slaughters everyone with summon any duplicate or tank

B: cain summons every duplicate available and watches as they decimate the entire fortress

C: None of the above (what do you think happens).